FreeVMS is looking for developers

FreeVMS (VMS stands for "virtual memory system") is not another Unix, is a real-time operative system with tight integration with the base system, DCL (DIGITAL Command Language), and also perfect for routers.

Developers are welcome!
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You're in the wrong place of the Internet, bro.

Sup Forums does not care about useful stuff, it's interested in memes like Haskell and TempleOS.

>available only on VAX, Alpha and Itanium processors
who the hell has these
aren't most routers ARM or some shit


>runs at least on amd64
>code is open and small
>can easily be ported to routers
your argument is invalid

That made me sad

FreeVMS is free software, ya doofus.

this to be genuine

What is difference with NT?
.exe .com COFF format...
we all know that.

>Latest commit b3758c9 on Dec 16, 2013
ded project

VMS and Windows NT are like cousins or something.

Sooooo can I talk to god on this or what

I would like to help but I would put my C skills on the intermediate level, so it's not like I actually can.

Is more related to DOS. The shell VMS uses, DCL, inspired DOS.

Quite a fascinating language the DCL, concise and readable
SET COMMAND filespec
creates a new command.

>3 years ago

The lead architect in charge of VMS/OpenVMS at Digital was hired away by Microsoft to create Windows NT.

if only this actually had a chance in hell while OpenVMS is still alive and free for hobbyists, maybe I'd finally have more options than Windows and Gentoo for my IBM Itanic

>and also perfect for routers
but why the fuck would you run VMS on a router? there's plenty of other RTOSes out there

>Is more related to DOS.
hell no, DOS is a kludgy hello world compared to VMS, however much influence it may take from it on the shell

>operative system
operating system

>why the fuck would you run VMS on a router?
Reliability and uptime.

>DOS is a kludgy hello world compared to VMS, however much influence it may take from it on the shell
Can't argue with that.

How's the desktop ricing scene on FreeVMS?

I don't think you use FreeVMS for that m8.

Last I checked they were MIPS.