What would you Sup Forumsentlemen do after rooting android?

what would you Sup Forumsentlemen do after rooting android?

install gentoo

aside from that?

Throw it in trash and buy iPhone

on your way to trash why not visit

install TempleOS

Install Xposed then snapsave or whatever it is

Toss that shit and buy an iPhone.

if possible unlock the bootloader and flash a rom that doesn't suck dick

You can't install iOS on chinkphones


-Use titanium backup to have a powerful backup solution

-Install antitheft with stronger self-protective capabilities

-Install xposed framework to have access to a host of tweaks and tools not available on stock

-Access advanced features on many apps

Where'd you find black soap?

Install various root applications that I find useful.

And after 2 minutes you get fatal kernel failure with impossibility to reflash so you have to throw that shit, lock yourself in the basement and jerk off to anime.

I've never once had that happen in all the years I've been rooting my phone. I've managed to boot loop devices but was able to easily fix them.

If you can't root your device you shouldn't be on this board.

install adaway, afwall llama and oandbackup.

Have you been constantly rooting your phone for years now? That's interesting.

what you dont have a jtag device to fix shit like this.

I root every device I've bought over the years. You only need to do it once per device. So in total, I've rooted four personal devices over tenish years.

Since it seems like you're only here to shitpost;

not as constantly as constant is your shitposting

return it. buy an iphone. get some pussy.

So your cheap phone breaks every other day?


Buy an iPhone

throw away completely good android device that wont actually be absolutely abundant in 2 years and choose to suck corporate dick instead, because im the hackerman on the internet, also my parents pay for it

edit the host file to block advertisements

>good android


Fat loser virgin NEET

in particular: install an ad blocker that actually blocks shit at the system level
yeah even non-rooted can use firefox with an adblocker addon as the browser but that doesn't help versus ads in any other app

Can it block android and pajeetdragon CPU?

i am yet to see a single reason why people think iphone is better than android in any way, you can jailbreak them both, do all kinds of stupid shit like give your info to jews, and ultimately the only difference is the price and amount of dick youre going to suck by chosing something as twice as expensive


Confirmed for not knowing anything about the topic

Wait, iPhone users see the green bubble when you text them from an android?

why would you expect that from someone who most likely works for money to feed himself to not die so he can go to work

go back to your containment board


tagged the wrong user, what i said still stands

so again:
1 look up xda for a ROM and flash it if you fancy
2 xposed
3 xposed modules (youtube background playback, gravity tools, etc )
4 viper4android
5 nova launcher with root
6 root file browser of your choice

buy iphone so i can infiltrate normies and their cult-like messaging system

Install Xposed, install YouTube background playback, install YouTube adaway, install adaway, install an old version of YouTube cause they are catching on to my tricks now

1. install systemcleanup
2. remove factory bloat, vendor bloat and google crap like gmail, gallery, chrome, g+ etc

Everything you need to know over at xda

Install custom recovery like TWRP. Have an SD card? Backups for life.

>ricing a telephone

>given iphone
>turn off message read reporting

am i doing it right?

Install a Custom ROM, recovery and root-only tools like Xposed.

Actually have control over your phone unlike all these iphony users

someone needs to post the account farm webm edited because thats basically whats happening in this thread.

Wish I knew what that was...

this is very good
nice very known meme there you did

one would think that Sup Forums actually knows something about technology but its actually 80% 16 year olds that built a 3000 dollar game rig once, if you cant read hex be very ashamed

who doesnt?

oh wait thats right iphone fags dont even have a slot