My boss just handed me a box full of old hard drives and told me to dispose of them properly, Sup Forums

My boss just handed me a box full of old hard drives and told me to dispose of them properly, Sup Forums.

What's the proper way to dispose of those things? Environmentally and data-security wise?

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You upload them to your computer and blackmail co-workers

Shred service. They wil shred them in front of you. Yes someone can still pull a tiny bit of data after shredding but chances of making sense of the data is almost impossible.

Blast them with piss


why not keep em and use em?

1.) DBAN
2.) Disassemble / remove platters
3.) Magnets to platters
4.) Destroy platters
5.) Dispose in different trash containers

This. I was given used parts that have been replaced, older but still high end, from my workplace. CPU, SSD, HDDs, GPU.. Just format and use them in your PC, OP.

If they contain info like ssn on them he might get into a lot of trouble for that if anyone ever found out

Torx screwdriver and hammer

If it's corporate data, a DBAN pass will completely destroy it and keep the hard drives sellable.

But your boss probably won't like that.
If you want to make your boss happy, treat the drives to a hammer.
If you want to make some money on the side AND be sure that the data is completely destroyed, dban them all.


This. Even if it's old shit, some people will buy them as replacement parts.

>implying your boss would trust you to dispose of them if they contained anything sensitive

Just DBAN and put them in the dumpster. If you have company money to spend then take them to a shredding service.

Sell them to the FBI or competing companies depending on whats on the drives.

Or use DBAN and build a NAS


Put them in your closet


He could, you know, wipe the drives?

>Referring to your employer as boss.

This and only this, they also give you a certificate of destruction that you can use later to prove you destroyed them in case data gets out via different means to clear yourself.

Just hide them so he thinks you did a good job and you get GBP

Just stomp on them outside.


Just like you should hide your identity by not using a tripcode.

1) sata secure erase
2) throw in the trash

You mean with a cloth or something?

format them then sell

Or use them yourself

>since 2017
well done

>handed me a box full of old hard drives and told me to dispose of them properly.

Why does he think that you are qualified to do this?

I bet this was really funny in your head

it's a quote, you dip

>haha I was only pretending

DBAN and give to a recycling center

r u serious

No man, I just don't know how it works digitally at all.

Sell them to me :-3

Data erasure expert here. For your situation just remove the plates and burn them in a container with cotton and alcohol, then recycle the metal or throw it away or whatever. If you want to feel like a 1337 haxx0r you can wipe them first, but there's really not reason to.


I could still recover that data

>What's the proper way to dispose of those things? Environmentally?

>data-security wise?

these guys and gals are experts on data destruction, give them a call :^)


Recycle them

Shred them

Send me one OP