Post a screenshot of your notification area

Post a screenshot of your notification area.


I don't have one :^)




Interesting article



Everyone above me is a windows toddler. you children are a disgrace. I honestly hope you're all under 18.

watch out everyone, this guy has a % display of how much cpu he's using
fucking windows toddlers lmao!

Arch update broke my icons

that's not CPU, retard. just shows how little you wintoddlers know.

Linux 0 - Windows 1

who reads this shit lmao

maximum autism

There's a lot of NOD32 dicksucking in that thread.
Obvious issue is that if you do have some problem you actually need to be able to link it to your antivirus to conclude it is the cause.
I was having trouble installing the official Creative driver for my external sound card (would always use the Microsoft driver which didn't support the volume dial) and even when I disabled NOD32 it wouldn't install.
Only uninstalling NOD32 allowed me to install and use the driver properly. It was fucking wonderful that it didn't even inform me it was doing anything to block it.




im not a windows person. why do you want these icons?


>windows 10


Cancer and autism




Worst ITT

Would be good without the weather, the clock icon, the percentage of whatever and those two coloured graphs

I like it

>shittest anti-virus let-alone anti virus

>ugly net speed




I hate people like you.


God hates winfags



Why would people post in this thread if they wanted no reaction?

I don't want a (You).

>>shittest anti-virus let-alone anti virus

>i have friends
>never had a virus since i started using it and i'm using it for free

>Same, my life doesn't revolve around online 20 year old manlets, who stll play games. People that you talk to without seeing there face or emotion arent friends. Try making in real life friends
>why keep letting a program ''''scan'''' your whole computer ever so often if you don't need it?

>making assumptions about my personal life based off one program
you're a special kind of retarded. i'm talking to and playing with my real life friends. sorry for having friends who share the same hobbies.

why did you mention java? why did you mention adobe? and why not let it keep scanning? i don't even notice it and everything runs exactly the same whether it's automatically scanning or not.

>making assumptions about my personal life based off one program

Kek, says the one who started assuming I had no friends cause I don't use an EPIC CHAT FOR EPIC GAYMERS XD

>you're a special kind of retarded. i'm talking to and playing with my real life friends. sorry for having friends who share the same hobbies.

NO YOURE A SPECIAL KIND OF RETARD HAHAHA lol I so got you. Also >making assumption

Wow, you're a special kind of retard
Wow, you're a special kind of retard
Wow, you're a special kind of retard
Wow, you're a special kind of retard

>why did you mention java?
Because you don't need it and it's used by pajeets who make filthy code.

>why did you mention adobe?
Literally the same as above. You don't need it and its closed source. A friend of mine bought Adobe Photoshop and he gets ads even though he bought it. I wonder what else they are putting on your computer. Search up Adobe on your default drive and you will have a f load of bloat on your computer that you wouldn't have remembered installing.

>why not let it keep scanning? i don't even notice it and everything runs exactly the same whether it's automatically scanning or not.

Its not the fact that it may degrade your performance while doing to ultimate gaming. Or that it might annoy you.
Why would you want some closed source program accessing all your files? Why are you even on this board? Can you go back to Sup Forums or something?




Y'all niggas getting notified about way too much shit

That depends on how many threads he has available you idiot.

O hai I screenshot

My god. Ultimate autistic fuck.
Who cares when it's a computer you don't care.

When you do your stuff, you do it on your real personal computer. Stop being a fucking fagget insecure with your big brother.

Hahahaha what????
Could you please re-phrase that?

What else do you want me to elaborate?
It's not my fault if you guys cares so much about your "freedom/security", jesus christ.

Only fucking pleb like you has one shitty computer in your renting room and doesn't have one for each dedicated stuff that they're doing.

"they're scanning muh files" yeah, cool, scan those gaymes and random softwares. I couldn't care less.

holy shit this is some autism


You broke the thread with your overkill shitpost.

>le nutin 2 hide nutin 2 fear meme
good goyim, remember to never question authority

>Who cares when it's a computer you don't care.
Kek what

>When you do your stuff, you do it on your real personal computer. Stop being a fucking fagget insecure with your big brother.
You are literally spurting shit and not thinking when you type because you are obviously very riled up

Omg pls stop assuming

Kek, well just enjoy it when you try run for something big but it back fires. Or you do something illegal or are falsely accused and it backfires.

Am I doning it right?
Icons are for plebs, full text master race

Hmmmmm all posted in a span of 3 minuets. Really makes you think

completely unreadable.


No I'm
Your points are valid but your aggresiveness is overkill. Getting so much reaction should make you think eh. In any case, enough shitposting for today, I'm out.

>calls me autistic every reply
>I'm I the wrong for retaliating

Reminder that if you still need any antivirus you're probably an underage GAYMER.

Why do you hate f.lux and discord?

kek, autistic fuck

Could you stop now? I think I've realised that your vocabulary only consists of Autistic Fuck as that was what you were called at school

Not op, but hes kinda right desu
Youre the kind that of fagget

I'm not sure if you're using twisted English to be an EPIC TrOLl or something.

No battery, wait for the new one to arrive

(And that computer is a Vostro 1720, totally not powerful but it's a good Dell before they went into HP-like computer.

Cancer and autism


