/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

When autism reaches critical levels, news will get posted in this thread.
Want it sooner? Do it yourself or read the old thread.

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for AB is cabal

Second for upholding and defending trans rights

Keep the bullshit in the old thread.

>tfw most of the Interviewers picks is garbage

>tfw other people have different tastes than me

The people who do not like what I like should hang themselves for having such shitty taste. Fucking plebs.

Lol,really? Apollo cabal too?Can someone post a screenshot to update the fbi network plz?

told me to post about Nala's feet here

Z, tell youre fucking recruits not to laugh at peoples favorite albums. I like that there is no interview and you just need to show up and ask, but this shit is ridiculous.

No interviews at the momemt on pth

Why? You should be thankful that they're making you aware of your shit taste!

is there a way to rent a seedbox for less than a month? Maybe a week, or even a single day?

Tell me what is wrong with early Kashiwa Daisuke, Yndi Halda and Midori.

I got complimented on my taste, lul. LP, LadyG, Bring me ze horizont, Tay Tay.

Install rtorrent on a digital ocean :^)

that's how you get v&'d



Fuck you.

t. the user who was being thanked

how the fuck does one get into

anyone can sign up for cloudflare user

fuck off 312c

let open up my vpn and I'll see if I can help you out

Has HDB ever once re-opened recruitment on PTP/AHD after /ptg/ started posting about it initially?

just get Elite on BIB like everyone else user

no bib is shit

Any vape trackers?

go suck a dick somewhere else

Jokes on you, I'm not straight, so I have no interest in sucking a dick.

You're not a girl though

what are your interests then?

Yes I am.


Women don't have penises though

>he didn't get an invite from the guy on /ptg/ last year

gender identity != genitals

Some women do, like trans women.

Maybe you meant biological females don't have penises, in which case you're right. But not all women are biological females, because "woman" is gender identity, "female" is sex. And they are not always the same thing, though for most people (cis people) they are.


Fuck off with your anti-science bullshit.

wow thats pretty gay bro

did you link me to this thread because you know all transwomen are 1337 haxors? I've been known to hack the Gibson a time or two...

Why the fuck trannies have to make everything about themselves? Fuck off to /lgbt/ or shut the fuck up. This is not the thread to talk about yourself.

Thats fucking retarded, I was charlie team for a bit to help out when the site first started, and deleting was a godsend as you could solve problems yourself. Without that you're just an Elite thats teas bitch.

It's not anti-science. The science agrees with me: gender identity is separate from biological sex. Stop using "science" and "rationality" as your shield and admit you just don't like trans people because they're "icky". At least then I could respect your honesty.

Whats the recruiting route to bib?

Mutilating yourself is pretty "icky" imo. But I'm normal so what would I know? :^)

That "mutilation" is the only known effective treatment for gender dysphoria, so whether or not you think it's "icky" doesn't really matter to me. :^)

user invite from a friend, just like AB

You'll always be a male though :^)

pathetic and narrow minded.

Biologically? I sure will, buddy.

But I can live my life as female and nobody will be any the wiser since I pass :^)

Pretty narrow minded that you think you're a woman just because you cut your cock and balls off desu. That's fucking disrespectful to real women.


Holy fuck, stop replying to the mentally ill faggot, this thread is about trackers.

Trans women are women whether or not they have reassignment surgery. They're women because that is their gender identity, not because of their genital situation.

time for trans memes

Nope. By that logic I can identify as spaghetti and be accepted.

Sexual differentiation is unfortunately very complicated and this doesn't even capture a percentage of how complicated it actually is. My lecturer actually divides sex alone up into genital sex, gonadal sex and phenotypical sex. Then you've got to account for everyone who has slightly different receptors, receptors on the surface or down below, concentrations of hormones, the times at which hormones are secreted, the levels of the multiple hormones and how they react, the hormones that are secreted in one part of the body and not the other, how epigenetically wrapped up the chromosome is, whether chromosomes are silent or mosaic'd or if they've crossed over translocated or one of the billion shits that can happen to one shit.

