Is Lua any good?

Is Lua any good?

>Is X good?
If you have to ask...


It's literally the best scripting language.

> Small
> Clean
> Fast
> LuaJIT is god-tier.

>It's literally the best scripting language.
Now, now. That would be Python.

It takes more than a good JIT compiler to make a garbage language usable.

Is the best side language to use for C interop


while the Lua syntax might be clean, the source code for the JIT compiler is like spaghetti that went through a blender

I like it. The "everything is a table" design is neat.

roblox virus tier shit

yeah, lua is fun. there are some minor annoyances, like that fact that it's missing some keyword that basically every language has (forgot which one).

>array index starts at 1


I'm conflicted on this. Indexing that starts at one feels more natural, but I've been conditioned to start at zero by practically every other language.

The correct way.
I like the way Ada does it. Array indicies can start wherever the fuck you want. Whatever makes sense for your situation.


Personally I prefer Ruby. But hey, to each their own. Wouldn't want to start an internet argument over something so small, haha.

>0 indexed arrays that aren't null terminated
Fucking posers you are.

that's because most programming languages treat the index as an offset from the first element. when Lua has the first index at 1 it feels like you're skipping the first one

Just use C
It's the only language you will ever need

What did you say, you little punk-ass little bitch? Don't you fucking dare compare Python to the fuckery that is Ruby ever again.

I want to try Lua to STM32 and what to instal except geytoo to run board?
I dont get all those benches and frameworks.

The major thing I miss is operators like += -=. I did some programming in Icon which completely spoiled me. Assignment in Icon is done with := and every single other infix operator can go before that like a

how does lua manage memory?

Not as good as Perl.


You're just not on Mike's level. He's been doing this shit for a while (I guess he's in his early 40s, he programmed the fastest floppy drive reader of his time when he was 16).

Primitive non-tables are kept on the stack (Lua's concept of a stack, not the C stack), and are freed when the function returns (unless there are upvalues). Tables and userdata are garbage collected, and you can write a function to trigger on the objects destruction.

For making Roblox games.

I dont know, its an interesting language but I always feel like im using it wrong. Its also used almost exclusively as a embedded language. Overall I would say its a good language that fills it niche well.

Have you taken a look at the source? While I agree it's very efficient it seriously looks like it went through an obfuscator.