They can write their own complier in three days

>they can write their own complier in three days
>but they cannot spend three minutes thinking about their own appearance

Why do people who are good with computers dress like shit?

Many of them dress so bad that I can't help but wonder if they put effort into dressing bad. Do you have to dress like shit in order for other computer geeks to take you seriously?

Also, post rare stallmans and other badly dressed and reeking geeks ITT

Other urls found in this thread:

>Zuck, the Cuck
>can write a compiler in 3 days
Nah. He can program AI in PHP though, which is more impressive in on itself.

So they can appeal to the general public, or are you one of those people that believe going to work in a suit makes you more professional?

The female in the top right actually looks fine.

>grey shirt + graphic
It's the perfect casual style.

The only one who looks bad is Stallman.

>casual style
>is a fucking brony
pick one.

who is that semen demon in the lower right? she is a plain angel


>why do these faggots focus on what's important?
>brb, gotta gel my hair and put on my Ed Hardy shirt


What's wrong with their appearance?
Would have romantic intercourse with all of them tbqh

comfort is more efficient
why do you live inefficiently

you're not judging them by their appearance, you're judging them by what the dumb dumbs in your small culture have told you are important things

Because they give no fucks about appearances. I think its sort of admirable. Not as bad as Stallman, but you know...saves time not needing to think about fashion.

So you all dress casual. Me too! :)

>Also, post rare stallmans and other badly dressed and reeking geeks ITT
Enjoy! :^)

>on Sup Forums
>complains about someones appearance

sounds like would be a better board for you

>in on itself
of itself, retard.

Stallman isn't for lewds.

>>three minutes thinking about their own appearance

It might take you three minutes.

Some of us dont notice or think about what other people are wearing, notice clothing on TV, notice fashion trends, identify clashes between clothing and context/setting, or spend time in clothing stores. For us, "dressing well" isn't a skill we have developed over our lives so we cant accomplish it in the morning in just three minutes.

Our options are to not give a shit and dress poorly, or take advice our friends/spouses (who might be bad at it too, we can't even tell), or invest a lot of time learning the skill. (Most of us take #1 or #2.)

Graphic tees stop being acceptable when you finish school, user

Thanks, I'm learning.

The view of Stallman's naked belly (even a part of it) makes me uncomfortable

They say it's something that would make them lose worthy time that fact of thinking what are they going to wear...

Not true. Get a cs job and u automatically can dress however u want within reason (cant work with just a condom on)

You forgot that they smell bad because they don't shower and consume high sugar and grease diet.

>tfw I'm allowed to come into work with a shitty graphic tea and sweatpants with holes in them if I want

I don't, but just having the option feels gud


oh shut up user.
We would all give him a bj if he had finally found the solution to bury microsoft.

>should i shower this month?
hell no. I have tenure, they can't fire me. I'll use my scarce time to write an article of how much I hate Apple's new airpads instead. they are botnets and I will never put unfree software in my ears

Look at anybody with money or success. They almost always wear the same shit regularly unless they're celebrity tier and not public figure teir. This is because having one outfit and not worrying or caring about what you wear is actually a big load off of your shoulders every day and let's you be far more productive or at the very least put your energy elsewhere. This is common practice actually. Even I did it before realizing it. I have 2 pairs of the same jeans and some slscks. 30 t shirts that are the same just different colors. 5 of the same button downs. And I have a nice pair of sneakers and two pairs of loafers.

I look the same ever day and not many people really notice. It's comfy to never have to worry about it dude.

I-Is rms a cholo?

>Look at anybody with money or success. They almost always wear the same shit regularly unless they're celebrity tier and not public figure teir.
Honestly this condition doesn't even make sense, but great job continuing the long standing tradition of every post with a 'consider the following' image being absolute garbage.

Except it does make sense and its a well documented method that many people find to make a big difference in life style changes, bud. Why do you have to be rude in your response?

Look at the bloatware Stallman has.

She looks like an albino Shrek, user.

Who is the one on the top-right?

look at zuckerbergs nose

All people in the picture are jews.

Stallman is an athiest

What's wrong with Zuckerberg?
He's just naturally ugly, you can't fix that by dressing differently or getting a haircut.

he's not only wearing a hiking jacket, but he's wearing a hiking jacket that too fucking big du-h

i hope you don't need to be gay and european to see that that's wrong

He would need to be autistic like you.

Top right is a crazy tranny with mental issues. Can expect shit out of it. Top left is Stallman he went full freedom. Probably thinks style is proprietary. Never go full freedom. Dont know bottom right and bottom left is an asshole who thinks hes cool by wearing the same fucking t shirt and northface pullover all the time.

In the Seattle area that's seen as appropriate wear because it's always fucking raining.

who is top right?

they're probably thinking about code all day and fail to notice they look like shit.

>why do non-normalfags not behave like all sheep?

Maybe because it doesn't matter.

I think he means, originates from Israel, not actually religious

This is mesmerizing

Steve Jobs believed that a person only has the energy to make so many decisions in a given day and that deciding what to wear in the morning wasted valuable mental capacity that might be needed for the company in the afternoon.

His solution to this problem was to buy hundreds of sets of the exact same outfit.

>shirt + graphic
ask me how I know you're fat

I hate models who don't really know how to code.

Man was a genius.

Bottom right has a sick tee to be honest, she's just ugly but that's not her doing, and going the fit way wouldn't help that face

desu i wish I could pull off wearing the same shit every day of my life


You now realise that he asked someone to take a photo and then said "hold on, I need to take out my laptop first and pretend to work" while standing next to some monument

she is a living counterargument against the no-makeup advocates

and this is coming from one

That's why I don't get dressed when I wake up

I actually agree with you on this. I've read it somewhere myself something similar. Makes sense why I have success in my life too because my dresscode is simple. Sweatpants and t-shirts.

she used to be a qt before she got fat. if she stopped being fat, put on some makeup and fixed her Judannase, geeks all over the world would have been fapping to her

smart and stylish unlike that unicorn lady in the first picture


>The female in the top right actually looks fine.
>female in the top right
ayy lmao

>can't code for shit
>hot as fuck

I guess it's difficult to manage both.

>put on some makeup and fixed her Judannase

A big schnoz and lack of makeup is exactly what I like in a woman, so go fuck yourself. I'm not even joking.