Human development is suicide inducingly complicated.


Wrong, because spaghetti isn't a gender, while man and woman are.

New to making requests. What's a fair price to offer for a 24/96 FLAC that costs $14?

I'm already in most of the cabal trackers, so I'm mostly just here to shitpost untill some normal discussion kicks back up

PTH a few GB should be more than enough. APL... 15-20GB

start off with 100MB for a fe days and bump it up later if that doesnt work.

The more you know about a subject the deeper the rabbit hole goes. When you were a child you thought of a computer as a computer, as an adult you now know the computer has a screen and motherboard and a hard drive, then you know that the computer can run different programs, one of those programs is rsync and rsync can be used to synchronise files, one example of a filetype is FLAC and FLAC can be divided into compressed and uncompressed which can be flexibly interconverted.

Now you apply that same mindset to sex only it's a different sort of field so specialists in that field know all the upteenth billionths of different things that can happen within that broad umbrella term of male and female.

You wouldn't expect an ordinary person to know anything other than Windows and Mac OS and it's the same in science.

time for some especially cancerous memes



which tracker has the most trannies, and why is it AB?

please stop

I'm having a hard time digesting this much cancer all at once.

Private trackers were a fucking mistake. They used to be a chill place where you could go grab an account and share data with like minded people, but now they have turned in to cancerous hives of politics and degeneracy that are always on threat level 10 which makes everyone stressed out in real life and on IRC and the forums. It's just become a complete joke. The only merciful thing to do is completely destroy this whole community, it's outgrown itself completely.

You can just ignore the community you know.




Time requirements?

There are none he must be rusing you unfortunately.

You can ignore cancer too, but it will still kill you.

I mean I could better.php my way to pu right now if I wanted, I just don't know if I should bother

I can confirm.
6 months.

>he did not get his H*B invite from WHAT PU

where? don't see it in invites forum

elaborate troll?

AHD stands for "Agonizing HeaDache" Dont go there.


>be disabled for who the fuck knows why on PTP
>go to #ptp-disabled at their IRC
>get into queue
>You are in position 48 of 48 in the queue, the first slot has been waiting for 537 Hour(s) and 53 Minute(s). You will be banned if you abuse this command more than once per hour.
>ask people in the chat how long they've been waiting
>some guy says "two months"
What the fuck? What the FUCK?
I don't even know why I was disabled and I cannot know because there's no way to check the site once you are.

Which days are the PTH invite given?

ur fukt m8 lmao

At this point it'd be quicker to get another fucking account.

Yeap,you are fucked indeed.Ptp is the last place you wanna get disablled, for whatever reason..

Yeap, indeed. But wont 312cuck disable the dupe for the slighiest reason? They are paranoid faggots

>We will ask a couple of questions, possibly ask you for a picture of a cat (we like cute pictures), then BAM!


Seeing their incompetence I doubt I'd ever get caught. I can just ask for an invite on BTN and if I get banned again, I'll get a new one with a sockpuppet. Ive had a secondary account on BTN for the past 3 years.

so LaZx stepped down, where do you guys think MTV should recruit? :o)

Xmm. Can you send me an email here please? Wanna ask you something
[email protected]

As for the invites thing, hasnt betrayed gone out of his meds for a long time now? Being delusional and all. Have read the stories on TPsociety and from other on private about invites and how he even handles the cases of his own Vips. If only half of these stories are true..

Anywhere I am.

Of all the trackers in the torrent sphere, they decided to have recruitment on Emp,apart from MaM and Hdbits.Where else do they recruit.

If the tracker wont change management,i think its a burned card and begrudged to stay with a "gipsy" organization. At least the Nazi lover stepped down..

the poll currently has AB, GGn, TehC, PTH and something else I think

Poll? There is a poll on mtv now? Lol

there's always been polls for decisions

Cabal. Cabal everywhere

Yeah, didnt know for recruitment though.

Hopefully they end up on ab but I could get a decent rank on Tehc or pth if needed.

anything worthwhile in PTH elite forum?