It is impossible to make a precise middle click with a button placed inside of a scroll wheel

It is impossible to make a precise middle click with a button placed inside of a scroll wheel.


Why do you need your middle click to be precise? What does that even mean?

click on a link, open in a new tab.

try it. it's fucking impossible to do... as soon as you start clicking, mouse moves away.

What the fuck are you on about

Don't buy shitty mice. No problems on g401, i'm glad i fell for that meme.

works for me

I have literally never had this problem with any mouse I have ever used. I can middle click perfectly accurately. I hope they find a cure for Parkinson's for you soon.

did i just get trolled?

pressing in the center of the mouse is the least likely place to move the mouse


having another episode, terry?

You're literally the only person with this problem.
Get some body control, you autist.

Middle mouse buttons use rotary encoders with a generous space in between `rotations'. To trigger the rotary encoder to send a signal to middle mouse up or down while pressing down on the button requires serious Parkinsons.

How do you guys do it? What's the trick? As soon as I start pressing the wheel, cursor moves either up or down. It's impossible to keep it still.

Check my trips faggots

lmao, op is a handlet

Don't shake your hand around like a retard? We can't explain how to do it because we're not doing anything. It's not like there's a secret trick to it that you're not privy to.

you gotta claim them in the same post, you fucking newfag retard.

Get your parkinson's checked out grandpa

>find the point on the wheel where you can press directly downward
>change your grip until you are pressing directly downward in your resting position

I press with the last joint of my middle finger but there's nothing stopping me from using the bone on either side

Stop having Parkinsons, faggot.

I;m not shaking my hand. Mouse itself is pretty fucking still but when I begin to press down, it does move like 5-10 pixels which is enough to movie it off a link.

I'm 20.

That's actually helpful. I was pressing from the side closest to the top ledge but maybe it's better to press on the center of the wheel itself. However, it;s much harder to push it down from there.

Then you've got Parkinsons or like the beginning of ALS or some shit.

The wheel itself moves. How on earth could you press that wheel, that easily moves, down without it actually moving even a pixel up or down? It's impossible.

Its easy for everyone else. Unless your scroll wheel is fucked up/so loose it'll spin freely, its not an issue.

Get a mouse with a wheel that actually clicks at each step rather than a free-spinning wheel?

Yeah, my mouse wheel spins freely. I can't stand those ratchety wheels and can't understand why anyone would prefer them since you can't scroll a whole page in under a second like you can with free-spin one.

I think I'll just have to live without a middle click.

Anyway, wheel in question is pic related.

Why don't you have a mouse which can do both, if you so desperately want a free spinning one?

You know there are mice that can swap between free spinning and clicking? And clicking can scroll almost as fast - what are you going to do with the extra 40 milliseconds you gained?

>since you can't scroll a whole page in under a second like you can with free-spin one.
either pretty home/end on the keyboard
or press middle mouse to bring up the autoscroll and move you mouse to the opposite side of the screen

I have that mouse at work and I agree that it is hard to middle click without scrolling when it's in free spinning mode. You can also not scroll precise that way. That's why I don't put it in free spinning mode.

I don't think I've ever accidentally scrolled while middle clicking.

>can't understand why anyone would prefer them

They prevent threads like this

>falls for free spinning wheel meme
>complains when it hinders other mouse function

Works on my gamer-grade Razer Deathadder 3.5G 3500DPI ergonomic mouse :)

are you a manchild?

Just bind it to another key like I did.

I think I lost brain cells reading this thread.

Brain cells that could have cured Parkinsons.

>since you can't scroll a whole page in under a second like you can with free-spin one.
Why make a compromise when you can have both ratcheting and free spinning ?

What a retarded thread

OP you should take a look into metal mouse wheels. They tend to have less mousemovement issues when being pushed down.

maybe you should stop using a shitty mouse

Maybe your finger muscles have atrophied to the point where you can't middle click without clinching your entire hand.

Get a grip and exercise those fingers.

I feel ya, OP

Middle button is retarded, just bind it to a side button

maybe the problem is you, because no one else has any issues

cia nigger

i guess you're a no-fun that doesnt play games

you have a shitty mouse. my trusty mx518 doesn't budge when i try to click it, but scrolls like it should.

I have a free spinning wheel and I can't say I have the problem where it is impossible to middle click precisely.

You do fuck up sometimes, but not that often.

Not only is this the best mousewheel I've ever used, but it acts as a perfect button as well. Never let me down, doesn't take too much force to press and there's a distinct feedback.

Everyone else is getting it wrong for some reason.