U jelly?




what do I win

Fully convinced this thing sits on a desk and only gets used for desktop threads. Lid closed because you don't want your parents to see.

it doesn't have a lid baka

Dragon dildo.



>we´re hitting autism levels beyond the laws of physics

I shutdown my PC every time I'm done with it, user (multiple times a day).

>202 years

you pay for your own electricities billing's?

You're starting to convince me to go on FagOS.

you should

>Kumaki Anri
Excellent taste

How mad would you be at a power cut mere minutes from hitting that glorious 1y milestone?

Yeah, I wish I could waste electricity like sir.

It would be a shame if something were to, you know, happen.


>hey look guys I'm a year behind on security patches for my kernel!

Matrix, is you?

>not even 800 days

You can apply security patch without reboot.

why go through all that trouble just to avoid a reboot? rebooting takes a few minutes at most on even the slowest hardware, and just lol if you care about uptime on anything but a server

Shit, even if you're running a server, an uptime that long isn't a good thing. You're not applying kernel security patches, as mentioned above. You've probably changed some configuration over the past year, do you know everything will come up after a reboot? It's better to schedule regular maintenance windows when you can take scheduled downtime. Eventually you will need to reboot that system, better to do it on your terms and have your users used to the idea that that needs to happen now and then, rather than have it happen in an emergency.

Yeah but why would you? I have a dedicated box and I reboot it once every 4/5 months due to minor (and last year, major) OS version upgrades. It's a bit of a pain to get back up (mostly due to the high number of services that have to start again), but what do I have to gain from a high uptime anyway? At least I can enjoy the new features..

I agree, but this wasn't the "question" of

Of what ? You not being able to afford a heater


>480 days
I'm scared something will break if I reboot ;_;

>18:41:21 up 904 days, 6:32, 1 user, load average: 0,67, 0,63, 0,53