What is going to look better an LED TN panel or a non LED VA panel?

What is going to look better an LED TN panel or a non LED VA panel?




answer the question retards

kill yourself

>non LED VA panel

damn so TN panels must really be that terrible

OP in the same amount of time it's going to take for someone to give you a serious reply on Sup Forums, you could have researched this online and found your own answer

>TN panels in 2017

that's not the answer, he is mocking your retardation.




Looks like a microwave.

Works like one to

IPS is the best panel in quality-price relation right now... Go for a 24" IPS monitor

youre the retarded one thinking that a tn could be superior to a va screen

I really don't know if you can buy any new non LED LCDs anymore unless you're going with wide gamut professional CCFLs which I doubt... But yeah VA is better for viewing content, better than IPS garbage too.

What's it like being a fucking poo-nigger pajeet ?

Sounds like a poor's explaining why can't he buy an IPS monitor

IPS is best, but VA still blows TN out of the water, and has better blacks.

>backlight bleed
>no contrast
>grey blacks
IPS might be the least bad panel type, but they're still garbage.

and your still a street shitting poo-nigger pajeet.

What the fuck did you bought as an IPS panel?

I hope your mother dies of cancer.

Did I hit a nerve? Who'd've thought there'd be so much butthurt over user's favorite panel type. For the record, I've got an IPS panel - a fairly expensive one in its day - and it suffers all these problems.

She won't, but thanks for your concern.

Yeah, but which one?

Enjoy your screen burn

Which one what? The display I'm using? It's a 27" Viewsonic that's a few years old. But I keep up on monitor reviews, and a lot of IPS displays have these same problems.