/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

What are you working on, Sup Forums?

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Rust is cancer.

banging ur mum

Educating the plebians, how about you?

Why do the USA has H1B programs?

Is it because Americans are dumb or they want cheap labor?

just thanking you for using an anime image

It's because rich people like to be able to get richer, and have more power to do so than poor people.

How's your game coming along fellow Sup Forumsentoomen?

A little bit of both.
A lot of uneducated Americans can be trained for positions, and made to fill a job, but it's cheaper to just outsource/insource

>but it's cheaper to just outsource/insource
For now.

what you mean?

He's probably referring to the point at which the Great Wall extends around all US borders and/or any entry of any person into the country is illegal.

>code doesn't judge

Are you sure?

Probably a dumb question, but how much leeway do I get in C when I make arrays of non-specific function pointers?
I noticed C lets me write function pointer arrays without a function signature
void (*func[])()

Let's say every single function pointer in this array takes 2 arguments, but the last one takes three.
Can I write a loop that passes three arguments to all of them and will the final argument be ignored when needed?

I'm actually working on something that might get me hired at a small marketing company.

I'm supposed to make a website based on a photoshop mockup featuring responsive design. A header picture that changes every few seconds as well as a services section with some icons that changes every few seconds as well as not showin the same icons after updating.

Supposed to solve it with mysql, javascript and php. I have until friday morning. None of this is really hard It just takes a while since I haven't really used php and mysql outside of like one assignment.

I also ignore everything security related for the time being.

So far I have:
- a local dev environment going on my linux laptop.
- visuals are mostly done. Some small bugs remaining (fucking bootstrap navbar colour).
- database and table is created and is accessible trough terminal and php.
- was able to pass the php mysql fetch to a json object that shows up in console.log

So what I need to do is:
- map over the json object to get some strings I can put into an img src tag.
- some simple logic to ensure one icon is not shown twice in a row.
- setup some smooth icon swapping.
- point the contact form to a php script on the server
- I was told I don't actually have to set up an email response. But I will if I have time.

Anything i should look out for Sup Forums?

I started learning about a year and a half ago and recently had an interview at this small marketing firm. Really hope I can finish this and that they like my shitty coding. They were really nice and I need to get out of my crappy current job.

literally every western country has something like it.

you and your kind are fucking retarded.

I never knew that every western country has something like anime images.

anime is available in any country though?

God Emperor is limiting H1-B visas.

That means no more pajeets being funneled in to work at slave wages even better that they cant demand more benefits or unionize otherwise they are deported.

All the (((companies))) lost their shit , it was amazing how jewgle,kikebook,starkikes and several other companies started chimping out on him because their source of slave labour was being cut off.

most popular shows on Sup Forums would be illegal in the UK

"Just copy PsExec onto your executable path. Typing "psexec" displays its usage syntax."

what is this executable path they are talking about? FUCK

doesn't that mean that companies will spend more money and hire less?

i said countries.

Maybe they don't deserve good shows

There's no place for them in the megacorp cyberpunk future

It's called a slider, bro.

a good web developer doesn't develop, a good web developer rips and patches.


true. you're still a retard though. and I'm posting on a ricefarmer's communal notice board.

the UK is a non-country

>a good web developer doesn't develop, a good web developer rips and patches.
you what

Web developers aren't even true developers.


it could mean a lot of things, we cant do nothing but wait and see how it plays out.

Hopefully STEMkids will get a job and make american software great again

Which i highly doubt considering the area is being plagued with cuck numales who submit to nagging bitches.


for sure, bro

>a good web developer rips and patches.
I'd prefer calling them web rippers and web patchers.

fuckin dumbass

Don't bully web developers, they're trying their hardest! It's not their fault they can't do real development

the Path environment variable maybe

>control panel
>advanced system settings
>environment variables
>edits the folder with psexec.exe into the system Path variable

web developers do backend shit too, right?


I prefer playing with backend logic and databases over fucking around with animations and css but there are a lot more webdev positions and right now I just want to do something programming related.


#lang racket
(provide sumrek)

(define sumrek
(lambda (n m)
((zero? m) n)
((< m 0) (sub1 (sumrek n (add1 m))))
(add1 (sumrek n (sub1 m)))))))

#lang racket
(require rackunit

(define sumrek-tests
"Tests for recursive adding"
(check-equal? (sumrek 6 -4) 2)
(check-equal? (sumrek 6 10) 16)
(check-equal? (sumrek -6 -4) -10)
(check-equal? (sumrek -6 4) -2)))

(run-tests sumrek-tests)


Just not serious backend engineering.


Eh. I'll take whatever job opportunity I can get as long as it's programming related. I'll just live with the chinese cartoon imageboard judgement.

this is a reupload of scala is terrible
everything in that is a criticism of scala


I work as a webdev and I think you're just overdoing this
should've went with wordpress+basic theme and just added the things you want on top of that
that's the fastest way

I can do real development
I know C++, Python, PHP, JS, C# and other minor things, I started writing my own game along with a server and know how to do async programming
but please, tell me how much better you are and how much more you earn

if you're not a shit one, yes, we do
I try to mostly focus on that if possible, sometimes there's just stuff that you need to do in js, html css and so on, so it's not like you can really limit yourself only to backends without shooting yourself in the face by limiting what you know
there's nothing wrong about knowing too much

>I can do real development
>I can

But do you?

