Post your foobars

Post your foobars

Other urls found in this thread: winner

r8 and no h8

Until foobar gets some sort of library where you can just add music and it automagically creates organized folders for it it's gonna be shit

>not still using glorious Winamp
Fits quite /comfy/ on my taskbar.

inspired by soundcloud?

What a stupid post

Yep, there is a link with the how-to



Literally every setup i've ever seen has been miles worse than mine. It's so obvious to me that 95% of people who listen to music don't actually give a fuck.

>having tiny fucking album art views so small you can barely look at details on the art
> having nothing but tiny text that makes your media player look like a vim page
>retard fonts, 10 different kinds for each panel

My setup is objectively the best, ever, of all time.


Library view sorted by GENRES, with 3x3 art grid. Simply select an album and drag into the now playing pane.

And of course a visual tab when you get bored.

The 'tree' tab is your standard Artist+albums drop down in a top to bottom sorting.







Is yours?

Mine is pretty basic...

I want to use Columns UI but I can't figure out how to keep this part where it shows folder structure, what do? Am I just retarded?

Use "Filter" instead.

Yeah, here

Don't its shit.

But yeah, columns UI isn't worth it its way laggier and overall its just a lot shitter than default panel and not worth the few nice features

Learn to make default not shit.


drink bleach please

>Learn to make default not shit.
Show me yours.

>using proprietary memeware

Just so the autistic guy above doesn't get angry I have another page with album art instead of the lyrics.


post skin link pham winner

>using deviantart theme
Meh. Learn to rice yorself!

I don't like foobar 2000's default interface should i go back to winamp classic? It looks like my old.friend

Could do with getting a proper album info panel, but i'm fine with the rest of it.

You will get used to it. Or you can change everything you dont like.

wow it looks like ... ass
but i love it i love ugly shit!

Amazing playlist

Go back to 2ch.

i'm korean

At least you post anime.

Just what I need, don't use bloated skins, anons.


You like mine?



>not using aimp4 with the aimp3 skin


Looks bloated to me.

When my library got actually large I realized that facet+playlisttabs+playlist (default with custom tags) was the best setup.

Everything else was really ineffciient and clunky to use

What facet?

>using botnet and proud about it


Are you okay

This one.


Fuck yeah lyrical poetry!


I need this.

>Listening to your own music for a screenshot

>Willingly using a closed-source music-player developed by the Chinese Government.

artsick best song

Paste bin?

Nothing fancy. Low play numbers because I haven't used this laptop in a while and just finished moving music over.

opinion discarded


I am too cool to be in this thread but okay

copied, modded it further, fucked up, stuck with it


Yours is beyond uninspired. Eat shit.


nice terminal dude I love when my vinyl records look like a newspaper or a novel. at least his actually looked like a media player



One tab for selecting songs and playlists, another for song info.

u got my vote for best foobar senpai
wish i knew how to code it so i could set up shit like this


Developer = Former WinAmp dev.

after i install this, is going back to the layout i had before i installed this as simple as importing the .fth?
I ask because installing this one requires way more changes than importing a .fcl
also the (read dis it's important) file seems to be cut off

What's a good music player for Linux? All of them fucking suck

mpd + ncmpccp

What font is that? It looks cute.

Is there any music player for Linux that can browse Youtube and sort stuff like as if they would be stored on my hard drive?

mpsyt or just VLC with playlists or something

I need Python for MPSYT? pip3?

Foobar is shit


yeah python 3, I've never actually used it but I just installed it to check it out and it's pretty tight for a CLI player

Damn user. This is exactly what I've been looking for. I've installed gazillion players and this is the one that fulfills my purpose.

Some are disabled (can only be played in YT) but that's okay.

Huge thank you.

Got it up and running here How did you know about it if you have never used it? Anyway, this is great! Thanks!




I tried googling a program like this so hard couple nights ago and found only piece of shit programs that didn't work at all.

oh my god thank for this. i never thought of setting mine up this way



























Stop using foobar.

Wat up

Yours isn't exactly the best either, you know. 2/10.

if your artwork display isn't atleast half of your foobar then its under 4/10

mine is like 7/10 or better, only having faults because im using Wine on linux and i'm also too lazy to make it look prettier as my windows version

Having album art taking up that much space seems like a waste, especially if you already know what the album art looks like.

any of you guys use asio4all extension?
it keeps muting foobar for me until i close my web browser :(

Im not sure if youre baiting or just retarded. Either way i rate yours 1/10. Looks like you did not put any effort in your theme.

>using mp3

>low res art work at half of the screen
You actually have autism?

how do you guys get the window title to not say "foobar 2000"

Search binary for string, replace. Failing that use your favorite debugger, put a breakpoint on the window create function. See string passed, backtrack and find where string is stored. Change text with favorite hex editor. Profit!