/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread

Fucking retard edition
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I have an old image of Acronis that I would like to make work off a USB drive, but every tool I tried wont work.
Rufus tells me its not a bootable ISO
two other apps I tried make it look like it works, but the PC cant boot of the drive.

Is it my ISO that's fucked? Cause if I burn it to CD, it works fine.

>Get $500 for birthday.
>Want to spend on tech stuff.

What should I spend it on?

Got a gtx 950. What's a good cpu for it? Looking for low to mid range in $.

If you don't know what you want, then you don't want anything you stupid goy bitch. Save it and maybe use it later on when you find something you like.

What's the easiest way to determine the most optimal compression for each of a big collection of videos of various formats? I'm trying to make room on an external SSD I use specifically for storing movies and TV shows.

Depending on which type it starts as and which type I convert it to, I'll often convert a video using ffmpeg to a different format and it will come out in a much smaller file size but little to no difference in quality. I want to know if there's a way to determine how a video will come out without actually going through and trying a different format on each video using trial and error. Is there a chart or something, or some kind of program that could tell me that kind of information in advance?

repostan since last thread died quickly
What 7-9" Android tablet should I buy?
Budget is $350
Looking for a nice display and good battery life
Just save it, when you see something you actually want then you'll be glad you did

I installed galliumos on a braswell chromebook and managed to get dual boot and audio to work, but the display has a weird issue, in the middle of the screen there is a line, and to the left the colors are brighter and to the right the colors are deeper. This shows up on the desktop, in firefox, in videos, all the time no matter what. What is up with this, how do I fix it?

>other /sqt/ got cucked

Anyways, cloning my 120gb ssd onto a 240gb ssd with Clonezilla will give me no problems once I put it in my PC, right? Same cpu, gpu, etc. Just upgrading storage.

Any recs on what language I should learn next? I'm a web dev, but want to have fun with something that could also be applied to my skillset.

My Ruby game is pretty damn strong so I don't want another dynamic language. Also, I know JS pretty well (not as strong as Ruby though).

Was thinking a statically-typed language like C#.

Is a Heat sink necessary? what sort of temps would I be getting w/o one?

i3-6xxx or low-end i5


It will hit its TJMAX (typically 95~110C) if you don't damage it first. Assuming ofc that you're not LN2ing it, which you're not, because you wouldn't be asking in this thread.

Save it. That's half a plane ticket to another continent if you buy half a year in advance. Or five flights to Vegas.

Yes. Avoid water cooling units, the pump will go out eventually like it did with mine. I recommend noctura, recently got a NH-U14S and it's really quiet and runs cool. Great investment and supposedly all of their heatsink/fans are well regarded.

Follow up question. If someone were to have used the computer for a couple hours after being built and installing windows/ updates, would they kill the CPU?

I have one PCI port open on my MOBO, it's one of the giant ones with the side clamps 3.0 x 16, I think

are there any non-grafix cards that'll fit? Preferably a sound card? I can't find shit

Motherboards have an auto shut off limit when temps reach a certain threshold. Old computers didn't have this and you would fry the cpu. Your computer will likely just shut itself off but it's not good for your chip, get a good heatsink/fan, even stock is better than nothing. Processors create a lot of heat (with the current exception being smaller chips like ARM, many of them can get away with having no hs/f).

you can use any size pcie card in an x16 slot

Should I trust the guy from vietnam with a random string of letters and numbers for his name, no feedback history, and is selling the item I want for like 30% less than anyone else?

I am conflicted.

Should ask the chink shit general, but what is the item?

Some coffee pods


I don't care if it hits 70C for 2 sec, I wanna know it stays under 65C for most of the time.

Yeah I'm not too sure about that one.

Speccy and hwinfo.

Do short preview encodes (Handbrake will do this) to find settings you like. If you need to get absolutely scientific on it then do a random sampling of many short preview encodes.

I would advise that it's hard to go wrong with x264 video, aac audio in an MP4 container, but doom9 is a good place to start your own research if you want to.

Is there anyway to fix a hard drive when it starts doing this?



check your case for crickets

Anyone know where i can get a good 32GB mirco or SDHC Card for around 10 bucks AUD

If I want to link an mp3 or an ogg file on Sup Forums, what's a good host to throw it up on that plays nice with spamfilter? Bonus points for letting me keep original filename at least in titlebar of web page.



I like jii.moe the most

Best tutorial for Java event handling?

thanks, I've been avoiding pomf.cat out of habit because it was blocked in the dorms at my uni while I stayed in dorms and no amount of communication with the people who run the network fixed it.

>10 bucks

Okay well, then 10USD?

check S.M.A.R.T.

There's nothing you can do.

My PC doesn't recognize my Moto X Play.

I tried unistalling/updating driver from device manager, downloaded motorola device manager and updated windows drivers. USB Debug is activated and tried MTP/PTP, phone is not rooted and can't reinstall windows.