>you're a haskellfag for stating the fact that the presentation is about scala and that scala is not all functional progrmaming
>you're a haskellfag for implying scala is shit

>im not a haskellfag

- haskellfag 2010-2018


that's right bitch what are you gonna do about it

depends what your lordy self would define as real development

I wrote an entire webapp from scratch (loyalty program thing), only thing I didn't create was visuals and I had codeigniter as my framework
over 20k of php code, lots of controllers, views, models and so on

wrote things that latch on top of woocommerce to basically have a shop that could sell boosts for games, with fields that people had to fill in after purchase, automatic messages, live chat and so on

now I'm working on a theme+backend combination of a system that latches on top of wordpress to create an offer system (think craigslist)

this link still triggers me
I can do fizzbuzz just fine, you sperg
probably in 10 languages too
and recursive fibonnacci and so on

For a language that's over 20 years old Haskell sure has few real applications written in it

I have a degree in computer science and I worked as a web developer for a few years

maybe once or twice a year you get a project that asks for your CS skill. but you have to be fast and get it done before the boss sees the ticket and explains to the customer that "it can't be done, it's not in your budget"

the reality of the matter is that most web development problems (that customers want solved) are already solved.

usually if you only really web develop if you are 1) extending/maintaining community libraries on github (but then you usually don't work with HTML at all), or 2) are inexperienced.

that's my experienced 2c.

is it possible to make a gif image and give it a 3d effect?

For a girl that's under 20 years old your sister sure has sucked a lot of guys' dicks.

avoiding success was one of their goals


post anime and read about R

>this link still triggers me
That's why I enjoy posting it so much.

Oh my fuck

my buddy from HS found a full time 6 digit pure haskell job.

I think haskell's dumb and useless too, but apparently there are big takers.


I thought Sup Forums is a safe space
reddit told me that
did they lie to me, user?

>tfw too intelligent for 5 figure salary

NOT AN ARGUMENT You can make 6 digits programming COBOL


that's not even a programming language m'lad.

There's some real gold in the comments section, perhaps even more so than the article itself.

"Serious backend engineering" remains the choice quote, though.

I don't really have an opinion.

How do I iterate through structs in C?
I don't wanna rewrite them as flat arrays.


I need to newline this

printf ("%d", 420) ;

\n isnt doing it

but when i do this
printf ("Four-Twenty" /n);
it works

why not with the numbers

Im using 'c' in console

not c++

also, im building in Codeblocks most recent with default compiler

I'd argue that argument's completely missing the point.

COBOL was huge at one point. and as such there's a lot of legacy to be maintained.

what they have in common is that professional devs are rare

the difference is that haskell lacks a justification for existing in the professional field at this stage, IMO.

>number of real applications is an argument
>salary is not

Not an argument.

>self taught hansell dev
>any job i want
>3000k starting

I think this one is the best desu

you tried

>printf ("fagg%dt"/n, 0) ; ?

how about you respond to the actual argument.

>not an argument

up yours, buddy.

There's no way this is valid syntax.

obviously that a hit on me


i will tho, so \n b4 hehe*inb4*

must be why it was saying expecting ; before

Not an argument.


All I want is it to go

then text

not 420text

In a way, programming and girlfriends are very similar


I'm not good with either?

Can I post about R?

Both programming and getting a girlfriend (male) are easier wearing a skirt?

why not?

now you have to put
for(;;) printf ("i am afagg%dt" /n, 0);

in your console for doubting me.

The thing Haskellers don't understand is that the trivial bugs that the type system catches are almost never a problem and don't make it to production if you have code reviews and a test suite.

Secondly Haskell produces code that is often is extremely unoptimal and eats memory and cpu like nothing else. I've seen simple CRUD apps in Haskell crash by taking up >16gb of memory.

This is why Haskell is never going to get a large market share. Also GHC takes shit long time to compile.


Read your textbook before you make dumb posts about C.

f u man,

im self-teaching
wtf is a manual?

Please post about R all you want you lovely beautiful perosn

Are you high?

>if you have code reviews and a test suite.
The point is you don't need that shit. Expressive types are also good documentation and assist the compiler with optimization (so it can optimize more aggressively in less time).

>I've seen simple CRUD apps in Haskell crash by taking up >16gb of memory.
Sounds like the devs aren't capable of avoiding simple space leaks.

no but if i was maybe id figure it out :(

TBQH tho senpai a 70% reduction in development time is well worth a 20000% increase in cpu load for analytical programs.

>The point is you don't need that shit. Expressive types are also good documentation and assist the compiler with optimization (so it can optimize more aggressively in less time).

Haskell's type system isn't powerful enough for that, you still need tests.

its almost as if 'c' dosent even want you to separate numbers except on the line its written

of course I know fuck all
but the escape for newline works with text

just my numbers wont newline

Sup Forums.org/rules#global6

solutions were posted, now gtfo fagulette.

unlike you i cant waste my time on Sup Forums all fucking day, I have actual learning to do