A Macbook Pro with an external GPU and monitor is the patricians choice of computer setup, prove me wrong

A Macbook Pro with an external GPU and monitor is the patricians choice of computer setup, prove me wrong

NEETs need not apply

Other urls found in this thread:


>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel admitted it's shit and trashed the design to go back to copying 90's laptops with solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>shit tier 1mm travel chiclet kb
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats at the slightest task because abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz because of chronic overheating problems
>retina meme supposedly for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating makes it impossible to use with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air is even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade


>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>ultra shit tier zero travel kb
>keyboard louder than WWII cricket
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>soldered SSD
>tamper tape on battery screws

>it's 2016 and moving files around in finder will STILL cause massive data loss

>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?

Sure, we can put an end to the meme if you show me another laptop that runs MacOS, since MacOS is the best OS if you're an adult who has a job and need to use industry standard software

The 2015 models have forcetouch though

>Forgo the mobility of the laptop, and the safety of having your components in a case, by embracing the worst of both worlds!
Smart. Almost as smart as putting mobile components in a desktop AiO.

Then why is homOS X at 5% market share?


Hush, child. Remember when Apple's iPad had a majority of marketshare, and that PROVED that it was better? That does not apply to iMacOsX! Having 5% marketshare PROVES that iMacOsX is better!

Because the vast majority of people don't need to run industry standard software, they need a cheap laptop to watch Netflix and browse Facebook on

Hackintoshing a laptop isn't worth the effort

>Because the vast majority of people don't need to run industry standard software
Oh you mean like adobe after effects?


not compliant, you need to use firepros

Yes, the vast majority of people don't need to run Adobe suite, thanks for proving my point

>gtx 1080 on a dual-core
Have fun with your bottlenecks,itoddler!

I am hear this thing say : "For the mercy of God, please kill me"

Look up what dual booting is

So please tell me why "professionals" would use fagbooks when a windows xps 13 does the same shit and doesn't have the problems listed in and in pic related

That's a 780 Ti, learn how to read


macs are known to have dogshit cooling so using them for other than browsing facebooks causes them to overheat to dangerous temperatures

>macs are known to have dogshit cooling so using them for other than browsing facebooks causes them to overheat to dangerous temperatures

My MBP has never overheated once, and I do plenty of CUDA development on it.

lmfao no you don't

>The literal next sentence after the highlighted portion says "The performance of the Macbook was much better under OS X"

Just to be clear, do you have Downs syndrome? I don't want to sit here and have to explain basic things to you if you're mentally retarded

>when a windows xps 13 does the same shit and doesn't have the problems listed in and in pic related

Because then you have the problem of using Windows which there is no reason to use over OSX other than muh gaymen

enjoy that professional win32 software support on your pretend desktop os.

>2000$ laptop
>140$ gpu
itoddlers,itoddlers never change

Thanks, I will since I know what a virtual machine is since I'm not technologically illiterate

>not having raid support


>Winbabbies are so technologically illiterate that they don't know what dual booting and virtual machines are

Stick to your video games, kids

Yes, I do. I work on a 3D reconstruction project.

>industry standard software
lol, wut

>CUDA development

This genuinely the most retarded tech-related image I've ever seen.

>having a false sense of maturity over what OS you use...

>lul name an example faggit
names example
>that doesn't count nooob

Hackintosh ftw





What's that cradle holding the GPUs? What kind of lag would you see for their signal vs embedded motherboard ones? Are there also external processors?

>What's that cradle holding the GPUs?
PCIe expansion box.

>What kind of lag would you see for their signal vs embedded motherboard ones?
Not a lot, Thunderbolt (the cable connector) is basically just tunneling basic PCIe, so the only additional delay is coming from a slightly longer PCIe path (I'm guessing in the ballpark of a couple hundred nanoseconds tops).

Nope, the price is fucking wrong man

>1x PCI bus
>whereas graphics cards normally run at 16x

>also bottlenecked by laptop's CPU + thermal capabilities

tell me again why this is a good idea?

x PCI bus
Thunderbolt connector is x4, and he's also using both. Can't tell if it's the same box, in which case it would be x8.

>>cards normally run at 16x
Doesn't matter unless you transfer a lot of data back and forth from the card, something you normally don't when playing games (drawing pixels on screen is onboard memory+compute intensive, not host memory bound)

>>also bottlenecked by laptop's CPU + thermal capabilities
My mid-2014 MBP has a i7-4870HQ, how is that a bad CPU ? As for thermal capabilities, it's the freaking GPUs that generate the most heat.

