so. i need help getting around my GFs facebook password but i don't kno how and all these so called hack sites seem to be bullshit, can anyone help me? in return will give nudes of this bitch n an ex
Give it back, Carl.
go to a computer she log in
disconnect when reconnect type her user name
let the auto password google thing input it
go into page code replace the "password" type by "text"
That or fake login page via email.
Also just break up if you're havin trust issues, OP.
yeah but that one is really fucking simple
[spoiler]my ex showed me how to do it so wen can spy on her friends[/spoiler]
so which part of the page code script do i switch n what do i do exactly?
step 1) ask your gf for her password
step 2) ???
step 3) profit
You should right click and Inspect Element on the password input and where it says "type" in the code it should say "password"
Replace "password" with "text"
Woah, why such a complex social engineering technique?
>what is webrowserpassview?
download kali
>2017 AD
>No 2FA
Literally what ?
>nudes on a blue board
Ermm, yeah nice try
>believing op's "gf" exists
Not worth it bro, there's other women out there. Just break up with her if your having trust issues.
if she uses firefox just look her password up in the settings
if nothing helps, get that bitch a keylogger
borrow your laptop for a moment for open email, then install keystroke on her laptop
keylogger is the correct answer.
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