How much money have you made on the AMD shares you bought last February, Sup Forums?

How much money have you made on the AMD shares you bought last February, Sup Forums?

...You did buy some, didn't you?


>tfw there were multiple threads last year telling people this would happen
>tfw you didn't listen

>he didn't buy when AMD was @ 1.83

>new to stock market
>buy amd as first stock at $2.20
>sell at $3
>made my first 50 bucks

In hindsight selling was a mistake but hey, money was made.

I was telling people there was a good chance this would happen. I didn't advise people to put down more than they could afford to lose though.

I hate this shit. I saw AMD at $1 last year and didn't think much of it. Now this.

Similarly, I remember when you could mine Bitcoin easily but thought it was stupid. Then $1000 a coin happened.

Wish I had gotten in...10x the money.

It's very likely it'll go up further though. The Ryzen platform may not end up competing with Intel's top end but it doesn't really need to. Since the stagnation of performance gains most people are more interested in $/performance.

I actually had a couple of bitcoins from 2009 that I had mined. I didn't think anything of it so I wiped the computer and scrapped it (it was an old optiplex with shot capacitors I had replaced for fun).

>tell dad to invest in AMD when it was valued at $4 as he has a lot of money
>He doesn't believe me
>I invest all I have, $200
Get fucked faggot.

Serious question, how can AMD even compete? They don't have the trillions to blow on R&D that Intel has, what could possibly close the gap?

Does all their cash come from GPUs?

>tfw no time travel button


this ones for you dad

It comes from consoles, which pretty much all use AMD hardware.

> quads
> dad is time travel

Throwing lots of money at R&D doesn't automatically generate good products. Intel wastes gorillions at maintaining their own fabs.

I bought 100 shares at $4.80

Plan on selling when AMD stock crosses $20 a share.

tfw invested in gold bars instead of AMD

AMD still makes a small margin on processors. Most of it comes from the deals with Sony and Microsoft.
Ryzen doesn't actually have to beat Intel outright, it just has to compete on price (which so far it seems it will).

>buy at $2 a couple years ago
>sell at $4

This is me. The struggle is real.

Jeez so what's your investment valued at right now

Isn't gold also unusually high now ?.

not really rising as fast as AMD has but you should still be able to make some.

>MFW people tell it's finished & bankrupt
>This happens

If the previous poster bought gold for anything other than buy-and-hold, they're a moron. Gold has always been a safe haven against fluctuating currency. Interestingly enough, bitcoin is now becoming a similar safe haven. The hard limit on how much can exist has that effect.


I made 180$ last year on them. Not a lot, but I only bought ~65 stocks and kept selling and buying at less than ideal times.

Not looking too bad this year too so far.

yea, I held off because I wanted some more concrete info on ren before I put the money down.

then polaris announced and the stock went up to 5$ and never went back down, pulled trigger at 7.50 but broker dragged his ass hard till it was 8$...

so far... 4 thousand.

bitcoin was never set to explode though, they had no value till a black market popped up, then had limited value, then price exploded, and legitimate places started to take it.

amd had a rough cpu patch, and largely could not fail completely, though it was completely a risk if they caught up with intel, and is still a risk if they will sell as intel has fucked them in the past.

look at the last time amd was viable as an 'intel has no answer' company, now realize that intel has no answer in the high margin servers and depending on price on consumer parts either.

zen looks to be lower power, and about broadwell ipc, with a peak of octa channel memory.

enterprise cares about power, not initial cost
enterprise needs bandwidth for applications
enterprise needs compute for some
enterprise demands throughput

literally intel cant compete on any front it seams,

Shit is set to explode barring intels fuckery

and the best part is, if amd exceeds globalfoundries ability to produce, they have a deal with samsung to use their fabs to compensate.

so amd likely has access to more production than intel does, and because, here is the kicker, they are only making one cpu type, the 8 core, they waste nothing on monolithic chips like intel does.

what's this, demand for the 32 core is waning, well, now I got more chips for the 16 and 8 core lines.