>"nobody wants a phone without a headphone jack! Apple is finished and bankrupt!"
>Apple shatters its own sales records yet again
why is Sup Forums ALWAYS wrong?
"nobody wants a phone without a headphone jack! Apple is finished and bankrupt!"
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums is just poor and bitter.
That also explains why there is so much shitposting on Sup Forums, and why Sup Forums tends to heavily favor free products (ie all these shit distros).
Well Sup Forums being wrong about business matters is nothing new or surprising. Where do you think came from?
I am pretty surprised though. I haven't even seen a single pair of Airpods out in the wild yet.I guess all these buyers are using the adapter?
I saw a girl using one yesterday. Since whenever the iPhone 7 was announced, this was the only time I ever saw airpods in the wild.
Hey, that's not true. I've been saying headphone jack is not a big deal for most people from the beginning.
(I'd still prefer a headphone jack, but I'm not most people.)
Probably 90% of them are still waiting for their order
Sup Forums assumes that the average consumer is intelligent, and buys things from utility criterias.
Sup Forums forgets about social signalling. Entirely. Which is what Apple is really good at.
>I guess all these buyers are using the adapter?
No, they're using the wireless headphones they bought last year. Again, contrary to Sup Forums's perception (which are 10 years out of date), wireless headphones are actually quite common now. Anyone who regularly goes to the gym knows this.
You forget Apple has a huge following that'll buy whatever they throw out so you have to factor that in. I feel like they are stupid for taking the headphone jack away but, they don't give a fuck because Apple loves the $$$ not the people
I've seen more people use the adapter than I've seen use BT headphones with iPhone 7.
whoever made that chart needs to kill themselves 2bh
I do regularly go to the gym, which is why I expected to see Airpods by now. I wouldn't call any sort of wireless headphone "quite common." Roughly speaking I see dangling wires outnumber them ten to one.
I'm guessing from your reply that this is more of a regional circumstance, then.
>a fucking leaf
2bh if iOS wasn't so limited I'd be using an iPhone right now. I have almost no problems with the hardware, just some minor complaints.
>iShills are *THIS* mad
>implying iPhone sales have anything to do with the specs
iPhone users don't know or care what's "new" about the new generation.
What is wrong with it? Clearly shows phone OS market share in Q3 2016.
Apple is something I cannot understand. People buying 1k phones and 300$ beats. I just cannot.
Conspicuous consumption bruh
No. Some of us just aren't fucking sheep.
Let's just say that nobody SHOULD want it.
Pretty sure he's only complaining about the retarded formatting
Most people are fucking retards who can't think of the implications or future consequences of their actions. And it's literally because of how their brain works, look up cognitive functions.
if Sup Forums is always wrong and you posted on Sup Forums it means you're wrong about Sup Forums being wrong
Uh oh, the autist resulted to sheeple
It hurts. As an out of my ass numbers 99% of the users use their phone for Whatsapp, Snapchat, Facebook and listening to YouTube. If the software was coded properly you could do all that on a 30$ phone. 1k fucking phones man.
> graph shows millions of iPhones sold
> iPhones not iPhone 7s
> Implying normies didn't start buying 6s or 6 cause they're cheaper
> Implying Apple slowly loosing market share isn't real
Apple sold marginally more phones in a market that's growing compared to previous years, doesn't mean they oversold the competition, even in % compared to previous years.
Also companies tend to favir buying iPhones vs Androids cause they're easier to maintain and use
Samsung is the main seller of high end androids to general public.
Note 7 explodes -> People moves to iPhones.
>Apple has deliberately withheld pre-order sales numbers, citing that these are "no longer a representative metric for our investors and customers".
You do realize that the trend went nearly linear this quarter, right?
This is exactly what I'm complaining about. The formatting is horrendous. I don't care that it's "anti-apple" or whatever this retard is going on about.
Man that touch disease thing really fucked their shit up now that almost all iphone 6 and 6+ models are guaranteed to experience it.