My phone is almost dead and i can't afford a new one, it's a Huawei Ascend y530 (pic)

It present this problems:

-When i start the phone has stopped, this don't let me start any app, i find that if i uninstall google updates it will stop, but i can't enter to the Play Store.

-When i try the start the phone the screen turn black with the word "android" and never starts working

-I try to reebot everything and nothing work

-The phone don't let me put wifi and does not recognize the SIM card, but recognize the SD card

-I try to connect the phone to the pc but it does not recognize it



My iPhone 6S+ doesn't have this problem

but really, try to restore it to default (volume down+power while the phone is turned off, or whatever it is for huawei phones)

i try this but the problem still the same

Common, Sup Forums i believe in all of you!

desperate bump

desperate bump x2

Moto G 4 play.

You'll need to boot it into firmware mode and then plug it into a huawei program on your pc that resets the entire thing. This is the process for every other phone.

PM sent :)

Firmware download mode I mean. On my phone it is holding volume up while plugging the usb into the pc, not sure what it would be for huawei

Install another Android ROM. That's what I do when all else fails.


How do i contact with you?

You don't have any video?

how? My pc don't recognize the phone

Post your address and I will mail you my old Moto X (2nd gen). I just got a new phone.

Like everyone else said, you can try reinstalling the rom, but when you said that it doesn't want to recognize the sim card, it's very possible that the mainboard is faulty

>implying op would post his address on Sup Forums for everyone to see

Install HiSuite and restore/update your phone. Your ROM is most likely fucked up.

HiSuite is meant to be easily used by retards, so you should at least be able to do that without any help.

The radio on the main board most likely fried. If you switch the phone to 2g only (*#*#4636#*#*) do you get edge? If so the only solution is a new phone.

Installing new ROM wish me luck

I don't live in the US

put it on top of a magnet, thst will turn it off, then plug it into pc and it will ask you to restore, ez


It fucking work, guys i love you so much!