The technology company I work for in Finland is closing our development offices in Silicon Valley and relocating it to...

The technology company I work for in Finland is closing our development offices in Silicon Valley and relocating it to Singapore due to the new US work visa plans so I could potentially also move there since we don't expect most of our American employees to make the move.

Thanks Trump. Soon I'll be swimming in Asian pussy.

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Wtf! Give back our jobs!!!

lol based

Quit lying on the internet

Why aren't they relocating to Finland (or anywhere else in Europe)? Wouldn't that be easier?


Enjoy 1984

We have offices in Berlin and Russia too. Singapore was chosen due to their highly developed infrastructure and proximity to India.

Trump's America is 1984

>Soon I'll be swimming in Asian pussy.
Couldn't you have done that if you stayed in Finland?

Singapore is on another level.

Why can't you name the company or link to a press release?

>Literally can get shot and killed over an accusation of having any amount of drugs
Singapore is worse

Because OP is larping

In America you just get shot

You've no fucking idea what 1984 is bud, actually read the book and then try to say the same retarded shit

Only if you're a nigger in the inner cities. People living in normal areas where you'd actually want to live don't have this problem.

those chink monkeys are obsessed with drugs, anyone going there or to indonesia should carry only the necessary and double check their baggage before going through the xrays just in case

Police can't legally be hitmen for the state in america.

>hey OP, why don't you dox yourself

>thinking only police shoot people in America
>living in denial

I'm talking about the situation in singapore and how they're handling drugs. Even an accusation can get you killed.

Then why do they kill innocents all the time?

Absolutely not doxxing. And why couldn't a company make it in the middle of tech world? You have to be Nokia tier incompetent to fail that hard.

Why should I care about drugs? I'm not a fucking drug addict.

They deserve it. No difference between Asia
and America this way.

If you work for a company that large, it's not doxing yourself.

>innocent people deserve to be killed

Because that's merely an example of how fucking bad that shithole is.


Stay butthurt

Nobody deserves to be hanged over a joint. CIA loves to plant drugs on their enemies, how much you wanna bet singapore will do the same?

>get executed for accusations
>not a shithole
I couldn't possibly give less of a shit about what the place looks like, it's a shithole.

>plant drugs on their enemies, how much you wanna bet singapore will do the same?
Nah they'll just plant them on you to keep the cops busy while they smuggle a bigger load or to get an easy arrest and a victory on their own shitty version of the war on drugs.

nice ghosttown


>strawgrapsing for excuses to live in the third world

>relocating to Singapore to be closer to India

Good riddance, your company was just abusing H1B1's and just being a leech.

Are we forgetting that Singapore has the highest average national IQ in the world?

Rich as fuck with a huge GDP per capita.

Singapore is pretty amazing desu senpai

IQ is a meme

Singapore is richer than America



Companies don't need to be in America to hire Indian workers. Your country cut off it's nose to spite it's face. Threw the baby out with the bath water. Americans are losing their jobs at our company and around 250 tax payers are leaving the country.

There's a lot of places that are per capita richer than the U.S.

>Population 5.6 million
No shit they have great per-capita statistics, the only people who live there are highly skilled workers or business owners. The lower class is virtually nonexistent because they all commute to and from the country.
You have to remember it's literally a nation-state.

Also enjoy learning Mandarin, OP


No one believes that, you larping faggot

Why do you feel the need to virtue signal on the internet? No one knows or cares who you are. Its wierd.

Official language of Singapore is English. They have Chinese, Indians and Malays but everyone speaks English.


I wish I was transferred to Singapore. Lucky you OP.

What did he mean by this?


There, may be a lot of mandarin speakers in Singapore, but the official language is English. Why would you want to be officially associated with mainland scum?

>Soon I'll be swimming in Asian pussy.

You're Finnish and you're writing a blogpost on Sup Forums. You ain't gonna be swimming in shit.

Ei vittu Make ebin :D

It's a cunt of a place. I give you a year there.

Singapore is a literal paradise if you're highly intelligence and wealthy. It's like a real life Elysium.

Yeah and the language of San Diego isn't officially spanish but you better fucking learn it if you plan on living there

Me love you long time

Singapore isn't Japan or SK, user. They aren't clean and first world

Enjoy getting an STD and getting shot in the first week

>wanting to live in singapoor
have fun i guess

>worthless potheads butthurt that they have no place in a proper civilized society

Delicious tears

Singapore has strict drug laws, but they also have rule of law.

>Soon I'll be swimming in Asian pussy.
Actual Asia may be slightly different from the porn you have been watching. That said, out of all of Asia, Singapore is a great place to live. Pretty much on par with Japan or not-best Korea.

Not like any of Sup Forums NEETs would have worked in Singapore before. The city is okay but it's way too fucking small. Much better to move to Canada than Singapore if you ask me. Your company is probably aiming for the low tax and low cost to relocate immigrants but it's a bad deal to move from Finland to there and I would only do it for a significant raise.

The fuck are you on?
You definitely don't need to speak Spanish in San Diego.
Quit lying out of your ass and / or being Mexican.

>some startup with 30 employees that only pays OP in equity can no longer afford to keep offices in the US

What exactly is lost?

These dipshits who can't even read a book are fleeing the country in droves to shitholes that literally cane you for chewing gum.

We just can't stop fucking winning this year, can we?
>In 1999, United States President Bill Clinton and Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong agreed to initiate talks between the two countries for a bilateral free trade agreement (USS-FTA).[7] The talks later continued under the new administration of President George W. Bush. Details of the closed-door negotiations are unknown, but it became apparent that by the final phase of the negotiation in early 2003, there remained two unresolved issues: the War in Iraq and chewing gum.

Says the guy who lives in the country where you can't have these.

Who cares when Wonder Balls are a thing?

What company? Torilla tavataan

Are you literally retarded? Do you know how many Singaporean IT professionals would love to work in the USA? How Singapore has an IT brain drain?

Also: ITT butthurt Singaporeans

I would rather live in Singapore than a fucking mexican shithole like the US

its bad idea, you should read about renti prices and rat race is on completely different level.

I would rather quit my job than move to Singapore. YMMV.