Progress has stopped

Sup Forums it's been almost 10 years since the iphone got released, why haven't we got any new technology that changed the world like the iphone did?

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Electric car became somewhat feasible

but is fucking everyone driving an electric car, just like fucking everyone has a smartphone?

>changed anything

>why haven't we got any new technology that changed the world like the iphone did?
I don't know, but smartphones becoming mainstream has probably been one the worst tech related happenings given with the negative effects they've had on software and the internet.

Actually you are correct and its not even a conspiracy or /pol tier comment.


I have observed this trend ever since 2013.

Every decade since the 1930s we have improved dramatically in some way. Looking at the midpoint of each decade we had marked improvements that made that decade stand above the previous one.

All the way up until 2005 actually. As a child of the 80s and teen of the 90s I got to see this unfold so I did see the difference myself.

However, generally speaking ever since about 2006 nothing much has changed. Developments have been a trickle and the only stuff we have now compared to then is slight refinements and widdling to perfection on things (but nothing really new, and im speaking of graphics here).

> I mean all the stuff about multi-core processors and using dual graphics cards, jumping the fence to 64 bit operating systems... this is all 2004 tier shit.

> Android sucks and it hasnt gotten any better, its a plebOS and even if its easier to use its a backward step for humanity.

> And routing so many new apps through it only encourages this backwards step. The fact that Programs are now called Apps is a stark sign of this trend.

> mfw Euclideon still hasn't come out with their realtime infinite rendering technology, its a company from new zealand. How lousy.

In fact we Stopped launching space shuttles, stopped conducting research (to my knowledge) of how to burn coal cleaner, and it looks like we've stopped producing Timed Airburst Munitions (25mm launcher).

The one thing we have advanced in is Social Media to spread information but the government is keeping up by employing shills. And generally it took a man like Trump to destroy the mainstream media anyway.

So the pace of technological development has stalled.

There must be a Giant Leap that we already should have hit, the equivalent that space flight and the jet engine represented in the 20th century.

> But Corp are holding us back from getting it

I still say Ballmer was right. There are so many Apps because the iPhone (and Android) cannot do internet properly.

Im glad somebody else understands this

I wish we still had the days where phone apps were built into the phone, and you knew what they did - and thats all they did.

Back when yknow, websites had a mobile version for displaying the content in a handicapped way for the phone to read. Rather than being designed to be mobile from the start.

> one giant leap backwards

The solution is we should just kill ourselves.

Except you can't compare an iphone 10 years ago than what a smart phone can do right now.

Social network apps and information services have become ubiquitous and very much shaped the world.

If you are limiting yourself to hardware only then the echo is something that's taking off rapidly these two years.

no the solution is people should start doing creative shit and getting on with technological advancement again

stop relying on corporate or big business to spread those trends, people need to find investors and get shit going off the ground before somebody can corner them and shut it down

> that really is what it seems is going on, people didnt stop being inventive
> but whenever someone creates something truely awesome and game changing
> where does it go?

People would be naive to think that somebody wouldnt be approached by fellows in the field and offered to buy their shit, just to put it on a shelf and keep it quiet.

Or their small startup gets bought out for a really good deal, and then they just Stop doing the cool shit they were doing before.

> its even worse with arms manufacturers and defense contractors
> MAGPUL had a 60 round Quad Stack magazine as well as the PDR personal defense weapon ready to go.
> Then they just stopped talking about it, and a few years later they release a 60 round Drum
> And some other fucking company comes out with a gun the same size as the PDR.

Almost as if they were told "nope that shit is too good, we're gonna shut you down if you make it" and then meanwhile told desert tech they could make one instead.

And kept the shitty ass Surefire quad stack magazines on the market as virtually the only ones (which are unreliable). 80s tech desu

hello satan

you're only pointing out that progress cannot actually be stopped, barring an apocalyptic disaster that shuts down society...

