LibreOffice will get a shitty looking Ribbon clone

LibreOffice will get a shitty looking Ribbon clone.

Holy fuck. Why can't freetards innovate?

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free software != open source

Retarded normalfags kept bitching it wasn't the ribbon and they delivered and you're still not satisfied? You fucking faggot.

Are you insinuating that the ribbon isn't the single greatest feature Windows has contributed to the computing world?

Well I'm using Office. I just wanted freetards to defend their complete lack of creativity.

Hope they will not drop old toolbars for this abomination.


thanks winnigers for ruining shit for everyone else.

>it's another freetards copy microsoft episode

daily reminder that win10 is a ripoff of plasma5

A cheap one on top of that.

Normalfags will refuse to use it if it doesn't come with the Microsoft ® Office © Ribbon ™

Are you insinuating that the ribbon isn't the single greatest feature Windows has contributed to the computing world?

looks good to me

Yeah, what's it to ya?

Nice drop-down menus, fatty.

>moaning about the ribbon
it's not 2007 any more, the ribbon works fine

familiarity. it will make it easier for winbabies used to ms office
all free software is open source

don't forget that there are people who get lost while using someone else's computer and can't close the window because the "X" button isn't red like on their windows 7/windows 8 machine.

despite being placed in exactly the same area of the window

>Use the old UI
>lolololololo nice outdated Ui faget :^)
>Use the ribbon
>lololololololololo nice copying windows faget :^)
Die of AIDS you queer, you're never satisfied.

The ribbon is the one thing I enjoy using on my Windows computer.

>all free software is open source
League of legends is a free game
show me the source code

league of legends is gratis game
not free

who cares
jesus christ this shite again

>lolololololo nice outdated Ui faget :^)
>lololololololololo nice copying windows faget :^)

Both statements are true. How about you fagets come up with something original? Oh wait, I know. Designers don't work for free, only autistic Pajeet coders do.

What "innovation" do you want out of LibreOffice, exactly? They're just following the market leader, which is the smart thing to do.

Will it be optional?

Yes. It's not even enabled by default

Honestly, this is kind of exciting. Word 2010 is the only thing keeping me on Windows.

If its not broke don't fix it.

wincucks like you needed it.
I still use mso 2003 in wine if that shit needed.

It's optional.

The current UI in libreoffice is hideous and cluttered as fuck though.

Organizing the buttons into logical groups and eliminating redundant toolbars by combining them with the dropdown menus makes a lot of sense.

>Well I'm using Office. I just wanted freetards to defend their complete lack of creativity.
Oh, the man who made an open source compiler and refused to pay AT&T for their proprietary compiler license and ushered BSD not to donate their code to them? Is it his lack of creativity you're talking about? Or perhaps the lack of creativity of a man who made one of the most widely used kernels which is necessary for scientific research, weather forecast, stock market, supercomputers?

What is wrong with you? Which old UI are you even talking about? Are you aware that KDE exists? And here's what Libre Office looks like on Antergos KDE.

The stock market and supercomputers*


I don't use pleb office software anymore, but ribbon was actually a nice UI.

Glad to see libreoffice is experimenting with it.

What the fuck? Ribbon is a disaster. The lack of ribbon is a massive reason to use libreoffice over M$ office in the first place. What the fuck is going on in the software industry? After the death of firefox and linux, this? What next, emacs gives up on plugins completely? FUCK!

>omg a literal 1:1 clone is totally not lack of creativity!!1

It's optinal and currently not even enabled by default, you fucking retard!

Optional now, but in soon enough the old UI will be legacy.

ribbons are superior to menus and toolbars

get your head out of your ass and stop hating on it just because microshaft implemented it

>He doesn't use the ribbon

Why do you fags keep insisting on using outdated shit? From designs, to features, to hardware, you freetards are always 10 years behind

You don't have to use it, dumbass. Fuck off.

>The lack of ribbon is a massive reason to use libreoffice over M$ office in the first place

Really don't care if can't innovate. All I care is that they provide a product that's functional and easy to use. So far it does both.
What are they gonna innovate anyways? A new way to place icons on the screen? Meaningless

Hi pajeet. How does it feel to know that god emperor trump has declared you obsolete?

lol shut up pol

take a seat

>using bloated, buggy office suites
Holy shit, I didn't expect such normalfaggotry from you, Sup Forums

believe it or not some of us have jobs

>being a wageslave office drone
Finnish that report Pablo

I live comfortably within my means

Good for you, but why push for Office software in a "technology" board?
I mean, has /g fallen this low?

why not?

