In Trumps Cyber security EO draft he states that computers are as important of a front as air, land and sea

>In Trumps Cyber security EO draft he states that computers are as important of a front as air, land and sea
>Wants to make cyber security a large part of the DoD
>Cyber warfare actually becomes a thing
>China VS USA in an all out hacking war
>No one is safe
>China targets citizens computers because they are the least protected and they can disrupt our lives and economy
>Having actual cyber security becomes standard
>Microsoft cant even begin to fix all the security issues with Windows
>People and businesses cant wait for MS to fix Wingdings and are forced to move to Linux out of pure necessity
>Trump indirectly causes YOTLD

Tough first week here?

Tough first week in CS 101?

Never said windows was secure
Improve your reading comprehension


linux is less secure and significantly more prone to dangerous default configuration

Once Linux takes in more users it will be a target of hacking as well. Windows is not less secure, it is simply more profitable and viable to hack.

Fucking newfags

Tough week at the office, Pajeet?

Literally nobody here is marketing windows we are just telling the truth about linux
calm down

But foreign state sponsored hacking is how he got elected.

>s-say it with me ok? mad-dam pres-sident!
>drumpfasad BTFO!

Maybe if there were no information of mishandled classified documents and cover ups for the clinton foundation there would've been nothing to leak in the first place

>Democrats before the election: Come of republicunts nobody rigged the election it's not called being rigged it's called you losing nobody can hack our election
>Democrats after election- r-russia hacked the election is was rigged for trump burn down all the cities

>falling for the fake news meme.

What are you talking about
There was legitimate mishandling of classified information by hillary clinton along with cover ups for the clinton foundation. They even went to trial and Hillary was found guilty they just didn't throw her in jail because "well she didn't MEAN to do it"

>computer is as important as air
>Guiliani, a world renowned kernel haxOr, is on the case

>>Democrats after election- r-russia hacked the election is was rigged for trump burn down all the cities
It's not about rigging the election (which btw Trump claims happened because he hasn't gotten the most votes).

It's about bringing to light (and inflating) certain issues that make unfavorable candidates look bad. So that voters will pick the desired candidate instead.

>Blaming the people who brought out the hidden information
>Not blaming the people who actually HID the information
Purely genius
Not to mention trump actually understands the reason why we have an electoral college. Not to mention over 1 million voters and counting were fraudulent. Votes are analyzed every election

>mfw fake news

>Cyber warfare actually becomes a thing

it has been for ages

Pls put me in the screenshot



Not at this scale

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

itt: dumbfucks

Not even close to realistic.

You can't even explain what a web browser is to most people. It goes in one ear and out the other and then they tell you they use google to browse the internet. If they don't know that much then how do you even explain what a "GNU/Linux" is? These people wouldn't understand that there are alternative OSes because they don't even know what an OS is.

The people won't do it, the companies will (Businesses will switch to it and it will come preloaded on prebuilts)

When the cyber war comes just unplug.

Great argument newfag

this desu
>cyber warfare
OP can you get a clue for once before opening your mouth

>Once Linux takes in more users...

Whats is Android

Look everyone! Fake news!

I guarantee you that the US uses the same strategies as china.

plus high priority targets and attacks can be monitored, studied, and be incorporated into our own offensive and defensive applications.

In a cyber war its ideal to be unpredictable and unknown. most companies don't even know they get hacked until fuckin weeks or months after.

MS, Google, TWC, Verizon, and AT&T are the fuckin internet so you can bet your ass that the US is keepin a close fuckin eye on it.

hey Sup Forums i can't tell you who i am, that doesn't matter.

>tiered internet plans coming, access to mail portals, financial, media portals, govt, news etc will be tiered for internet plans.

this is to lock all packets to a specific network traffic type so there can be no financial hardship that comes from it.

>open internet that exposes you to DMZ esque type roaming(all other content, Sup Forums included) will cost more and you will have to have an authorized terminal installed seperated from what they will call sw secure web.

so we will have it for research purposes, nothing more.

"intranet" of sorts.

>you will have to have an authorized terminal installed

authorized as in your own hardware just isolated from secure web related networks, it's coming in 2 1/2 - 3 years

An actual meme.

Even barron is better.

>Not supporting trump automatically means you supported hillary
Do all americans think like this, or just those that were dumb enough to vote Trump?

It is down to the fact that there only is ever two options for president. The system is shit and was always shit. Also, the average Trump support's IQ only dwarfed by Trump's.

You do realize that's windows 10 is one of the most secure platforms apart from user error, right? The Linux kernel alone has more recorded vulnerabilities than windows 10 fresh install.

This is easily searchable fact.

I agree that Linux is a better system to use and can be fixed and secured better than windows can. But out of the box it is not an argument. Linux is less secure than windows.

>doesn't even have a beard
our government is stupid, please fuck our shit up

>apart from user error
user error account for more than 90% of security breaches

>Says the people that unironically believe Russia actually hacked the US election and at the same time, aren't willing to do a coprehensive look on how corrupt the DNC is because "Trump is literally Hitler (All Reichs Reserved)

Did you even read my post? I thought it was pretty clear that I was implying that both options for president were retarded and that this is the exact situation you get when only two parties dominate, but I guess I overestimate the intelligence of autistic Sup Forums NEETs.

>mfw we live in meme timeline
>mfw getting backtraced and goofed by cyber police will be real

>so lets just not use computers!

>i dont know how operating systems differ

OpenBSD is a thing, you know.
