Screenfetch thread

Lemote Yeeloong edition

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nice screenfetch get a new wallpaper thouh

What's wrong with the wallpaper?

its just bad okay sorry

How about now?

Senpai, are those windowless borders or are they 1px invisible borders?

oh no noooo NOOOOOO!!!!

Alright, Debian or Arch?


My MBP is at my apartment.

Both are good, and debian testing/unstable is similar to arch, flip a coin

debian is more cool arch is more autistic

debian is not cool it's garbage with a decent logo

I'm trying to install Arch but it always hang up in my virtualbox. I'm getting a lil bit frustrated.

Never had this issues with other distros.

The problem is during the install, I get a black screen.

a arch autist detected

uh uh your wrong

Did you receive the sekrit Klub invitation?

I actually did! Guess there's some settings to do.

very carefully haha



How many (You's) would it cost me to get that oneechan theme?

you should only take (You)'s in advance after that last incident desu
otherwise the market could get shook up


Here you go, senpai.

It says it's a virus....

macs cant get viruses

you're on chrome, aren't you? it doesn't like that site for some reason

Fuck off you pedophile

anime website

anime website


Yes it's an anime website you dumb fuck.
That doesn't mean you can post your shitty desktop with fucking lolita trash on it.
Nobody here likes you.

anime website

Anime interneto

Kill yourself you dumb fuck.

You are not cute when trying to convey angriness

anime website



This is a no-bully area please stop bullying others /c/ute


And you are a fatfucking pedophile who uses a shitty macbook. You even post it on lainchan and they think its shitty.

anime website

You are talking to the wrong /c/utie