Screenfetch Thead
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Post Pape?
Fuck I didn't see this thread
it's a good laptop otherwise but I fucking hate this touchpad.
I'm going to revive this when my chinkpad comes in
Post pape?
Seems like I don't have the raster anymore. Only the image.
I use Windows 2000. Nothing is better.
Where the fuck did you get a Loongson CPU? Aren't those restricted for Chinese supercomputers atm?
he fell for the stallman autism meme laptop
Yeah and I kind of regret it, but it's fun to fuck around with still I guess... I've had it for quite a while.
does the job
small bits of ricing. mostly shooting for long battery life with minimal ugliness.
get out
anime website
Get out
anime website
Get out
anime website
Get out
anime website
Get the fuck out
anime website
your desktop sucks
Am I doing it rite?
>2254 packages
a lot of shit. enjoy your shitty OS
Get out
>i3 on Ubuntu
>implying ubuntu isn't just a better version of debian
>implying it isn't all sh*t
screenfetch is for faggots
Please update your bash.
arch is trash
centos/fedora/rhel are nice, but debian and ubuntu are max comfy
haha no, they're straight garbage
its your life. or lack thereof. spend it how you wish.
I don't know how to screenfetch on windongs
Reeee tard
ps1 looks jagged
>current year
>still using screenfetch
why would anyone do that when better scripts exist too?
>intel core i5-6600k
a vm?
not a tinkerer. i like shit that just werks
what font?
You're pretty good.
You jealous that I actually use my shit for things other than "ricing"?
staging for rice in progress
gruvbox themed
I really like that wallpaper user, can you share?
zoom out :P
and great choice on termux!
>tfw everyone has basically the same cpus
this would be a lot cuter if you made the terminal background light
r8 my ricing
this is actually pretty good for KDE
how about this?
i think that's too much, try a subtly transparent cream color or something like that
What, non-K i5s?
i think im gonna stay with this, its pretty comfy now
That font smoothing is shit
I really like this one
I meant the wallpaper image itself, not the character or anything.
do u want the render or the full wallpaper?
Uh, both, thanks.
Is this the new...