Why would i need more than a laptop and smartphone

why would i need more than a laptop and smartphone

When you're asking that, you probably don't need anything but a smartphone.

You can't get high performance out of a laptop without paying obscene amounts of money.

You can get it relatively easily with a tower.

why would i need more than a desktop and tablet

what would you need high performance for?



are you guys leet hackers hehe xD

Smartphone/tablet(x2)/laptop/desktop masterrace reporting in. Also have an AIO desktop and a netbook.


>not u_silly_goy.gif

You don't. Quit letting others tell you what you need.

I have a desktop, three laptops, a Nexus, an iPhone and a Nokia N95. Why would I limit myself like that, you cuck?

materialism isn't lauded

Cuckoldry isn't either, I think..

Please go to tell us how much happier you are with multiple phones and laptops.

I'm ecstatic, just thinking about it. Seriously, why should I stop using more devices?

Because you can only use one at a time anyway.

And you can also only wear one pair of shoes at once. Do you have only one pair of shoes?


Answer us this, what purpose does each laptop serve, to you.

I can understand having one workstation laptop for power use, and ultrabook for on the go, if that's what you need, but having multiple, anything, just for the sake of having more things is redundant,

I don't think you'd want to use the same pair of shoes that you use during winter when it's snowy and bellow -35 degrees (Celsius) in the middle of the summer when it's like +35 degrees, or viceversa.

Desktop, main PC
Laptop 1, bed laptop
Laptop 2, daily laptop
Laptop 3, new daily laptop (I use less the laptop 2 now - I'll take with me l2 if I had to go smewhere with it, I care more about the new (l3) one not to get damaged if I'm in car or wherever I am outside with it)
Nexus, main phone, main phone number
iPhone, secundary phone (used mostly as notification device), secundary phone number (also same carrier even, I just need a number that I care less to give to certain people)
N95 - I'm not giving this away, ever.

Yeah, you got me. This does not apply to those near the equator (what shoes?).

>bed laptop
>daily laptop

fap laptop
toilet laptop
kitchen laptop
outside laptop

>hurr muh high performance
Why do I feel like you've got more games in your Steam library than a fucking GameStop has in inventory?

Disregard this, I swallow cocks

Bed laptop is less powerful (it's older Core2Duo, but very quiet and runs cold. The others are more powerful but also louder and run hotter.

I catually do, but don't disregard that.

video rendering, editing

sounds like you just have these old devices that you've already replaced, and don't want to let go, so you've made up uses for them to justify keeping them around, or at least not put them away.

It's like keeping your 1997 shitbox around as a backup incase your newer shitbox takes a shit.

It's just more crap to store, and maintain.

>what is virtualization

kys asap please

Nope, different machines with different purposes.

My apologies. I guess I just don't appreciate the idea of having a dedicated laptop I can cum on.

Even if we assume that you use your laptop with a proper monitor/keyboard like any reasonable human being would do, I still feel like laptops get way to hot after running for over 10 hours. On top of that, you just pay way to much for a reasonable config.

So you your argument are Sup Forums tier memes, gg

>deflecting so fucking hard

Justify for me why you'd need a powerful PC UNLESS you were a hardcore streamer on Twitch or some shit.

I will give you an allotted time of 5 minutes.

Well, ever since this place became "popular", you've got every Tom, Dick, and Harry coming here with their autism.

If you don't need anything more than a laptop and smartphone then there is nothing further to comment on, no one is pointing a gun to your head forcing you to get a tablet or desktop or quantum computer every person has their own requirements.

Personally I much prefer having a desktop at home because it is more cost effective but not mobile. If I have to relocate regularly then I will consider getting a laptop if a mini ITX build won't suffice.

fair enough
>three laptops
so you have one laptop and two outdated laptops
>nokia n95

how else are you going to watch your anime while on the shitter?

Not OP, my laptop usually runs all day and night, I restart it about once every five days for one reason or another. Also, last night I ran some hash bruteforcing software to generate dank .onion URLs, CPU was running on 85% all night. Granted, it's one of those gaymer laptops, so it has good cooling. Btw yeah, I use it with a wireless keyboard and an external monitor.

> Nokia N95 8GB
Best phone ever made.

What's so good about a symbian shitphone? Enjoy your outdated software chock full of vulnerabilities.

Very customisable, not botnet, extremely lightweight. It was the best smartphone OS.

I just told you fucking retard

Running multiple VMs at the same time for development, plus some heavy IDEs and a lot of other shit loaded, an average laptop CPU would just drown.

To make matters worse there is nothing shittier than mobile core iX, slow as fuck. Mobile Core 2 Duo were good for the time.

meant for

I program on my laptop, it isn't comfy to program on a desktop.

You don't.

There was obviously a family PC tower when I was younger, but I have used nothing but laptops my entire student/adult life.

I do most of my development on a Toshiba netbook. If the software can't run on it, it means it's poorly-written.