He watches anime on a korean display

>he watches anime on a korean display
tok kek what would your waifu think of you even if she knew that you would display her on a gook screen?

pic related i just bought a pure-bred japanese monitor with VA panel for maximum color & contrast . my waifu is proud of me

Uh... I dont watch anime and pretend anime girls are my "wife" you fucking loser

>top kek

but my waifu is a gook

>he doesn't watch anime on a sony tv
lmaoing at ur life

spotted the pedo

Is there some guide to screens?
but anyway Aoc or Lg???

>implying gooks are not the ones drawing anime.

Iiyama is Lenovo BTW. This is literally a thinkpad monitor. They are really nice too. Had a similar model.

Get out.