But it can sure as fuck be slowed down, and even diverted so that people are just circling a whirlpool and not getting anywhere

Cell Phones proved that science fiction could be real, but even then kirk's communicator could reach orbit and we Dont Allow* our cell phones to do so (when that should be ubiquitous, how long have we had them?).

Its one step beyond war crimes to hold back the evolution of human civilization.

Quantum computers will be the next big thing

In fact they will change everything we've ever known about computers forever

Wasn't the whole point of the iphone's pinch to zoom gesture so that you don't need some shitass mobile website?


All of our breakthroughs were predicted in many sci-fi novels

Ernst Jünger's "Heliopolis" was the first one to have a device very similar to the iPhone/smartphones, called "universal communicator" or "Phonophore"

So we just need more ideas from sci-fi/more sci-fi stories with neat technology that we could adopt

breh there is an entire emoji movie coming out. This is the world we live in.

rich oligarchs hate that a few middle classes were able to break into big business. it won't happen again. do you realize what a threat that is to people like (((Trump))) who inherited all the money and power in the world?

Give it 5 years tops, and most contries will finally have accepted it, while still making a profit.
Then we will have most brands making affordable electric cars, that isn't just prototypes meant for advertising their brand.

>and it looks like we've stopped producing Timed Airburst Munitions (25mm launcher)
What? Last I checked the XM25 is supposed to go into service this year, it has just suffered delays due to budget cuts and them having to go back over some parts to soldier proof it because leave it to soldiers to find ridiculous ways to break shit. There's also always the LSAT program if you're interested in other gun related advancements, if that doesn't get killed by their current ridiculous cartridge choice (a 6.5mm rifle round comparable to .260 Remington with long range ballistics comparable to .300 Win Mag because retards are convinced that the average soldier needs to be able to engage the enemy at 800 meters based on outlier examples in Afghanistan involving ambushes with fixed machine guns).

>The one thing we have advanced in is Social Media
Social media has been objectively shit.

>as well as the PDR personal defense weapon ready to go.
Magpul has never been equipped for actually building guns. They managed to sell their Masada design to Bushmaster but never found buyers for their PDR and FMG that weren't airsoft companies. Also, Desert Tech's MDR is vaporware.

>even then kirk's communicator could reach orbit and we Dont Allow* our cell phones to do so
What the hell are you on about?

Last I heard, most software that people use won't see a difference from those. They also require cooling beyond what most people would have at home.

5 years is not realistic at all.
It's gonna take at least one more decade.

Dude, look at all the shit they're doing to JavaScript to make it forwards and backwards compatible, making it typed etc.

It has gotten to the insane point now that it's more complicated to launch a Java project than a JS project.

As a dirt simple example, how do you make an AJAX-call in 2017? Best practice?

In 2010, the answer would be simple: jQuery handles the difficult shit for you, so just use that.

In 2017? It's not that easy.

We're bogged down in tools and "helpful" libraries and shit that ruins everything.

Meanwhile Java is taking the opposite approach and making things smoother.

What we're seeing is the industry's short sighted chickens coming home to roost.

And the sad thing is, that if you have some old best practice Java code from ca. 2010, it would still work perfectly, it would still build and run.

However, JS was never enterprisey enough, and we're paying the price for that now that the 20 years have passed.

And JS is not the only language that has this problem.

Hell, think about Python for a second. It's an excellent scripting language, and it should be a great choice for a simple CRUD platform. But is it?

They all fall short, and the only languages that really work for larger projects are:

> Common Lisp
> Java
> C#
> C++

And possibly a few others.

And to add to that you have SQL as the only reasonable storage option unless your application has very special needs. Why is this?

It's because SQL has a mathematical background informing what it can and cannot do. #CJava++ languages are engineered to be able to do boring things properly. It tackled all the boring problems.

But "modern" paradigms are all about not caring about boring problems, even though the reason Rails was such a hit was that it handled boring in a good way.

In short, we're shitting on craftsmanship. For no fucking reason.

