Why is DDR3 more expensive now than it was last year?

why is DDR3 more expensive now than it was last year?

somethings not adding up baka

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Seriously, laptop ram went through the roof.

production ended

Demand vs Supply

You will cover this one day in school if you make it that far.

This, buying a good itx z97 mobo felt like I was being scammed.

Op if you need more ddr3 ram I reccomend buying second hand, that shit basically never breaks, and any ram worth its salt should have a lifetime warranty.

There's a RAM shortage, it is known

it's not like it grows on trees, you manufacture it

Huge fire burned down the biggest RAM manufacturer.

Its always the same with ram, when a new version of memory hits the market, manufacturers cut down the production of the old thus forcing the adoption of the new product, even thou DDR4 has still little to no advantage over DDR3 at the moment.

It has happened with almost all of the memory standards on the market.

Density is a huge plus

yes it does. I have a RAM tree in my backyard

Same thing happened with ddr2, and DDR, and sdram, and EDORAM, every single time a new type of RAM replaced the old RAM. DDR4 is common now, what do you think it's going to happen?

>113% in 8 months
>[muffled handrubbing in the distance (Taiwan)]

>tfw got 2500k, 16GB RAM and NH-D14 (without fans) for $160 last summer

the factories are returning to america duh

>you did not invest in ram

I got 2x8GB for 60 bucks recently, normally it costs twice here

t. southamerican monkey

It's because of smartphones. Retards buy a new one every year and they have 2-8GB of RAM or something

major manufacturers switching to making memory for tablets etc

How young are you?

Don't you remember the extraorbitant prices for AGP video cards compared to pci-e cards with much better performance?

It's always like that. Production ends, supply dries out, prices rise.

I've been looking for that capacity/price range. Though even buying used low end gaymer ram the prices are reaching $75ish.

This were new (supposedly) but Kingston Value, nothing special.

Really stupid question here. Can I put DDR4 memory into my laptop that takes DDR3 and still have everything function normally (outside of the added speed)?

It's not a stupid question, and yes, it will work just fine. Next time you come to Sup Forums for your technical support, just start a new thread.

Production ended, but demand didn't. There is still high demand for DDR3.
Shit sucks for now

Stupid questions belong to Google

ur a funny lil faget
but fuk of 2BH


Production is ramping down (not ended) whilst DDR4 production is ramping up.

They quite literally went for the x GiB of ram meme.