Windows users BTFO

Windows users BTFO

>krautniggers in charge of making decent threads

Fick dich, du Hurrensohn

Ruhig, brauner.

What do mening with this image, kraut?

kanker mof


Kapusta i kwas!

I'm sorry hanz i don't speak kraut.


German is quite an ugly language.
"Sjakakakaak Eakkaskeasa rajajaja"

I will admit being able to set your BIOS password from your OS is quite nice. Not that I couldn't do that from the actual BIOS, though.

Fucking nazi pieces of shit, go back to your containment board

Ich habe durchfall in mein kopf

gutentag mein fuhrer

>"Sjakakakaak Eakkaskeasa rajajaja"
that's estonian or finnish

Du musst dich schon mehr anstrengen lieber apple fag

cmd ist übrigens alles was man braucht

fag ist kein deutsches Wort

Screenshot mit'm Telefon gemacht. Kannst stolz auf dich sein.

dafür ist deine Mutter eine deutsche Hartgeldhure

Both Apple and Microsoft are American companies. We support the cleansing of Europe of all non-native English speakers. (the Brits get a pass due to historical reasons, but if they don't smarten up and drop the parts of their language that are gibberish we're probably going to have to remove them too.)

Hja fattsos wie geh'ts?

Go home pajeet.

>implying I am not in the middle of EU
Was machte du denken, dass ich pajeet bin?

>so superior to Windows
>Takes a picture of a screen instead of pressing the screenshot button.

Oh wait, your new MacBook Pro with TouchBar™ doesnt have one!

I took two years of German in highschool, and I've been studying it on-and-off on my own since then. I understand 90% of what's being said in this thread, with no help of Google or a dictionary or even stopping to recall much.

However, I can't speak it for shit. I can read and listen fine, but if you ask me to write half the shit here I'll need Google, and my spoken German is even worse.

Who else has problems like this?

What do I do?

You're in our country pajeet. You need to go back.

they still use DOS .. was on a support forum for old stuff (mainframe), that I was involved int -- just to check around, just to see what is going on. I see they have questions about DOS ..

DOS was a toy when microshit laid it's hands on it. "powershell" isn't much better. Why, apart from their 'office monopoly' / PC licensing monopoly over the marginal crud they supply (something that could by now, have been available in the BIOS), microshit is fundamentally failing as a company. Where they have to compete, it's found they CAN'T compete.

Except all those features are in the windows install CD's/USB's


There we go.

Was soll der Scheiß? Installiere dir Gentoo oder verpiss dich

>taking a photo of your screen

Kurwa ficki ficki

Back to India, pajeet.