Desktop thread? Desktop thread.
Desktop thread? Desktop thread
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need that wallpaper, asking for a friend's research program.
here u go that will be 5 yous pls
fuck that was quick
uhh u still owe me 4 yous pls ty
Very nice wallpaper.
Kill yourself you pedophile shitbag
how is that girl pedophile material you idiot
Nobody here likes you
Nobody here wants you
anime website
dont you ever reply to her like that again you worm
haha prove it fagot. I need timestamps
You should kill yourself.
anime website
Gofuckyourselfyoupedophile website
anime website
anime website
Nice samefagging
your dumb
where's your second laptop
your really dumb
you're a pedophile
wtf i need ur passport and drivers liscene or ur under arrest
shes like 30 billion years old BAKA
>yeah ill just say she's 30 billion years old to cover up my pedo tendencies
Atleaat have some taste in anime. Clearly ypu have none in computers, design or anything else.
haha i bet u like jojo
post your desktop lol
I watch evangelion, initial d, lain, ghost in the shell, strike witches, fate and also your mother.
I would but this isn't /w/ or /wg/, where desktops aare supposed to be.
lol never reply to me again idiot
>strike witches
I'm not the fucking faggot who has it as their fucking desktop background you dumb cunt. Have some goddamn reason and taste you waste of atoms.
never reply to her posts again idiot
Tits or gtfo
>you're gay if you have anime girls on your computer
>you're straight if you post pictures of men all the time and watch gay animes
>gay animes
fuck you, shit head.
I dare you to take a computer out with a background like that, I dare you faggot.
I have stickers like that on my laptop that I took to my job you insecure moron
you arent cool or epic or whatever the heck you think you are just because you pretend to not like things that are objectively good and cute
faggot, please. There is nothing tasteful about any of those images and they are all quite sickening. What happened to the gay one of a boy masturbating, is that "cute" too?
shes a girl IDIOT
what are you even babbling about at this point
just get out of my sight you puke
Girls don't have penises.
uhh cant u read it says right there that shes a girl
This book would say otherwise.
So not only are you a pedophile, but also are mentally ill. Good job.
SHE is like 40 trillion years old moron
wtf you litteraly cant argue with that thumbnail picture of a textbook
give it up he's got you beat
wtf I hate anime now
Post the pape please
thanks user
Totally with you user, anime is cancer. Is there an imageboard for TECH fans to talk about tech?
anime website
get cucked holy shit
TECH board. Nothing is sacred on an anonymous imageboard, not even your unhealthy infatuation with japanese culture.
tech board of the anime website
Nothing is sacred on an anonymous imageboard, not even your unhealthy infatuation with japanese culture.
*tips fedora*
I dislike anime, sue me.
then why are you posting on an anime imageboard
because I like Technology, and this is the largest anonymous imageboard on the internet. We spend our time on Sup Forums criticizing: peoples OS's, peoples distros, programming languages, tech companies, peoples ricing, hardware and software, uni majors, jobs, nationalities, et. al. But say one thing about anime and it's a fucking pile on. Just had to get that off my chest.
this is a technology board of an anime website, made for fans of japanese culture to discuss technology with other fans of japanese culture
you literally don't belong here
you have to go back
Wait a second. I've been seeing this from a completely wrong perspective.
>Anime is a meme
it all makes sense now, it's like "install gentoo" or "sjw". It's a kneejerk response. And here I thought that people unironically shilled that weird japanese animation. Boy, is my face red!
your so f*cking dumb omg dont every reply to my posts again idiot
This is not your place normalfag.
samefag trying to get more (you)s
your the dumbest person in existance
YOU'RE "so fucking dumb omg dont every reply to my posts again idiot"
your wrong
>implying it's not possible
nice font rendering moron NOT hahaha