Anyone had this problem? How do I fix it?

How do I know if there's still hope for my optic drive? and it's not completely dead?
The tray still open up and close normally, and the motor still spins.
This leaves the lens.
How do I check for that?

can I ssh into my raspberry pi if I connect it to my laptop with an ethernet cord?
if so: how?

Can I use the drivers from one laptop manufacturer to another without fucking up my laptop? Basically I have the 1080p xps13 display in a non dell laptop and want to use the patch that disables the adaptive brightness setting.

I got a new thinkpad yesterday, i want to transfer my ssd from my t410 to the new t430s, what would happen ? Windows update should find/fix the differences in drivers, right ? The new one also has quadro, the main diff would be the hd4000 i think...

thx in advance

When you go to a restaurant and use a coupon, is it acceptable to tip based on the discounted price? Or are you supposed to do it based on the price before any discounts?

Is bignox safe?

You're talking about transferring your OS drive to a new computer? Or just a storage drive?

If it's the OS drive then you may need to run windows repair tool depending on how significant the hardware changes were, that should usually fix it up to run in the new environment.

yes, the OS drive, and thx for the input. I have a flash drive with win10 for the worst case

Not sure what OS is on the SSD but you will probably want a flash drive with that handy as well (if it's not W10) so you can easily initiate the repair installation.

Not 100% sure this will be necessary (you might be able to do it from the normal recovery menu) but won't hurt to have it available.

yeah it's win10

I'd like to use substition in VIM to change all ocurrences of typedefs for using equvalents.

How am I supposed to create a regex possible of memorizing substituted words?

typedef int number;
subtite with
using number = int;

but "int" and "number" are various.

if you pay through paypal they almost always side with the consumer on chargeback disputes, to the point where legitimate ebay sellers complain about paypal being shitty to them


I guess, though you have to wait until after the "estimated delivery date" to even file a dispute, so even if the guy hasn't shipped your item for more than 3 weeks and refuses to communicate with you your money will be tied up until this point. Happened to me before, guy refunded voluntarily as soon as I was able to file a dispute but just gave me the run around up until then.

not familiar with vim but you should be able to match
^typedef (\) (\)
and replace with
using $2 = $1

$1 refers to the text matched in the first set of parentheses, $2 in the second, and so on

I did it after some struggle

:%s/typedef \(\S\+\) \+\([^;]\+\)/using \2 = \1/gc


Can a wireless access point be host two different networks at the same time? Do any exist that can?

Basically, I would like to:
1. connect my internet service
2. connect a device that broadcasts wifi (behringer xr18)

at the same time. would I need two wireless access points?


ever see the 2.4 and 5g networks?

They probably won't work

trying to use a firefox userchrome.css file on linux. I put it in ~/.mozilla/chrome and it doesnt do anything, how do I get it to work?

most of the access points i see have a single WAN port - could you recommend me one that would be what I'm looking for?

I use the Amaze's inbuilt FTP server utility on my Android phone to transfer files to my PC. Is it possible to make this FTP server accessible from a computer outside its network?

so i started to get this buzz/crackling sound from speakers when something is buffering in the browser or steam is downloading something

the fuck is this about?

I'm propably wrong but try userChrome.css (case-sensitive)

I got rekt. Many files from one of my external harddrives have been corrupted and this picture is in the corrupted folders. How do I proceed?

Restore from backup

wipe and reload
anyone else using freenas 10?
how the fuck do you get samba shares to actually work?
Every time I try to login it says access denied.

Whats the best way to listen to music with minimal battery drain?
spotify with playlist downloaded?

buy a kabylake goy

do you have extremely important files that are worth the $500 or whatever it costs?
if so then
1- reflect on how retarded you are for not keeping backups
2- pay up
3- start keeping backups

Two questions, ami/g/os

1. What would be a reliable way of storing information for the long term? I've hard harddrives die on me after 2 years with little use, which is inexcusable.

2. Would I regret buying a ThinkPad without a dedicated graphics card? I'll do a bit of video and image editing, but no 3D rendering or other heavy stuff like that. Also, Virtualization (Android).

Should I also wipe my other hard drives? Or is wiping the one one which I found the virus enough?

I love when people who actually have no clue what they're talking about respond to a question incorrectly with a snarky attitude

I'm editing a .gif in Gimp. I want to apply a filter to a selection I've made, and I don't mind having to do it for each layer.

Can't do it though because filter options are grayed out.

What do?

just do all of them
your data is most likely fucked so no point in keeping them around if it risks malware spreading to a new install.

Alright, thank you.

no. but you may add an usb wifi adapter to have the ability to connect and broadcast at the same time.

