/tpg/ - ThinkPad General

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Other business laptops are also welcome in /tpg/ (e.g. Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook).
If you're looking for purchase advice, READ THE BUYERS GUIDE FIRST. Then post, stating budget and requirements (e.g. size and performance).
Don't buy anything OTHER THAN T, X AND W/P SERIES if you want the Real ThinkPad Experience™

Recommended models:
T420 - 14", normal size
X220 - 12.5", ultraportable
Why ThinkPad? (also applies to other business laptops)
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap.
>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet.
>Great durability: chassis uses a magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels.
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models.
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop.
>Easy to repair, upgrade and maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model. Spare parts are easy and cheap to obtain.
>The best trackpoint (that red thing in the middle of the keyboard). Great for those who type a lot or hate swiping their fingers all over a touchpad.
>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support.
Used ThinkPad buyers guide:

xsauc buyers guide:

EPP discount for new ThinkPads (USA & Canada only, usually 15%+ off):

Helpful links and resources (Wiki, lookup tools and wallpapers):

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no X320

Is the W700ds actually practical or just cool

It's a 17" so you're not going to want to be moving it around much, which means it's not much of a stretch to say you'd be able to just use an external monitor with it in most situations which is going to be more practical.

That said if you don't really need much secondary screen space it'd be pretty sweet just as a convenient spot to hold windows for stuff like IRC or media players. If you really wanted something like it though you'd probably be better off just buying small phone/tablet screen + controller that can be powered off USB, then making a mount to fit onto the corner of a laptop. That'd give you a much better screen and compatibility with anything so you don't have to deal with an outdated and bulky laptop.


I stumbled upon this listing for a panel that seems to match the one on the W540 and later, and they make mention the W530 - has anyone actually tried putting a panel like this in a W530? I can't find anything on google so I assume either the listing is wrong, or just chinks having experimented more with modding.

I just came to this thread to ask about it.
surely somebody here has one of the 51nb mods, right?
x62, x320/30, t70?
they re still out of stock or is there a way to get them?

is there a thinkpad that's actually good looking? these machines look like they are from the 1980s

>muh a e s t h e t i c s
go buy a macbook fag

This is what we call "good looking" dude. What's your problem ?

Hey guys
I have an T60p whose screen backlight flickers and turns off after a while. What can i do?

Headphone sound quality on my x230 is terrible, it's all distorted. What do.

Replace the screen.

Is there another cheaper method?
Because if not, i just saw a T420 for like 100 bucks.

Yes, opening it up and replacing backlight manually.

I'd check that power is reliably making it to the backlight before assuming that's what's broken, but ultimately is probably what it'll come down to. Might be a good chance to upgrade to an LED backlight as well.

If you're not too attached to your T60p then the T420 is going to be a solid upgrade anyway.

why are you mad?

Why so many people fall for the autistic cube meme? It's confirmed as shit for countless times and you anons still fall for it.

why are T440s so cheap in Seppoland? They're basically nonexsistant here in straya

Prices are determined by quantity available. I guess American companies can just afford to replace equipment more often so the market is starting to get lots of second hand ones sooner.

Since T430/s are cheap in Australia now, maybe in a year or so the 40's will start becoming affordable, though they don't really offer many advantages over the 30's anyway due to the ultralow power CPU meme.

goddamn rich cunts
leaning more towards an X220 right now anyway

Um... I kind of want to fix this T60p, its my first ThinkPad and all and i just dont want to throw it away. Is there any safe place where i can buy the backlights? I will replace them myself.

I'm thinking about getting a X220 for my CS course. Is it alright?

The battery will probably be shit unless you dont mind buying a new one or carrying a charger

is alright

Same situation, but also a second question. Is $189 a good price for a x220 with a 2350m?

I'll make sure the battery is alright before buying.
What about the X230? Besides programming, I'll probably watch some chinese cartoons when doing nothing.

its basically the same thing without the meme keyboard

You'll be fine unless you use to have 50 tabs open on your browser like programmers do.

If it's second hand then you should assume that the battery is at risk of being shit, there's not much you can do about it really.

X230 will be an advantage over the X220 in that you might get some advantages in regards to the processor which would make a decent difference if you're regularly compiling shit. Of course with an X series the actual CPU you get isn't all that flexible so a good X220 will still have an advantage there. The X230 also has a chicklet keyboard. Whether or not the classic keyboard is largely personal preference though.

If you want to use it to watch shit then the X series isn't really known for screen quality. At the very least keep an eye out for one with an IPS screen.

I actually have more than 80 tabs open right now in my desktop. It's mostly weebshit, so I'll probably not do the same on the laptop.

A complete answer, thanks. I guess for me the only relevant difference is the keyboard. I had an old T60 some years ago and I really liked the meme keyboard.

