>20 minutes into Intro to computers 101
20 minutes into Intro to computers 101
why are you taking this class OP
>having actual icon on your desktop other than the bin
He clearly stupid enough to need it.
he's a dipshit Sup Forums babby trying to start an OS war because he knows nothing else about technology, were you expecting better?
>operating system stability
>Not removing the bin as well
Seems pretty typical for a Community College.
>more limited software options
This english bothers me
>less software options
>not running everything in a dos terminal
Fucking plebs
You dun fucked up OP, you could have just gotten an A+, S+, and N+ cert in a year and gotten and okay job just from that.
it should be fewer software options
>dos terminal
>not just sending varying electrical currents in to various serial ports to write out processor instructions
It's like you're trying not to fit in here.
fuck you're right.
I'm too embarrassed to stay in the thread cya
What's that 'law' that states those pointing out grammar issues out of anger just wind up making their own grammar mistakes?
>operating system stability
Is this 1997?
>not even mentioning Linux, BSD and it's derivatives
it's shit
How the fuck were you not able to test out of this course?
Muphry's Law (as an intentional misspelling of Murphy's Law).
Raise your fucking hand and raise an issue with the teacher. It is a classroom.
I'm sure he'll get into the unices and the like soon, though.
>Not removing the /bin as well
remember this is an intro to computers 101, not super advance hacking 101
>American education
Drop out and go to a real college. If this is what you're learning in your intro class, you won't learn anything valuable in the later courses either.
fucking first years are all copies of the same smug loser asshole trying as hard as possible to show off to the "normies" they hate so much because it's the only way they can get attention or even fucking talk to anyone
second year will come around and suddenly the requirement from the same professor will be the slightest smallest little problem and you'll shit your pants and go re-sign up for first year classes again
>uses wangblows
>in literal free A class
op btfo
considering windows is an unstable shitheap OS with rolling updates that are prioritized to solve M$ insider bugs, yes it is an unstable piece of garbage.
Is this CALC?
Part of my University program for new students was a talk about how great Linux is.
I believe your college is completly cucked.
>private mode
>hiding stuff on the top window
user, what are you hiding?
>american education
>announcing your shamequits
Is this a thing now?
> fewer software options
Thats what you meant to say in sure.
Probably watching anime in class
There was a faggot in my First Order Logic class that spent his whole time watching moeshit anime in class. He also looked like your typical fat acne-ridden virgin /r9k/ kid
>computers 101
dude, you can just google this stuff. Stop taking the money colleges are giving you. They make money off you because the government is subsidizing the funds. Great for the colleges, bad for the people because you are (((screwed))) if you don't get a high paying job afterwards. How long will it take Trump to stop this madness? small and medium businesses aren't growing. Seriously right now is a terrible time to enroll in college if you don't have a scholarship or rich parents.
It's a general studies course, trust me I wouldn't pick this.
These are also just the computers in the class, public account.
There was one of those in my class too.
On one course, he asked the teacher if he could get freed from the mandatory course because he had 'done it already elsewhere'.
The teacher agreed to test him on the spot.
He asked, 'what is NAT?'
'I don't know'
He fetched an old slot 1 pentium from the next room and asked the guy what it was.
'I don't know'
He told the guy he was freed from the course and was free to leave.
after he left, the teacher faced the class and said that that would catch up to him later.
I'm sure he had more questions for him but I can't remember them anymore.
To pass the course was to either fill web forms with googled answers or to write a bash script to fill a certain purpose, I was the only in class who found the latter to be less painful.
Then I dropped out because I'm a retard with literal brain damage and couldn't handle all the web forms in the other courses and all that ms office
never had stability issues that were not caused by hardware malfunctions or my own stupidity since windows 98 se or so. how are you doing in your apple reality distortion field nowadays? or are you on lincux?
just kidding, buddy, we're all friends here, haha.
>1000 dollars a credit hour