>(We) expect to incur operating losses in the future, and may never achieve or maintain profitability.
>and may never achieve or maintain profitability
>(We) expect to incur operating losses in the future, and may never achieve or maintain profitability.
>and may never achieve or maintain profitability
If you were ceo, how would you make snapchat profitable Sup Forums?
Sell it to google
They could make it P2P for one thing instead of hoarding every fucking photo
Sell data to the governmentq
its laggy bloated shit it used to actually work without stuttering all the fucking time
Why does everything needs to be profitable now?
Just lower the costs and make enough to keep ruinning
Good. Hope that botnet shit fucking dies so I don't have to see another goddamn normie trying to take a pic with that facial recognition spyware
Seriously. The app is made. Just fire everyone lol.
just sell all the face recognition info to da gobbment
^ management material
Are you a Jew?
You write like a Jew.
this is how you do business goy
Good bye then. Never used it, or any selfie-culture related cancerous apps.
Maybe when this shit is gone society can improve another step.
Now isn't that the question of the day
Should have taken Google's offer.
Write a program that recognizes dick pics and charge people 1$ if they want to send dick picks.
Of all the normie social media, this is the one I'd most like to see vanish. "Selfie" culture is just maximum cancer. If I see another girl taking a picture with that stupid fucking puppy filter I will find the nearest bridge and jump off of it.
normies are already sick this it's weird how short a lifespan these things have by 2020 i don't see any of the current social media being used
>$1/year for the ability to post stories, every sorority girl in America gets on that shit
>collect facial patterns, sell to local intelligence agencies
>paid version of the app, like tinder plus, where you can pay to post an extended story on it or some shit
isn't vine another hugely popular app that is losing money?
what are these people doing wrong?
seems hard to lose money with such a huge amount of users
vine is dead
My guy , Vine got/is getting shut down
Why jump off the bridge yourself when you can push her off the bridge?
>Snapchat executives know they can't make money anymore
>They sell it all including data to anonymous third party
>Turns out to be eccentric billionaire
>He releases all images ever taken on Snapchat to the public
>Everyone can see what someone else posted
>Mass suicides follow
>Normies finally fucking realize not to trust this shit
This is the best outcome
Well in Snapchats case Instagram Stories basically stole their userbase
Sell user data to Hotto Link. If Nishimura found a way to sustain Sup Forums of all sites by doing that, Snapchat's shouldn't be that much harder.
literally this
If I were the CEO, I would fire everyone and tell everyone to go use their skills to make software that is beneficial to society.
Delete all data and that's it.
>Delete all data
>Not keeping those terabytes of nudes for your own collection
>inb4 implying the current Snapshat CEO doesnt already do this
The reason I hate Snapchat so much is because so many good moments are lost after 24 hours because my friends don't bother to save anything. Plus when they do save it the quality is shit.
Have you tried not using snapchat? Worked well for me.
desu I'm surprised they don't just use WebRTC and drop their operation costs significantly.
why fucking act as a middleman moving a shitload of data over the network and render filters serverside and not make the shitty clients do all the work?
lol is snapchat trying to go public?
I can't believe we are literally living in .com bubble 2 territory and retards will throw a good chunk of billions buying up Snap Inc.
I like the way you think boy
how is some shitty little app worth $25b?
Welcome to capitalism where you are legally obligated to turn a profit for your shareholders.
Its not, but thats how much they'll try to sell themselves for
I give it less than 2 years before they crash and burn and get sold to google or Facebook for around 2 mil
Considering a lot of underaged use it for sexting, I for one would applaud this
What a dumb arrogant fuck the owner is, I would have taken the $10b from Zuckerburg when I had the chance.
Put everyone's nudes online and charge them $5 to remove them
There is a tech bubble/ None of these companies were ever meant to be profitable, just created and sold
can you imagine the amount of cp there is in snapchat servers? how weird they aren't raided and prosecuted for helping to produce, distribute, and profit from child pornography.
The data is the only asset they have
Snapchat needs to implement end-to-end encryption on anything that isn't a public Story.
If not for that glaring omission, it would be a fantastic alternative to traditional messaging apps: ephemeral *and* private for personal use, but also featuring a fun, innovative, and totally optional form of social media in the form of public Stories.
Like, why wouldn't they do that?
>zuck offers you tons of dosh for your company
>you would never have to work again
>"naw lol"
>zuck just copies your entire idea and puts it in one of his apps
>makes it better
>tfw you realize zuckerjew was just trying to be fair/reasonable rather than outright fucking you in the ass
Its weird instagram isn't used as much as snapchat is (among my friends) though, it would be more convenient to just be able to delete snapchat and use instagram. But I guess people have brand loyalty and such
It gets deleted after it's opened by the receiver iirc, nothing is on the servers beyond then
snapchat sucks anyways
>he thinks they delete the photos
It's funny because they've started crashing since blocking jailbreak add-ons then jailbroken phones all together
Snapchat is an app that does one thing well. Anything on top of their photo/video messaging is fine.
But when they start adding things like video calling, it seems like they're stretching beyond their boundaries as a platform. I guess it makes sense for them, to expand their business to compete with other major companies in related fields, but I think it yields a better experience when one thing is honed in on.
Why would they delete anything rather than just make it inaccessible to the user?
I am going to short the absolute fuck out them.
I'm calling a 25%+ drop within the first three months.
It's so much of a fucking security hazard it's not even funny
so there's no way to exploit the system into letting a certain account download the image over and over again
also saves on storage costs. millions of pictures a day add up for bandwidth usage and hosting and storage and database, and if the intention is that they will never be viewed again, why let it stay on the server?
They save everything dumbo.
Vine and Snapchat. good riddance. We need to go back in pre-2007 web
I don't think hole punching is much cheaper than some pictures
snapchat is going to die soon, mark zuckerberg pushing too hard to make it happen. instagram got stories and now whatsapp beta has all the snapchat features.
Vine and Snapchat are closer in spirit to the early days of YouTube and other video sites circa 2004-2006, when most videos were amateurish and personal.
But my man, how is it when I use Casper stuff I've already viewed and removed from cache can be snatched again?