I guess I'll go with the X220 if I find one with a decent/new battery. Otherwise, I'll just get the X230.

Yeah posted mine here yesterday. Basically they're having a lot of trouble getting more xps13 panels. Took them about 5 months to get mine. I don't expect them to do another run, they're already having a lot of trouble fulfilling they're original 20 orders.

I have an year old (since its mine, its 2012 production) x220 that was almost brand new as in cosmetics and no signs of any abuse. It's great machine and everything, best keyboard too.

For a solid 6-7 months it ran really light debian dist with idle temps of 32-38 C and highest temp was 72 or so.

But now it runs idle for 39-48 at times gets to 36 max, and at times when watching 1080p youtube stuff it gets up to 75 even 80 for a second or two...

>Is it the thermal paste ?
>Is it just dust in the fan ?
>Is it hard to clean the fan and/or repaste it ?
>Any videos/instructions how to do it ?
>Anyone have done it before ?

Should I bother ? I am sure it won't die for another six months at least, and by that time I am planning in getting x230 with backlid keyboard, or its not better than x220 ?

should have asked the archives, I see the mistake.
how did you contact them? through 51nb or the reddit thread?

>I don't expect them to do another run
dont crush my hopes

open it and check the fan. it is relatively easy to open.
repasting isnt that hard but you should consult some tutorial videos beforehands. they are all over youtube.

Do I really need JIS drivers to replace my screen

Also should I try to get just the screen or the housing too

I wince every time I see it. The design is sooo ugly. But each to their own.

Made a reddit account pretty much exclusively to get it, although it looks like you can contact them through facebook. Pretty much contacted the OP in this thread.


Anyone bought from refurb.io? I heard they did shady shit like claiming water damage and not honoring their 1 year warranty. If I pay with paypal I should be safe?

Any anons with an X250? My X201 is functionally useless now, and the motherboard replacement was an improper part listing (X201T, not X201S). What are some of the common pitfalls with an X250?

Did a fresh install on my T420s, I've also bought a new genuine for it and can't seem to get over 3 hours on a full charge. Any tips? I do remember it being over 5 hours when I originally got it 5 years ago on the regular battery. This one is a 6 cell 81+

Boot into a Linux LiveCD. I'll give instructions for Ubuntu/Debian.
>sudo apt install acpi
>acpi -i
This will give you both the current % and the wear that the battery has on it in % of the total rated charge.
Otherwise, there's nothing you can really do to increase battery life on Windows.


>design capacity: 42
>full charge capacity: 39.93
>only a ~2 Wh difference
something's fucky
wait, have you let Windows Update install all updates/disabled it? On fresh installs it chews CPU and I/O like crazy for days on end if you set it to "automatic updates."

Could also be the DGPU (Nvidia), those chew battery like crazy; if you can force it to use the iGPU instead of the Nvidia one, do that and disable the DGPU as best you can, it'll lower your power consumption by a lot.

Just bought a T430 - what am I in for?

Should I absolutely get a T420 with an i5 2520M or will one with a i5 2450M suffice? The only real difference appears to be .1 GHz more Turbo Boost on the former model.


Don't feed it after midnight

Ordered the basic motherboard. Received the one with Nvidia. What now?

yeah could be the GPU it's at 40% right now I'll turn it off once I reach full charge

Virtualization features are enabled on the i5 2520 and disabled on the 2450. I would recommend going for the 2520, even if you don't do VM stuff, just in case you want to try it in the future.

i'm expecting my t430s tomorrow, compared the specs to my wife's i5 4200u - it was like 6.9 vs 7 in every chart.

so, what kind of battery life should i expect ? Someone here has to have one as a daily driver :)

Thanks for your response. I've got a decent desktop to do anything VM related on, so I don't think the absence of virtualisation features on a five years old laptop matters all that much.

>battery life

Uh you did buy an ultrabay battery right user?

not yet, still haven't received it.

is it normal for the ac adapter(levono 90w 20v) to become hot? By hot I mean it could anytime soon burn through my desk.

it goes pretty hot sometimes

i think i got your point, should I sell it and buy a t430 instead ? damn, i wanted something more mobile...

Okay, I've got a mid-2011 memebook ayyr, and am wanting a new laptop. I'm currently contemplating something similar to the following specs;
>quad core i5/i7 or something
>maybe 2.4GHz+
>6-16GB ram
>between 900p and 1440p
>between 13-15 inches
Plan on doing some video editing/rendering and a tad bit of photoshop work, as well as watching my korean cat massaging tutorials while nodding off to sleep.

Nah ull be fine after you get the ultrabay I think. Just try it out and if it works for you keep it, if you want a little bit more grab like an x230

but i'm curious - what should I expect by default without the ultrabay ?

btw those fuckers are expensive as fuck, 50% of the laptop for such small device


>4GB ram
>120gb ssd
>very good condition
>180 euro
>inb4 resolution
I'm pretty satisfied with it. Did I do good?

