So, why did you cheap out and buy the 1070 instead of the 1080?
So, why did you cheap out and buy the 1070 instead of the 1080?
I only have a 60hz 1080p monitor.
I only have a 1440p 60hz monitor and enjoy saving 200-300 bucks
This, human eye can't even see above 60hz anyway.
10% increase in performance for 50% markup
same reason I dont buy apple, I can maths
I've played a total of 3 hours of video games since I bought my 1070 back in July. I think even my 1070 was a waste.
I cheapened up and got an RX 480
to buy a better meme known as "mechanical keyboard".
I enjoy the clicky clacks.
I'm still happily running my gtx 980. I see no need to upgrade
I'm a student and Canadian prices are fucking rough, so I grabbed an RX470 instead
Easy triple digit FPS in the games I play if I don't insist on 32x MSAA
The only actual uses of these overpriced fireballs are heaters and helping autistic people play their games. Anyone with at least half a brain buys a realistically priced AMD GPU.
200 extra dollars for nominal performance increase
>10% increase
at what, 1080p? kek
>amd gpu
Because nVidia cheaped out and only put 8GB.
Does anyone have experience doing GPU computing with these? I'm trying to get a feel for how matrix inversions compare to high end CPUs. The benchmarks I've seen look at the absurdly expensive Tesla GPUs.
More like
I wonder why a 144hz monitor looks much smoother on the desktop versus a 60hz one then.
this. never understood why people used that shitty OS
>m-muh botnet
its a meme trust me I own six or seven of them
neo-Sup Forums, everyone
>my sekret peepee board
almost entirely across the board fucknuts, kek
I don't own either GPU (yet), but the 1080 is kind of in an awkward spot where it's too fast for 2560x1440 but too slow to really shine at 3840x2160.
Though for the sake of triple monitor gayming at 5760x1080, I think a 1080 will be my next GPU.
>triple monitor gaming
I have a 280X
I didn't.
I bought a 1080, but I fucked up and went EVGA.
This faggot card can't even handle CSGO properly, starts off at 300FPS and then gradually starts grinding down to 2FPS over an hour, admittedly this is in a 64 player gamemode with people shooting constantly, but my 680 handled it fine so why is my 1080 having troubles?
Also doesn't seem to like youtube much for some reason, whenever I skip around on a video there's maybe a 1 in 5 chance of it freezing and eventually showing me a green screen.
Anyway blog post over, I'll probably just end up RMAing this piece of shit.
why didn't you stop at one if they're overrated?
It's pretty neat desu
At least in games that don't go full retard when you stretch them across 3 monitors
I got a cheapo korean one, then a nvidia 3-D vission one, then a g-sync one, then a free-sync one (I think), then I got an IPS one, then I got two 1440p ones (one was g-sync, the other was a korean). All were 144hz, now I plan on buying a 240hz one.
tbqh a 75hz g-sync display is the best. You can tell the difference between 144 and 60, but its not worth it since very few games actually feel better when playing at that high of a refresh rate.
I bought a used hd7850 because poorfag
Please get off my board normie shit. I even lower game settings for a constant 100+ fps cause unless you're a very casual normie or mentally retarded the difference is night and day. your shit monitors probably don't even truly have that frame rate or you're too stupid to adjust it in Windows.
I don't need to lower the settings since I've got two 1080s. The difference isn't really night and day. I had one of those 240hz CRT moniters that I was using for almost 11 years. Maybe going back to that refresh rate will finally feel nice for a change
actually it was interlaced so it really is 120hz
>saving $300 by spending $430
consumerism lmao
Fucking hell, shitting up the board is great. Keep up the great work! Proud of you.
Cheap out and getting the 1080 and not the Titan x
Because when overclocked, 1070 reaches close to stock 1080 levels of performance.
It would be retarded to pay 50% more for a card that's only marginally better.
I didn't buy either I'm waiting for the 1080 Ti to come out so I can buy an AMD Vega card
Because you all convinced me to get an RX 480.
Because my old R9 290X broke so I needed a replacement and Nvidia is easier to sell once the new AMD cards come out.
>Puts bamboo fibers in the tank as anti bacterial.
You're a fucking idiot.
Because I only have a 1440p 144Hz Gsync monitor
Sorry for being poor
smart man.
Why did you cheap out and buy the 1080 instead of the Titan X?
Fucking poorfags lmao
Because an 1080 is over a grand in Australia so fuck that
I got a 1080, and it maxes out at witcher 3 when playing at 1440p 60hz
got a used 390x for 1/4 of a 1080
keeping my feet warm
Wow. Not only did you buy an aaaymd but you put your case on the floor.
Disgusting, friend.
> put your case on the floor.
what's wrong with that?
go clean a loo, pajeet. real men are talking
I would have my case on the floor if it wasn't carpet
Pick one, and one only
Because I can get 50% more performance by buying 2 of them while only paying slightly more
I bought the 1060 6gb for under the price of a 3gb on a flash sale :)
It runs everything I play with my 2560x1080p 29" ultrawide. BF1 is smooth as fuck.
I didnt I bought 2 1080s
The new titan x wasnt out then you thick cunt. The old version isnt as good as the 1080.
this kid has a better rig than you what's your excuse
I'm waiting for the Ti
10% improvement, theres no point, buy 1080 then upgrade when the newer gpus arrive
No, what you don't get is that I can actually see that it is smoother, why would it looks smoother if we aren't supposed to be able to discern the difference? What I'm stating is that I believe that differs with each human, because I can notice the difference, you, however may not.
proof or fuck off. six or seven.. you would know exactly how many you had if you really had them.
No he doesn't
I didn't.
>white/blue cooler on red/black mobo
>fucking VREEEEEEEE the cooler
My ocd is going off the charts
>3x 1080p monitor
heh im running 3x LG 5k monitors off my macbook pro
I'm a 7859 and Phenom X4 965 still because AMD can't get their shit together.
Maxed out my 1000€ credit.
HAHAHA you idiot!
3 of the ones that can't go near WiFi?
What's wrong?
Upset that you fell for the 1070?
Generally they will perform within 5% of the nearest GTX-equivalent card, the Quadros are tad slower because of ECC. The exception is the P6000, which is actually a lot faster than a Titan XP.
The issue here is that for precise math ECC could be a big deal if your work demands zero tolerance, then you'll have to pony up or have your simulations crash or provide incorrect results every once in a while, depending on how long they run.
the human eye can differentiate 20~40fps. But it needs a minimum of 1,000fps that something feels natural for it
I already have enough dedodaded wam to run a minecraft server.
because I just wanted to be able to run bf1, mission accomplished
I did not
I didn't because I feel for the rx 480 meme.
>that unaesthetic water loop
nigga, just buy better gear or go SLI, this is just fucking pathetic
haha no you're just an idiot!
>bought 970
>3.5gb ram
I know that feel
>tfw you know it'll never run 4K games without hitting that memory limit
>tfw 4k gaming is a whole gpu and screen upgrade away
I will once the 1080ti comes out though.
because to me it wasn't worth the extra cost.
I still have a 970. I'm not going to upgrade until DX12 is ubiquitous
I feel bad for you user. Just hang in there I know you can make it.
kek, nice joke but if you game at 1080p a 970 handles pretty much everything.
>tfw 7950
>tfw I really don't have a need to upgrade for another year at least but still want to
You need to take your nap
I bought the 1080 anyway
Where's the damn Ti
Got the 1060 originally but had to back off to the 1050.
Great move and saved me $100
>Where's the damn Ti
What's the point if there is no competition from AMD?
1070 is already an overkill, but I wanted to get rid of my old meme 970 before 1060 hit the shelves.