/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

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When autism reaches critical levels, news will get posted in this thread.
Want it sooner? Do it yourself or read the old thread.

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Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

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First for nostream will win

It already lost

Guys, TSH is gone and I need a new ratioless general tracker.

What should I go for? I want a nice easy place to download stuff without dealing with ratio that isn't shit.

Third for 312c is /ourguy/

>tfw /abg/, /kgg/, /pthg/ and /ptg/ get deleted from /t/

hook ass op

Leave /t/-chan alone!!!

Good. /t/ is for public trackers, not hook-ass private crap


/t/ is for public torrents you dumb nigger

One thread was enough. You fucking autists made threads just to be retarded and attentionwhore in.

can word this post!

>TSH is gone and I need a new ratioless general tracker.

PTM is the only answer.

I've got about 3 tbs of music and 3d production related things, a tb of porn, and another tb of assorted movies, music and tv. How much storage does /ptg/ figure I'll need to satisfy my music, movies and tv needs?

Why would anyone still use APL when PTH has open interviews now?


t. nala

lotta hook shit in this thread tonite

let's keep it clean, people!

this entire thread is hook shit

op should just delet and we can start over

Apollo has a total of 5 torrent mods. PTH has 14. Yet, PTH can't handle reports for at least 4 weeks, APL handles them in a few days.

-!- mode/#APOLLO [-h Alucard] by Mirai

No wonder these people have bad taste in music and my uploads go unsnatched

fuck off, alutard

Apollo has a pretty decent clean up team (charlie team)

no one cares

Seriously, does anyone even know what this guy's problem is anymore?
Dude gets proven wrong again and again
"but those users on MY site are bad!"
maybe we should tell him shitty sites attract shitty users?

He has!!!
To avoid rumors, Alucard chose to step down. Although I expect to see /ptg/ shitposts about how alutard was btfo regardless. (waiting....)





this, Apollo sysops are from SCC which don't follow the traditional nue-tracker staffing system. There are very few fully fledged staff roles, instead it's compartmentalized among low level users with a few extra privileges.

On PTH mods have a lot more responsibility than just torrent cleanup.




Except the "Top 10 countries" doesn't include banned accounts, so it only makes sense that the users left from those countries are very good users.

The data doesn't lie. Ask any staff members on any tracker and they can give you the same information 312c documented (you can check the comments of his country ban post and see other tracker staff corroborating it)

There's a reason what.cd banned countries from interviews.

hi 312cuck!




just got blown the FUCK out


post tripcode, faggot

>People actually report things on PTH

Really makes you think!

I'm sorry you feel this way buddy
The data doesn't lie? Just look at the screenshot. Romanians are some of the best users of patrician sites. There's literally no way you can bend that statistic

>it only makes sense that the users left from those countries are very good users
Except that's not just for Romania; it's for every country. Ergo, most of the best users are Romanian.
If you look at the top 10s on any site, more often than not USA for example isn't even on the "average per user" charts, because most of them are curry fucks with like a shitty ratio due to shit traffic speeds and bandwidth caps

Why include his post about VPN's





Mummy just saw my penis

312ratiocuck can fuck off. MTV is an amazing tracker, and so are Romanians on PTs.

Why does 312c have to start things all the time ? so pointless.

>spaghetti logs EVERYTHING
This is true

>I spilled my speg everywhere on the old oppaiti.me irc a few years ago but idk if anyone's actually recorded it
Tell me who you are and when this was and I'll go look it up

poor alutard never got promoted to moderator because /ptg/ called him out on his thinly veiled attempts. He quite because of that.

>Romanians are some of the best users of patrician sites. There's literally no way you can bend that statistic

Those are the only users that aren't banned. The top 1% of X country users since they are the only ones who can still use it.

If you banned the bottom 99% of users from any other country you'd see similar numbers.

It's time faggots.

bad users are bad users, and they get banned regardless of their country of origin. The bad users from America get banned just as hard as the bad users from Romania


what time, user?

Sucks you're romanian and that your fellow countrymen are the scum of tracker communities. Sucks being judged for what others have done but there comes a point where if X% of users from a country are bad than it's not worth the (volunteer) staffers time to deal with that country.



