Why are Wine devs such massive cucks? The Windows source code has been leaked multiple times...

Why are Wine devs such massive cucks? The Windows source code has been leaked multiple times, why don't they just ignore the (((copyright))) and upload the code using Tor?

Cuz it's illegal maybe?


>and upload the code using Tor
That means Microsoft doesn't know who they are. Library Genesis hosts blatantly illegal content, nobody cares. They could also distribute the code as patches to the leaked source.

That will not help help. Lawyers representing Microsoft will just contact the developers and request that the code is removed or else they will take legal action.

Cause they would face a lawsuit

>reading comprehension
If they don't know who the developers are, how would they take legal action?

But we know who wine's developers are.

>why don't they just (...) upload the code using Tor?
Fucking hell man, neo-Sup Forums, I swear.
>Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location.
>it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location.

>yet another retard thinking he's outsmarted everyone
why don't you do it yourself if it's so easy?

/r/thedonald called, they want you back buddy.

Yes, this is why they deny all connections to the wine developers. "Wine is a project of peace".

How are you going to distribute wine on linux distributions if the code is only available on Tor?

>neo-Sup Forums
lol, look who's talking

Because source code isn't documentation. They're trying to understand how Windows works, not make a perfect clone of it.

Also, before you even say it, I also think copyrights are stupid and need to go. But that's beside the point.

Upload it to github or some shady Russian paste site.
But they could do that faster with the leaked source.

>Upload it to github or some shady Russian paste site.
Yeah but how are you going to distribute it on linux distributions?

>Windows 2000 code leaked years ago
>barely compatible with the new APIs
>let's copy it because "don't be cuck"
>work for free namelessly
>no chance for any benefit for the devs
Now who is the cuck for real?
The powervr driver leak caused a total mess on lkml even if the intention was good, but nobody can use it in their software and reimplementing is pain in ass.
This is the same with wine.

Why is Sup Forums full of retards?

Custom repo.
Would be a good starting point. Wine has direct usage, not like drivers which need to be reimplemented.

>Custom repo.
where are you going to host it?

Sup Forums is leaking shit here

Some server in a shithole country where people don't care about copyright. Libgen hosts copyrighted books, 100% untouchable.

it would be cool if they built an OS that was 100% windows compatible without the product activation bullshit, and got updates from a choice of multiple secure mirrors and it was all free just because they hated the abuse from the greedy corporate pigs that run microsoft