It would appear that chrome has started to default images as centered. That's a fucking drag

It would appear that chrome has started to default images as centered. That's a fucking drag.

I'm about to say fuck Chrome, anyways. It's a goddamn resource hog, and I can't stand that shit. This is 2017, motherfuckers.

What does "default images as centered" mean? If I open your png in a new tab it isn't centered.

And if it was, why would this be such a negative?

why on earth would you run chrome when chromium is out there and doesn't have as much google spyware???

Is there any way to revert it back to how it was before?

most peoples machines just arne't good enough to handle Chrome. It's the best performance browser hands down.

Wait what? Why am I getting this then despite no new extensions then?


Why the hell does every tab work as a new instance?


You're gonna have to ask an engineer, or just use Google. If you think there's no reason for it, you're just silly.

Time to spend forever trying to figure out what the fuck happened.

OP is a retard. Should have used the /sqt/

Performance? Maybe. Still, it's ranked as the worst when it comes to people who value their battery.

Each process can be assigned to a different core on the CPU. Can't be done with threads.

What is the problem?

Im sorry, I genuinely did thing it was a design change and its why i got so upset.

what version of chrome?

>open settings to check
>starts automatically updating
>restart chome
>now I'm in the OP's position


At least i'm not retarded I guess. Shame that they had to do this though, i don't like the center allignment for a lot of images.


What? Isn't that the whole fucking point of threads you dingus?

Do you mean
> on images on webpages
>Plain images opened appear on the center of the page

Apple Safari doesn't have this problem.

Not technology

Looks like for once they're copying Firefox.
Although Firefox's background is still superior.

Why is that bad?

The latter. They copied firefox.

>not disabling updates

Fuck me, I actually need this for work because I have to compare a mockup product which is usually a gif, to a working version.

This sucks, how do I disable it?

Restart the browser and welcome to the club

Still doesn't update. Its even started to annoy me with this shit

Workaround anyone?