Dropping 32 bit software for a reason

dropping 32 bit software for a reason

I thought for a long time now why Apple doesn't develop their own mac chips.
Probably because it was cheaper just to use Intel

Well if this actually happens hackingtosh is pretty much dead. On the good side we won't have any intel shenanigans.

>yo dev your shit compiles to 64 bit x86 right now right?
>as of xcode 10.420.69 press the button & a 100% compatible arm binary will be spit out too welcome to the new hotness

it will be dead like 5 years later when they kill backwards compatibility.

even Apple wouldn't drop Intel Macs that quickly, not when their yearly service packs are basically the only signs of life on the Mac.

Apple already had a chip that beat out what Intel was offering to them in the A8 thanks to Keller. But they kept buying up Intel.

Congratulations. It's fucking nothing.

Fair enough. What's the chances that this is the new powerpc and is destined to die?

Apple finally working towards making their own processors to get rid of (((intel))) and their botnet IME

They've been building out their capabilities and capacity with TSMC. Making processors at Apple scale is not easy, Intel spends something like a few billion on every new fabrication plant for each process leap.

Apple are still getting their feet wet. But ultimately, they will probably phase out intel and build macos for a custom arm chip to remove (((their))) attack vector

thanks for based hardware backdoors that allow a microkernel thats baked into the soc with radio and sdcard r/w access.

100%, but this time they'll do it slower.
god knows their pajeet engineers aren't doing any performance-intensive stuff anyway, unlike with 10.4-10.6, so they surely won't have that much of a problem maintaining compatibility

Apple doesn't have a lot of market share globally, this isn't a huge threat to Intel. Intel will have to tighten their belt a bit, but that's it.

>Apple Inc. is designing a new chip for future Mac laptops
>The updated part, internally codenamed T310, would handle some of the computer’s low-power mode functionality, they said.

its fucking nothing.jpg

the cpu will still be intel

and replace it with their own proprietary garbage you mindless shitstick

It could be a first step toward a full-fledged x86 replacement.

>He thinks Apple won't include their own backdoor

>not invented here syndrome intensifies

Or, you know, maybe not since they have no reason to do so.

>inb4 it will cost 5x more than an intel chip at 1/6 the performance

Literally noone will buy it

Apple, Arch and Haskell are for pajeets.

Nigra an iphone has more powerful chip than intel

>an iphone has a more powerful chip than intel
>can barely run 3D apps but costs 2x more than a high-range intel chip

Yeah, ok.

Oh please make this happen. I want a laptop with a 40 hour battery life and it will NEVER EVER happen if we all just keep buying Intel.

That's what you faggots said when Apple switched architectures the first and second times.

Meanwhile Poo In LooOS is actually fucking dying.

Atom is faster than A10

Define faster because you're wrong.

Actually can't wait for this to happen. I'll miss using my Hackintosh down the road but an Apple SoC means non-shit battery life. There's no reason we should only be getting 10-12 hours of life

So basically, they want to make an embedded controller that is ARM based.
This shit is completely irrelevant.

>It’s built using ARM Holdings Plc. technology and will work alongside an Intel processor.
Right. So basically this won't change anything for Intel.

Said the sweaty nervous Intel shill.

Didn't Microsoft want to make a "real" Laptop with "real" Windows 10 based on Snapdragon 835?

Gonna miss Mac OS.
But as long as they continue to fuck up every single mac product line, I can't buy any of them.

if anyone actually reads the article, it just says it will be a coprocessor that will only be used while in sleep mode to improve standby times.

a fully ARM Mac is probably 2.5+ years away

Yes, and they might actually do it, the absolute madmen. They're now pushing another Windows 10 SKU branded "Windows 10 Cloud" that will only run apps from the Windows Store. Essentially they're thinking of resurrecting the Surface RT.

Eh well, that sounds like garbage. I thought they'd make a real Windows 10 ARM edition that works just like the desktop Win10 but runs ARM executables instead.

It's a power management/security/Touch Bar co-processor.

The purpose is to make Hackintosh impossible, not replace the main Intel CPU.

>Apple doesn't have a lot of market share globally
They do in every first world country

For once it's something close to "new and revolutionary".

So does AMD. You realize there are multiple chips with different power, right? Apple's ARM chips might beat the lowest-end Atoms and Celerons but it's certainly not able to compete with an i7

Not the European ones. Or in Canada for that matter. Apple really only dominates in the USA