* Oppaitime

>Country with one of the highest ratios of cheaters and overall shit users

* O*********ppaitime

PTH interviews only have 18 in queue. Confirmed trash?

The name of the tracker is Oppaitime.

pooploop has 0 :^)

Isn't that like a 5 or so hour wait?

Time to d-d-d-d-duel


People don't even bother to put descriptions on their uploads

MTV is a gypsy level tracker

Guy in front has been waiting < 2 hours.

Not really, there was just a surge at the start of the interviewing process for obvious reasons. It's still in the early stages.

they blocked Indian and Romanian IPs

>Needing descriptions for TV shows
>Needing to be reminded of the plot of the shows you watch
>Reading the same copypasted from IMDB plot for everything you watch

Jag är Svenska; inte rumänska
I'm betting anything there are more banned American users than Romanians on any site you can think of. Maybe staff should ban USA because they spend more time banning their users?
Think before you type, please.

nice straw, man.

That's a pretty vast generalization, because many actually do bother to include atleast screenshots and MediaInfo

I don't care that much for these descriptions anyway, it's just a nice source to have for TV and some movies

Nice logistics, my Fallacy dude.

99% in btn uploads don't have screenshots

Stay s a l t y my curry friend :^)

There are definitely more banned American users than Romanian users, but the reasons for being banned are different (things like invite selling/buying is much more common from countries like Romania, which takes much longer to investigate and deal with),

Also, on a per capita basis, Romania is much worse. If the United States had a > 50% bad users rate, you'd probably see them banned too.

99% of BTN uploads are auto-uploaded shit. Very few people care about quality for TV and the few that do are on HDB.

>You fucking autists
(Proof of official diagnoses needed)


don't worry user, i still will be spamming my shitty filehost


Why do you even use Apollo? You snatched a pyramid during freeleech, got 70GB of upload, snatched 2 other albums during the freeleech, and have literally done nothing else.

Don't you normally pgp sign your posts, 312c?
I think we are looking at the same coin 2bh. maybe Romanians do buy relatively more accounts, but is that necessarily a bad thing? After all, it's just an arbitrary rule. Compare that to the top 10s and you'll see the average Romanian is worth ten average americucks in terms of ratio, upload, etc)

even most btn internals don't have screenshots

>tfw Australian with shitty internet
>can't get into trackers because of shitty snatch numbers and ratio

I already have a pretty big music collection, and usually haven't seen the need to download anything else; the only point of my buffer was to check if they were seeding it myself, or contribute to a request, but the reason I don't stay inactive like a faggot is because most of the community there is pretty fun to hang out with. We'll all help each other out if someone has bad buffer, and over all just have fun shitposting on IRC.

>We'll all help each other out if someone has bad buffer

Evidently not, since you don't download anything.

Get a box you dumb cunt

Normally because the torrent itself was so small that I thought it would've been a waste of buffer to spend it on he or she. aka all the time. If it's 500-800MB in size, sure ill snatch it

If I wanted to pay to pirate, I'd buy the fucking things

Is Mirai a girl? I can't even tell.

You've literally never downloaded anything outside of the freeleech period.

i straight up hate you, you dipshit

You sound pretty mad that people think your country is awful trash (hint: it is)

>Downloaded: 2.14 GB

Yes. How could you not?

This reads like the Louis CK bit where he talks about feeling good because he thought about doing something good.


I can't either
Nothing fully ye, I will just part-seed one file sometimes to check if the person I am helping is seeding it right; which now that I reflect on it was pretty retarded of me. Seems like too much of a dick move to just give the new guy so much of a shut out.
thanks user, you are my inspiration

I can't either.

>>tfw Australian with shitty internet
>>can't get into trackers because of shitty snatch numbers and ratio
Time to get off dial-up, Gino.
Or perhaps your suburb is so notorious for not paying bills that's all there is.
We're streaming and torrenting like theives here.

Does AB still recruit on O*ppaitime or has spaghetti burned his bridges with them too?

Mirai is secretly nala

312c is a literal cuck that hates America