Please don't tell me guests can actually see your cables

please don't tell me guests can actually see your cables

Vanity is a sin

I never have guests


Please don't tell me you think anyone will be impressed with your IKEA showroom

I have cables going everywhere and I have nothing against it.

this desu senpai

The MacBook Pro retina with touchpad doesn't have this problem


i live in a single room apt and about half of the room is computers or synths so yes, there are cables

>putting his tv on a stand on a wallmounted cabinet
>cabinet already warping under the weight of the tv

Enjoy your broken tv senpai

>interior design to impress your "friends"
If you're happy, whatever man. I'm happy with my wife and my dog. I only hide cables and go full autistic for my own enjoyment.

I'm 100% sure the wall behind is some kind of ventilated surface with aluminium beams support, you can't go much safer than that

who gives a shit?

I don't live on a home decoration magazine
I move shit around all the time

Embrace them

This. Wires are fine as long as they are at least sort of tidy. It is like saying everyone should shave their heads, since when you wake up your hair is messy. Just put in some damn work and it will look nice.

>desk has a PC, Xbox, Monitor, speakers router, and lamp
>With phone charger the surge protector is maxed out
>DP for PC, HDMI for Xbox
>Subwoofer for PC speakers
>USB powered speakers for Xbox; sound cable goes through aux jack on monitor from HDMI audio (no monitor speakers)
>Keyboard, mouse, and controller all also connect to xim4
>External HDD sitting on top of tower

It's a Frankenstein masterpiece how all of this shit works, and easily too


>giving a fuck about what other people think


Where does electric hose go on TV? It's not plugged in?

there is likely a hole in the wall with the wires fed through

Step yo game up senpai.

>he owns a tv

Cables are not particularly offensive to the senses.
I don't understand the obsession

That looks distracting.

I hate cables. Why are they such a fucking pain in the ass?

I always see pictures where people have them conveniently tied together with some band and it looks really nice, but in reality every cord is of different length and goes in opposite direction so I have no fucking idea how to tie them, it's impossible. I have them hidden behind my TV stand but I it still bothers me because I know that behind it there's a fucking mess of all these cables and I get upset. FUCK. HELP ME

Form > function. If I can see the cables, I can more easily reroute them. Maybe you belong on /gd/ instead of Sup Forums.

>His house is made out of paper

you botched that post completely but hey, what to expect from cablefags

wtf, you know how LIGHT those TVs are man? you could put them on cardboard and they wouldnt fall. what fucking decade do you live in?

Guests are usually unwelcome, so idgaf. They are as hidden as possible though, I have a cat :3

I usually have them running along the shortest cord and then just loop the surplus cord at the end.

>all these cables
what do you mean though? You literally only need one cable

Fuck you.

>hipster glasses
>falling for eGPU meme

don't tell me you actually have wainscot on your walls in 2017

>glass of wine
