What's the biggest/worst Sup Forums or technology meme/hoax or "scam" you ever fell for Sup Forums?
What's the biggest/worst Sup Forums or technology meme/hoax or "scam" you ever fell for Sup Forums?
I've used Windows for 2 years or so.
more than 30fps in video games
Free software
AMD laptops.
gaymen keyboard
or gaymen accessories in general
this board being about technology
16GiB of RAM
im not naive so ive never fallen for anything Sup Forums related.
AMD GPU, NAS and using Linux as a desktop. Most of Sup Forums memes are good starting points towards greater things though.
nvidia gpu
meme keyboard with light
Beats audio
I bought some (relatively) cheap gaming mouse because people were recommending it in a mouse thread here on Sup Forums.
It was less accurate than the Amazon Basic wireless mouse I was using and it had jitter on the wooden surface of my desk (the pointer would twitch several pixels in random directions).
It cost like £20 and was literally worse than £1 mice that I've bought from Pound shops.
It had shitty meme features like changeable weights you could put in it that seriously made no noticeable difference to how it felt to use.
The difference between the heaviest weight and the mouse with no weight must have been like 5%. It had shitty coloured lighting that couldn't be turned off and stayed on even if the computer was put to sleep and DPI sensitivity options that changed whether the jitter was in affect or the mouse was less sensitive than a corpses clit.
>powered on: 1353 times
>work time is 477 days
I don't even charge mine anymore. I plug it in 5 minutes before I need to make a call. I'm a neet and noone ever calls me anyway. I don't use any of the smart features. I don't play games on it. I sometimes use it for it's camera but dumbphones had cameras too.
Playing the wrong games honestly. Only matters in competitives.
I hope you enjoy slideshows
Any antivirus ever
This program is bullshit and you are probably baiting. Use crystaldiskinfo.
I bought bluetooth headphones back in 2010
this, I mean seriously ill limit the fps to 30 just to keep it consistent
> competitives
you know nothing of Tactics
I dont gotta have faster reactions when im ganking someone from the side/rear
they still dont let you dodge bullets in games anyway, unless its a gimmick
> slideshows
> up until recently hollywood movies were 24fps
> standard tv is still 30fps
meh some of them are okay
avast is the worst popular one though
>avira is quick, doesnt give me any probs, havent gotten a virus yet
yup lets transmit even more harmful EM signals through your brain
add skullcandy but im just noting it, I didnt actually fall for the meme
but they did have a cheap bargain basement version for $10 at walgreens, which I did get
> 50 bucks for fucking earbuds are you joking? people lose them left and right and the cords are fragile as fuck, no amount of investiture in sound quality makes up for a lack of Ruggedness
id suggest vmoda because the cord is replaceable and external
but you'd be paying enough for them that it makes up for the difference of buying cheaper headphones 10 times because the cord keeps breaking on standard 'fones.
and having clamp-on earphones on all the time will hurt your ear lobes after awhile
"Learning how to program/code" instead of learning computer science.
shit is different yo
Moar RAM and DACs when you can't hear buzzing from your source already.
30fps is trash for anything that isn't a turn based RPG/strategy. 60fps min for competitive, 144fps preferred
actually I fell for the computer science meme hard in college
what a fucking waste of time
I wanted to program, I wanted to make games. Instead I got 1 shitty introductory course into Java programming and then was confronted with a whole bunch of fucking math logic shit I DO NOT CARE about
> hint, if I dont give a flying fuck about it, its pretty damn hard for me to remember what it is im studying
Also when it comes to programming nobody ever explained where to go with making an actual program beyond the Main function, or what Void does.
> it must be explained in excruciating detail as well as providing examples of an actual program . . . starting with the main function . . . nobody else ive talked to will do anything beyond a "hello world" tutorial
> so a hello world is all I can manage, I literally cannot figure this shit out
> I learn by example almost exclusively, I must watch someone else do it from scratch in person - and that doesnt mean a youtube video either with some guy droning on and on
I see people everyday fall for the ASUS GAYMEN MB meme.
They're trash. stop it.
I don't know if the Sabertooth line is consider gamer but my Sabertooth X58 pretty great.
I haven't seen problems with that line. Mostly the Z170 shit.
>making games doesn't involve math
Of coure! how could i forgot about the good ol' makeGame(string genre) function!
programming is all about maths and problem solving you fucking retard
>waaah I'm supposed to read my book instead of having someone explain void to me waaah
kill yourself