I'm not entierly sure as i've never owned and s series thinkpad. Think I read t430s with an ultrabay is about or a little under a regular t430

Seems expensive, but i've heard Thinkpads are more expensive in Europe rather than the US. Consider replacing the display and adding another ram stick.

Is there the "EPP" discount for Dell/HP too?

if it's anywhere near pic related i would be happy, anything more than my t410 would be awesome :)

Yeah, I was surprised to find out that ThinkPads are a bit more expensive here compared to US.
I'll surely buy a stick but I'm not sure about the display. If it bothers me enough, i'll change it...

yea they are, here in east 3rd wolrd country called Slovakia, I got mine for 240€ without taxes
i7 3520M
TN display
500GB 7,2HDD
9cell battery with little as 3% wear
win 10 home licence

just got SSD and installed Mint

True. Generally speaking, if you buy a used ThinkPad in Europe, it'll cost you maybe $40 more than in the US.

the ultrabay battery is expensive and quite rare

If it's an X series, great.
If it's a T series, you fucked up with the resolution

Jesus fuck that is gorgeous.

Anyone have experience buying from a corporate Microsoft Certified Refurbisher? I have a discount at BlairTG through my work, and I'm eyeing a T510 they have for $200. I'm really just worried about getting one with a BIOS lock, I'm not sure if they would check for me.

Still got a week for my Thinkpad to come in, pretty much all the way on the other side of the country. From New Hampshire to San Diego. Hopefully no delays from a blizzard or two.

Never owned a laptop. I hope the T420 isn't just a meme and is pretty decent.

>T510 they have for $200
I hope you're getting a substantial discount, you can get a well-specced T420 at that price. The differences between a T510 and anything newer are going to be well worth it.

is a x300 in good condition with 1 dead pixel worth picking up for 50$?

The better screen on the T510 is well worth the performance difference between it and a T420. A T520 would be a straight upgrade, but they're usually more expensive.

Opinions on a thinkpad 13 for a lightweight option with great batterylife?


There was an user here who was getting an x220 tablet and was going to put linux on it, they told me they would report back how well the driver support on linux was compared to the lenovo drivers for windows.

Are you lurking user, did you find out? I'd like to know before I go out and buy my own.

Pic unrelated, just to catch attention.

You can buy a T520 and a separate FHD screen for it for $200. If you just wanted a facebook machine and it was a fair bit cheaper than that then the T510 might make sense.

This isn't thinkpad specific, but does anyone know what kind of stand is being used here?

My Dell shittop is about to crap out any day now and I'm preparing to get a X1 carbon or similar.
Question is, my SSD is encrypted, at least the home folder is, so how much trouble will it be to move my stuff over?

Forgot to mention I'm on Ubuntu

How do you measure battery wear?

Not sure but it looks like a book stand like you'd use for a cookbook

wasted on a fucking weeb

Didnt measure it myself. I guess colleagues at work can do it for me. Just after draining and recharging few times, it is just what software told me.

yeah most likely, they are quite hard to come by

I'm going to need a cheap laptop starting this September and I'm sure an X220/T420 will do the job. Question is, shall I buy one now or wait a little longer for the prices to drop more? I live in Europe and prices for decent T420s hover around €200.

would i be able to get decent money for my 2 thinkpads
I have a t430s in decent condition
i5 3320m
8gb ram
180gb ssd
and an x230 with x220 keyboard
new 9 cell
16gb of ram
275gb ssd
IPS display
thinking about selling both and trading up to something newer as much as i love these my main issue with them is the battery life and the screen resolution....

>prt scr

What 3d shooters can I play on my x201 lads? Will GTA San Adreas run on it? What about Age of Empires 3?

Worse build quality (subjectively), single channel RAM, higher price, worse keyboard (again, subjectively).

X220t is wacom right? The wacom panel on my x60t works nicely with xubuntu.

Are these cheap chink SSDs decent enough? I mean obviously they won't match an 850 EVO on speed but are they going to be especially unreliable and have pathetic write endurance?

Are there zip files of all the drivers I need for my thinkpad?
>Machine type 4284

harddrives are the only thing im not willing to cheap out on

Why bother? You can pay about twice as much for a 2.5" or three times as much for an mSATA, that will be of a reputable brand, be 120gb and thus better value, as well as being significantly faster. The idea of having a small SSD just for your OS sounds nice but in practice anything small is shit and overpriced.

Got a x220 Tablet. Are chink batteries good enough or should I go for a Used/Refurbished genuine battery?

There's a 1 in 1 million chance it'll randomly explode

It should run both of those..

I just scored an X201 with 8GB ram, i5, 9 cell battery for $120. So stoked.