>using a standing desk

Until someone else 'accidentally' bumps one of those desks

I use a sitting desk and cut the arms off my chair so I can sit cross legged

I also work shoeless normally. No one has ever bitched.

Don't worry guys I'm working on this

Kek'd rather hard

RIP your knees

Godspeed user

>Bump table
>20 pound CRT falls on your head and kills you
great idea, user

Is his face is so flat because that monitor fell on it a few times???


at least he went out with his waifu face to face

It's because Moe ruined anime forever.

I feel like this would work very well with a less lethal LCD screen

making progress

This would be a really, really smart setup if the monitor was replaced with a projector pointed at the ceiling.

What do you guys think?

>no bad back posture
>no wrist problems because keyboard goes wherever is most comfortable
>easier to stay more active because it's easier to get off an elevated bed than to get off a chair

I unironically do this with an LCD and fully articulated monitor arm.

pls post picture of your setup, I am considering something similar

adding latin text soon

much worse image quality?
requires dark room?

my work is planning to remodel soon and there's a strong push for 100% standing desks. Send help

Typing while laying down like that is not comfortable at all and will just give you wrist problems

you mean like a bedroom

they'll likely offer tall chairs as well

>Come into work with a wheelchair one day
>Tell everyone you had a wreck and are partially paralyzed in the legs
>They're forced to give you a sitting desk

This is an old pic. I've since upgraded to a Logitech K400r. Actually, I have an el cheapo projector coming in so I can do what is suggesting.

I need Sup Forums's help - suggestions for latin phrases and or saint name

You could probably sue if they won't pay for a chair for you.

to be honest, i'd be fine with sacrificing image quality as long as everything is readable.

I think you're right about that.

What about a fully split keyboard setup? That way you could keep each "half" of the keyboard on either side of your torso, and let your hands rest on the sides

someone already did that. that's why his face is blurred

cozy af

Saint flatface

Are you still using it on the floor? With just a longer arm you could be comfortably in the bed rather than on the floor between the bed and the desk.

look up portable massage chair

Saint Hikikomo

the FUCK am i supposed to do with this?

>not hanging from the ceiling


>i need phrases
laying shotposting, deus vis

Y-you too.
Or just move my desk over. Issue with that was the screen would've been too close. Hopefully the projector will fix all that.

Come on, live a little

refining meme

Seriously mate the first in progress was funny now it's just annoying, fuck off

suck the dick of saint posticus faggot nigger

tasty meme in the oven

first draft


nice tits

Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad infernos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam. Amen.

dude that's my sister wtf

Remember when battlestation threads looked like this?

Credo in sorsum abertim, liberita et servicium, et memus dankus. Amen.

I miss the old battlestation threads where people posted some real fucking battlestations and not some super tidy stock image looking shit

You have been visited by saint flatface, patron saint of comfy shitposting. Comfy setups and good shit posts will come to you but only if you post "sleep snug saint flatface" in this thread.

sleep snug saint flatface

sleep snug saint flatface

I like it

sleep snug saint flatface

I always want to show people my stuff but it's really ragtag and cobbled together so I never do it.

but thats the fun part user!!!

That's true. Thanks user, you really helped lift my spirits.

i will fucking DUNK ON YOU, NIGGER

where da meme ???

that is the meme

danked again

enjoy your precompiled bloated wood lol

>logs aren't "precompiled"

that's illegal, he must be underage and shouldn't be playing poker.

>not Greek

Fucking heretic


i'm dying man, i'm fucking dying

fucking orthodoxic fat fuck return to Constantinople... OH WAIT NOW IT'S FULL OFF SAND NIGGERS

>someone else

>he didn't take Ancient Greek in school

Back in my day we had to


>Be vet
>See standing desks
>Knees get fucking triggered and ache
Jesus i feel old. I dont know how you young kids can stand all fucking day.

How the fuck he got up there?

this was a pretty good post sorry you didn't get any replies


Top ayyy lamo my African American male friend, great post keep it up I'm proud of you.


How would I see the keyboard if I used this desk?

I can't type without looking at the keyboard

Come on, user. I posted mine. Let's see yours!


>I can't type without looking at the keyboard



whole goddamned office smelling like corn chips, vinegar, and shame.

>Not sitting on the floor

I actually cracked a smile. Thanks user.

>implying I don't compile my own logs