>1. What would be a reliable way of storing information for the long term?
>2. Would I regret buying a ThinkPad without a dedicated graphics card? I'll do a bit of video and image editing, but no 3D rendering or other heavy stuff like that. Also, Virtualization (Android).
If it has enough RAM, it should probably be no problem, assuming your image and video editing aren't heavy.

If my fps drops to 0 for a few seconds irregularly while playing games, then the computer box itself makes some weird noise before fps returns to normal, is it the SSD/main hard drive dying then?

Fragile and stupid.

Consider a RAID which allows 1 or more drive failures.

What the fuck is that image of?!

Cloning to a bigger SSD shouldn't ever give issues, but you may not get full performance out of it if you're going from 512b to 4kb blocksize.
If you were on a unix-like, it'd be as simple as 'dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb ibs=512 obs=4096', but I don't know that clonezilla can do it.

Once Tjunction MAX (as called TJMAX) is hit, the CPU simply shuts down - and even if you could keep it under that, all electronics break faster when running hot.

Liquid-cooling (closed circuit or otherwise) can be just as reliable as air cooling, but air-cooling just has less moving parts. Noctua is among the best, though.

x16 just indicates that it can supply up to 16 PCI-EX lanes which typically only GPU and HBAs use. Conversely, a x16 PCI-EX card can go into an open-ended x1 slot, it just won't have all the bandwidth available.

No, motherboards don't know shit. The CPU turns itself off which has the effect of turning everything else off.

Drive is dead. Backup and use it for harddisk bowling asap.

All SD and variant cards are shit, they're only made to be written to once.

Open it up, but don't try moving the lens. That'll break the tracking.

Depends on whether your OS supports using for link-local addressing automatically if it gets no DHCP or static IP.

Won't work.

Some access points support multiple SSIDs, yes. Ubiquity Unifi among them (which is lucky, because Unifi is also very competitively marketed and is among the best on the market, even for enterprise-deployment).
You do need to WLAN NICs to connect to two WLAN networks, though.

Yes. Setup NAT forwarding and open the ports in your firewall.

EM noise, caused by unshielded components aging.

Assume that your files are lost, because even if you do pay you have no assurance that they will decrypt your files.

You need to either enable anonymous access or create a user with the same username and password on freenas.

RAID and cold-stored data in combination as backup for the RAID.

ThinkPads are generally quite powerful and have VT-x or AMD-v, which is what you need for virtualization (aside from oodles and oodles of memory). Video-editing can make use of GPUs to do scrubbing and such, but can make do without.

It could also be overheating. Use hwinfo to check.

As a follow-up to my previous post, try enabling spread-spectrum in your CPU. It might ruin your overclocking if you're using that, but it should mean that if the CPU is causing it, that it'll stop.

I want to use Dr.Fone to recover a deleted photo

I tried all the recovery apps I could find but they are either too shit or require root

maybe someone can tell me an alternative to recovering that photo

Does someone have a links to posts of guys actually trying to install w7 on Kaby with a list of things that refused to work? All I get in google is all those repeating old news about it not happening.

Is the i5 6400T higher or lower binned than the i5 6400?

Yes, I know it runs slower stock. But it does so at half the TDP and a way lower voltage. The question is whether an average 6400 or average 6400T would hit a higher overclock using Skymeme BCLK.

Filters are disabled for indexed color images. Convert to RGB apply filters and convert back to indexed.

can someone tell me if this case can fit an h100i? i have been told other cases do when they dont, i dont want that again
also, if anyone knows a better case i can get for less than $100, please share

Well it also has been doing other weird stuff lately, as bsods and not finding the network driver on boot, but finding it after a reboot. Thinking of buying a faster ssd and reinstalling shitdos

How can I create a bootable USB of any Linux distribution without using the shit that unebootin is?


ejaculating dragon dildo

>ejaculating dragon dildo

wouldn't be surprised if it actually existed

What's the propability of big air cooler manufacturers getting off of their asses and releasing new coolers now that ryzen is known to use a new kind of socket? And how dumb would it be to buy a big air cooler right now? Can i safely take my 4690k over 4.2ghz with a 212 evo?

How fucking new are you?

>Won't work.
why ?

because winblows

Don't flatter yourself kid. I know the dragon dildo mehmeh, but I never saw an ejaculating one.

I've done it on a desktop with different MB/CPU. Had to re-register windows and run some software to delete drivers and settings before moving.

just check a youtube review for fuck sake.

why wouldnt there be one when regular ejaculating ones has been around for a long time?

this. sometimes you can get lucky and it works, sometimes you have to do what user said and fix drivers, and sometimes it just doesnt work at all.

it is much easier and faster to just reinstall.

>why wouldnt there be one when regular ejaculating ones has been around for a long time?

I'm not that d e e p into the niche

welp, it worked, windows set up the devices while booting, restarted, then saw some screen flickering, resolution changes, device setup, now windows update is doing the rest.