Because it's the lowest tier "professional" software, people who use it generally aren't very tech literate, but given the current state of /g I don't expect much.

aww that's cute, do you get your opinions from all the other cool kiddos on the meme boards?

>all self respecting freetards use based TeX and think wysiwyg editors are retarded and terrible
>casuals, idiots, and pleebs still want them for some reason
>so some free software devs go out of their way to give it to them
>>but i can't use this without muh dumb ribbon thing
>implement it
>>lol ur just copying microsoft

I wasn't insulting you, there is no need to become defensive.
People who generally use Office is because they are stuck in a wageslave job and/or because they don't know better (LaTeX and R for example)

Pretty much exactly this

This, Wish people would stop pandering to the lowest common denominator.

yeah because latex and R are good replacements for excel and outlook.

you don't have a real job. end of discussion.

>R are good replacements for excel
Pretty much yes, every SQL software is plain better, and if you are into data analysis R is the industry standard.
I just don't care about a webmail client
>muh exchange
Again, not an office drone so I really don't care.

looks pretty nice desu

DO you have a job?

>Pretty much yes
R is a statistical analysis and graph generator, matlab's better anyway

Who cares? I only ever click up there when I don't remember the keyboard shortcut, which is seldom. LibreOffice's keyboard shortcuts are superior to MS Office too.

yeah Matlab is really good, specially if you work with sensors.

I like ribbon but it's too bad side panels never took off. Are there applications that heavily use side panels?

> Pajeet
> Working for free

Graduate highschool faggot

What are you even talking about?

They could have made libreoffice usable.

Instead, they just want to change the UI. Really, at this point if you're using LibreOffice is because you don't know about O2016RTool or you're stuck using loonix

no, league is free, as in free to play and other common expressions. You don't get to redefine the word free
use libre or some other word

They shouldn't even try to be innovative about that part of gui. People are used to it and everything is on easily customized toolbars. A ribbon is an UNNECESSARY change made just for the sake of doing something just so they can say "look at this, we did this, we are working hard, here's something new"

Retards trying to get into equally retarded managers asses. Also faggots.

>t. baby duck who worships the ancient office 95/97 toolbar system
Hopefully you'll get everything else we enjoyed in 2007 soon.

Who cares. It makes no difference at all.

It's better than Wordgrinder.

>you'll get

>b-but it's customizable
Please, you only like that clunk-ass shit because it's all you know. The old monolithic toolbar system is a horridly ugly waste of space and it was long overdue for a shitcanning.

And please stop using muh aesthetics as a crutch, if you lose your shit over such trivial micromanagement of your software I'd reckon you spend more time dicking around and jerking off to your "productive workflow" than actually getting shit done.

>Not wanting a system where you can make changes on the fly without having to open extra windows

Google Docs is superior to MS Office and LibreOffice.

>easily collaborate with people online
>can work from your phone and on any computer you'll encounter
>it's free as in free
>can easily compare old versions of documents and revert changes
>safer than your hard drive
>if you want to create your own backup you just download everything with a push of a button, instead of having to upload everything
>compatible with MS Office

You're an idiot

>wordpad-tier feature set
Sorry, it's still shit.


How do I get this nice icon pack on windows? Mine looks disgusting (like the one on OP's post)

look at the article, it's clearly behind an option.

superior how?

>not using the sidebar

thank god. I switched to libreoffice because of the ribbon cancer, I don't want to switch again.

>muh baby duck syndrome
i bet you also prefer the Start menu (activated with a button on the taskbar) instead of a full-screen Start screen

Based. Ribbon is amazing, the only people who don't like it are middle aged women who are used to "working" in Office 2003.

spatially, it groups tools and actions better

>cloning something is now considered a bad thing
are you saying that GNU cloning ash was a bad decision? Because bash is one of the best shells ever.

Microsoft ® Office © Ribbon™ > Microsoft ® Office © no ribbon

Drop down


This ribbon isn't even enabled by default when you install 5.3.

You have to :

Turn on experimental features by going to Tools > Options > LibreOffice General > Advanced > Experimental features.
Enable the “Notebook bar” ribbon by going to View > Toolbar Layout > Default/Single toolbar/Sidebar/Notebookbar and select from the three available modes.

Because when people want a free alternative to something, they expect it to work exactly as the original, so the only people who will pay to drive development are the ones who wants to make it a MSOffice clone.

Is it that hard to grasp?