When are we going to get better battery tech for laptops, phones, and cars? That is the breakthrough I want to see.

It's not about inventing new tech, it's about making it good.

The iPhone wasn't the first touch screen phone (maybe the first capacitive but that's a different story) they just made it really good.
The iPad wasn't the first tablet, just the first good one.

For example you now see a lot of companies making VR products and they are all uniformly shit and the technology is dead in the water.

Or for example all electric cars before the Tesla were absolute shit (Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt etc) and even the cars after the Tesla (e.g. BMW i3 / i8) are still quite shitty as well.

The technology is not very relevant, the implementation is what makes it click.

Constantly but that technology is being blocked off by the industry because they wouldn't make money if everyone had batteries that last for ages.

The batteries's evolvement will only become better with time. Try to come back to this post in a decade or so, and see how much it has improved.

I'm a time traveler from the year 2027 and this guy is full of shit.

I dont know, there is a lot of room for development in the smartphone line

Just last night I left my wallet at home, realized this with a cart full of groceries. I was able to use Android Pay to ring myself up at a self use check out late.

We live in the future.

>They also require cooling beyond what most people would have at home.
The computers in Serial Experiments Lain come to mind

dude fuck
I want a cool computer like that too

Your reason being?
Tesla made a groundbreaking influence to the transportation industry, and electric cars is literally one of the biggest things that they talk about in the tech world, when we are at conferences.
The research has proved it to be the future, but the only thing holding the industry back is the leaders around the world.

Shut up Marty

Because most people simply don't have electric cars and the general consensus is still that "it doesn't feel right" whatever that means.

People over the age of 40 won't buy electric cars and they make out a huge amount of the car industry.

Because Sup Forums gave Steve Jobs cancer

As long as there are higher capacity mAh batteries that aren't also fuck huge physically

that's not really new tech. we already have batteries and cars, you just put them together.

>turned the internet, software, and anything else related to cumpooters to shit

the battery tech is still very old lad, there hasn't really been that much progress

>that spacing
There's no reason whatsoever to make your post take more than 2x the vertical space that it needs to. Please format your posts like a normal fucking human being. Use single spaces between lines and stop making every SMS size thought a new paragraph.

>"it doesn't feel right"
Probably because they aren't seeing the infrastructure to support electric cars, charging stations and such. recharge time is also a valid concern.

what do you think happened with smartphones??
most people were put off of the idea that you shouldn't pay so much for a cellphone or that it was useless. now even your grandma has one.
Once People get to drive an EV and see the appeal, convienience, cost savings etc. that thhe EVs bring to the table you will see they all will drive one.

Everything you say is wrong.

That was achieved in the 1970s.

For me the new big thing is AI. Normies think they are chatting with a human customer service rep. Thats a big breakthrough even if it was achieved by lower the average intelligence of the end user instead of improving AI.

We have reached the ceiling with the available technology. Our physics, mathematics, silicon and clock speeds have completed their cycle. No further improvements are possible.

Going above 5ghz would require information to move faster than light. Smartphones were the inevitable final stop for mobile devices. Tablets failed, VR failed, most other platforms failed and disappeared.

There is only so much you can improve. Look at the changelog of Apple hardware and MacOS features, all trivial crap like notifications and useless features.

Moore's law was wrong and misguided.


>the days where phone apps were built into the phone
You mean like every app built into the iPhone.

I hope the usage of "yknow" indicates that you are indeed being sarcastic.

how someone can be that dumb it just amazes me

the feeling is mutual.

I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about. Waifu technology is being worked on feverishly.

Also (in regards to gaming) the late 2,000's has been the era of user content. Oblivion, Minecraft, Skyrim, Mount and Blade Warband are all examples of massive user expansion of software that goes beyond some predefined map-editor.

Warcraft 3, Frozen Throne has a lot of user created content but its all pretty strictly tied to the editor.

Man I thought you were talking about wireless for a second and I was confused because 802.11ad can operate in the 60ghz range.

fuck off space niggers we're full