I stand corrected, then. Additionally, I suppose if you're using an external monitor the GPU won't have to do a lot of flinging pixels back and forth via that PCI bus.

That being said, the drop from x16 to x8 and to x4 is significant. But I feel like that should be verified empirically in application, not simply dismissed on sight.

>I suppose if you're using an external monitor the GPU won't have to do a lot of flinging pixels back and forth via that PCI bus.
Of course, you need to plug the monitor into one of those external cards, otherwise such a setup doesn't make a lot of sense (unless it's for raw computational power).

>That being said, the drop from x16 to x8 and to x4 is significant
Again, it depends on the use case. Unless you're doing something that requires either vast amounts of memory (as in, more memory than what you can fit on the GPU) or you're simply processing on the GPU and transfer data back and forth (for example encoding raw video frames and offloading it to the GPU) you'd notice the bus reduction. Just for drawing pixels on the screen you usually don't saturize the bus enough to gain from full x16 bandwidth. But I may be mistaken, modern GPUs do a lot of funky shit.

you are wrong

Let me educate you on computers a little.
A GPU can have - techpowerup com/forums/threads/article-just-how-important-is-gpu-memory-bandwidth.209053/ - GBps data throughput.
Games require: 2000 MBps
Firewire connector: 100MBps
USB 3 connector: 120MBps
You get me right?
Thats why we don't use USB protocol to connect our GPUs. Cuz only a macfag could do it.

That's not USB you retard. That's thunderbolt which is x4 pcie

> has MAC, uses Microsoft mouse
You might be just brandfag, not macfag.

TB 3 is ~5GB/s MAXIMUN transfer rate

PCI-express x16 connection is 16GB/s

let that sink in

This is ignoring the MASSIVE latency issues you will experience because of the distance from the cpu to the external gpu AND the crippling effects of a 800MHz dual-core processor.

>GPU dongles

>xps 13
Stop right there.
Kill yourself.

>tfw we will see the age of aplel CPU, battery, and trackpad dongles and itoddlers will still eat that shit up

It's 1280x800, faggot. Still looks better than your "FHD" Chinkfad.


xps 13 doesn't have the same severe overheating issues, has kaby lake processors, better battery life, and a non-homosexual OS.

I have one after I bought a shitbook air and don't regret it one bit.

Because windows has barely any thunderbolt support.
And because the fact that unless your GPU enclosure nullifies the sound of the GPU and PSU fans you're basically surrendering the only thing you gain on a laptop which is noise.

xps 13 has high res 13 inch 3200x1800 display lmao

i dont see any monitors?
are they in impractical places?


not to mention latency, bandwidth problems, and dogshit 800mhz dual-core cpu problems

I don't even know where to start about how patently pointless your life must be. It defies the context of this imageboard.

>GPU enclosure + PSU
>external keyboard
>external monitor
>power brick

at what point do you just fess up and use a desktop

>XPS 13
fuck off shill

See and As for latency issues, it's not a lot (in the ballpark of a couple hundred nanoseconds) and well beneath the max latency property

>But I feel like that should be verified empirically in application, not simply dismissed on sight.
SLI can get absolutely murderfucked by low PCIe bandwidth in the "right" circumstances.

>A Macbook Pro with an external GPU

>at what point do you just fess up and use a desktop
Never, because you have to be a delusional fanboy to get to that point in the first place. Those don't ever admit to themselves the sort of absolutely retarded shit they're doing.

Holy shit dude... I've been gone two years and just stopped by to see how different things are, AND YOURE STILL FUCKING HERE

So you gonna explain why my xps 13 is shit or just keep piling memes on me like a 13 year old?

>a meme
Stay unread.


So have you actually done fagbook + external gou gaming or do you just love talking out of your ass?



>External GPU

Pick one.


it's a very painful experience too. macgooks CPUs throttle to 800 MHz when even the slightest load is put on them.

In fact it may be why so many of them are blowing up in people's faces


Wow, I found three or four people who probably did some dumb shit and toasted their batteries.

As a Macfag posting from my Mid-2012 i7 MacBook Pro, I am sooooo BTFO right now, let me tell you.


I'm pretty sure thats always implied :|

You are salty enough to post a reply.

Or if you needed Mac OS you could just install the OS instead of being retarded.

Tee dot apple infant

It's over, apple is finished!

>dual boot Mac
>be able to game on it
I could see CPU limitations but not much else.

At the point where I become a NEET and stop leaving the house

How will mactoddlers ever recover?

You can't SLI on Thunderbolt though.