Why doesn't your monitor hold your pizza for you Sup Forums?

Why doesn't your monitor hold your pizza for you Sup Forums?

Because I'm not a Filthy neckbeard, I prepare and make my own dinner, and drink it at the table with a glass of red wine like a civilised human.

I miss having the Saitek Cyborg. Being left handed, it was one of the better ones I've used.

>Drinks own pizza at the table with a glass of wine

>pizza hut
that's not pizza

>Drinking his pizza

Truly civilized

Because I don't entertain the barbaric eating habits of some sullied mess of what once may have been referred to as a man. The only meals I consume at my abode are those conceived in my kitchenette and and disposed of in the scullery and habitually with a glass of Chateau Latour. I'm sure a petulant degenerate such as yourself couldn't appreciate such class.

Why doesn't your pizza box hold your monitor?

Lol you live in a shed

My shed should soon be expanding to 8'x12'

because i don't live in a hovel andcan afford newer tech

Are you the guy that lives in a shed and used to post in battlestation threads?

where can I submit a tip

I've been forgetting to post, also changed it again, but haven't cleaned my room for a picture

I used to be a filthy neckbeard. When I started drinking pizza it changed my life. I began to realize I had more energy. I gained some nice 500 inch girth muscles and learned martial arts. When drinking the pizza I realized that when I made it into a liquid there was no need for water. I could just live off the pizza as both food and water. The grease now lives through my vains and my DNA. My kids are now genetically modified pizzas and I have to raise them eating pizza so that they will become successful adults. When I raise the kids, I want to make sure that they don't do anything wrong, but also how to grease up cars with pizza. Pizza truly can make anything happen. Just look at Mike Tyson, the true alpha male. He lived on pizza from a very young age and it motivated him to do good in the world. That's all I have to say. I hope you follow my message.

can confirm
t. pizza hut employee

>he doesn't live in a shed
>He doesn't hack the FBI
Fucking losers

I'd like to think all the grease leaking through the cardboard into the heated vents is going to create a glorious fire.

Do you ever play Virtual On: Cyber Troopers with those joysticks?

I'm up at 1 am cramping over a toilet because of pizza hut this shit is vile

top shelf effort m80

Under fucking rated post

Because I have a large desk that could hold more pizzas than I could eat in a week if I ate nothing but pizza. Anyone else annoyed by the tax return delays? I want a fuckin' delivery pizza, but nooo, I have to eat baked chicken and noodles and green beans every god damn day.

Towers can hold it just fine. Bonus points for exhausting heat out the top and onto the bottom of the pizza box.

'cause it's warming my cat

How can new displays even compete?

There is so much Edge™ in this picture my eyes are slit

>imblying cats live for 30 years

>pineapple slices
literally fuck off

it's too busy staying thin so i can put the pizza on the table like a normal guy

is this your child?

>glass of red wine

applefag detected

>drinking rotten fruits which makes you stupid and clumsy

okay lol.

>any american pizza company
That's not pizza. Do yourself a favor and go buy plane tickets to italy.



>implying this is better

>fbi.gov "view source"
>cd amd; tree


I want to believe

Um no, it has pepperoni, chicken, mushrooms and black olives on it