Apple developing new ARM co-processor for Macs

There is already an ARM processor in Touch Bar MBPs for Touch Bar-related processing and undisclosed security functions.

How long before macOS can't boot without a presence of a custom Apple ARM security co-processor, killing Hackintosh dead?

RIP Intel.



I'm so fucking excited for this shit. Can't wait to have a dockable tablet-desktop-storage server hybrid with 20 hours of battery life in tablet mode.

can't innovate anymore my ass

Back in the 60s maybe.

Tell me about how your $500 laptop has 5 hours of battery at maximum because it draws too much power. It's not the concept so much as the application which is exciting.

It will be funny watching Applefags defend having a secret processor with undisclosed functions running in their computer.

>"N-No guys! It makes macOS even better, I swear!"

I miss being excited for new tech features but they just seem ominous and meant to gather data and lock down devices these days

>killing Hackintosh dead
my first thought was "kek, they want to fuck over hackintosh"

they could do some interesting shit if they grafted in something like one of their phone processors though - somewhere to offload a lot of background shit (e.g. audio and network stuff) while consuming a fraction of a watt so they can completely power down the beefier intel cpu

>Plug your phone into your PC via Newport™ and it can be used as a secondary processor.
Future when?

How exactly would a proprietary processor do either of those? Apple are far more dedicated to security and privacy than Google or Microsoft.

Mac OS could require that the secondary processor be present before booting; i.e. anti-hacintosh

Nigga, people have already proven that Intel ME can skim damn near everything you're doing, and send it off/secure it/ store it in such a way that you literally have no idea, or way to even know it's doing it.

Apple allowing a proprietary processor, of which we would know zero of it's capabilities, intercept keyboard, mouse, video, audio, and more would be 100% questionable.

If I told you "Hey, user, here's a device you can plug into the PCI-E port of your desktop that'll make it faster!" And you knew nothing of what it was actually doing, actually responsible for, or actually capable of, beyond that it requires drivers with access to nearly everything and is clearly capable of it's own networking/processing/storage, would you accept? 99.9% would say absolutely not. They would have no idea if it's skimming credit cards, stealing identities, remotely launching attacks on state enemies for foreign nations, or what. They would want no part of it.

Now, I don't think Apple wants your credit card to commit fraud with, but the idea that Apple can, just by you "agreeing" to purchase the "2018 Macbook Pro" gather information such as: keyboard usage information, network metadata, encryption key information, and system metadata, they could resell it, use it themselves, or it could be stored and leaked and used maliciously. Hell, it could be called into use by state bodies. What you type, when you send network information, network information, SSL certifications and more could all be gathered and used against you, against others, and all just because you thought that having a mystery chip in your Macbook Pro was a great idea!

Oh wtf I love Apple (protectors of freedom and security) now.

>developing anything

>mactoddlers unironically thinking the chip isn't a direct line to NSA


Hackintosh is a meme anyways. Just use linux and a Windows VM

If any of this shit happens I'll eat my hat. If you actually think Apple would collect encryption info or metadata for personal use or (in some kind of bizarro land) financial gain, I don't know what to tell you. They make such a huge fucking deal out of things like their end-to-end messaging encryption and the fact that the no system information is collected beyond your control. People talk about biometric sensors and AI assistants like they're part of the 'botnet' but in reality none of that data ever leaves your device.


fake news. assange is only a publisher.

Linux is a meme shit. Fuck you!