Why don't we have a computer touch screen keyboard or mouse yet?

Why don't we have a computer touch screen keyboard or mouse yet?

Seems like keyboards and mouses haven't progressed in 15 years

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If it ain't broke, don't fix it

Why the fuck we need to improve perfection?
Touchscreen keyboards doesn't have sufficient feedback considering their use.

Do not even joke like that because you can not be sure if marketing faggots are not reading this.

Is it not enough that they killed fucking physical keyboard in smartphones?

user, do you hate yourself?

>sufficient feedback
don't they vibrate when you press them?

A touch screen keyboard is a fucking awful idea. It provides fuck all improvement over a regular keyboard and removes crucial tactile feedback. If you really want one get a tablet and place it on your desk, try typing on it without looking. You'll realize why nobody does it pretty quick.

On the mouse front I don't know if they still do it but Apple's Magic Mouse used to have a touch screen on it's surface in place of a scroll wheel, it was actually very good, particularly because it provided any direction scrolling and gestures.

Because will be fucking uncomfortable hit a flat surface.

vibration isn't sufficent. Downward motions also require a traver before reach the activation. That's, for example, why the macbook pro 2016 keyboard feels awkward even considering that also feels mechanical.

Phones were perfectly fine, then smartphones came in and now we can't live without them.
Point being, there's always room for improvement

Please don't respond to bad bait
Google it

I'd like a mouse like that. Does it also offer pinch to zoom web pages, spreadsheets, etc.?

Exactly, with normal keyboards you have a lot of control of what you're touching

>touch screen keyboard is a fucking awful idea

Wrong. It would be awesome

Computer Touchscreen Keyboards would just be much less effective than traditional ones. It would be quite Hard always to Hit the right Buttons. Maybe it would even be unhealthy for your Fingers... to Put in in a nutshell...it's a Bad Idea

The only thing that could improve could be the massive adoption of Dvorak or other layouts that account the most used words in the language

Because they provided significant additional functionality over the thing they replaced. A touch screen keyboard provides... Umm... Easy layout modification? I guess?

cool argument dude

I think so, it's been years since I used it. It definitely had two finger scroll so I can't see why it wouldn't have pinch. Sadly it was Bluetooth so it was a pain in the ass to make it work on Windows, you had to reconnect it every time to started it up.

Yes, and click by mistake things all the time. Normal mouse's lets you rest your palm on it

You could rest your hand on it just fine, it wasn't oversensitive.

>physical keyboard
>can press a key that your finger is already on
>doesn't matter whether your hands are less than perfectly clean
>don't have to look down at it to see where the keys are

Touch keyboards BTFO

>Is it not enough that they killed fucking physical keyboard in smartphones?
>Having a goyphone

good goy

It provides a lot actually. You could edit the keys anyway you want, you could have easy access to any app in your computer and it is easier to type in them. You think its bad because you haven't tried

When you type on a physical keyboard you use more than 1 finger at the time, so it's very likely for the other fingers to touch the other keys, the point is that they don't activate them. Using more than 1finger per hand with a touchscreen keyboard would require the accuracy and the care of a surgical operation, and just make you type slower


>it is easier to type in them.

>You think its bad because you haven't tried
I have tried, I have a surface and I was so infuriated by the touch input that I went out and bought the accessory keyboard so I wouldn't have to tolerate it any longer.

>You could edit the keys anyway you want
I cannot fathom why I would want to do this, the current keyboard is pretty close to just being a grid of buttons and changing the layout would necessarily involve adapting to a new layout. I have never been doing something and thought to myself, "Gee, I wish I could change the key layout right now, it would really improve my experience/increase my productivity".

> you could have easy access to any app in your computer
...But I already can? Binding a function key or other little used key to an application is child's play.

It'd be nice in the way that they could potentially be highly customizable, but I can't imagine people would be very happy about the lack of key ridges and I'm sure input/output delay would be common too.

Because it's garbage. The only thing that pisses me off on smartphones is the fucking touch screen keyboard. It's far too unreliable and buggy.

Besides I touch type so I actually need to feel the keys.

And you wouldn't be able to type without looking anymore...

Just imagine a touchscreen piano... We can't really locate where the buttons are without looking.

I think I would rather kys myself than play on something like that.

I have the experiencie of playing a touchscreen piano.
I wanted to kill myself.

Because it would be stupidly expensive as well as uncomfortable.

Repeatedly slamming the tips of your fingers into a completely unyielding surface is not a good time not to mention the inherent decrease in accuracy that you would get by removing physical keys

Are you retarded or have you really never used a keyboard outside of an iThing?

I bet all the fucking retards here wanting a touch keyboard can't even reach 90 WPM.

progress for progress' sake isn't progress at all, neither is it a law of technology, Sup Forums seems to have a hard time understanding that all progress ultimately has an endgame and things can't change with tangible benefits endlessly

smartphone virtual keyboards are bad enough and are barely functional without predictive algorithms, why would we want that expensive garbage on a desktop where the screen real estate constraints that made it a thing in mobile devices is not a problem?

>No physical bump on F and J
>No feel for individual buttons

How am i supposed to use that thing? The point of a keyboard is to be able to write without looking down on it.

is that picture supposed to convince me?

How would it be better to type if you don't have tactile feedback and you probably wouldn't be able to touch many buttons at the same time? I can only imagine it as being awkward and slower to type with.
Besides, I think it would consume way more energy than regular keyboards and would be way easier to break.

They would be easier to clean tho.

>Sup Forums is afraid of new tech

Wow this is a new low

>Sup Forums and the rest of the world doesn't like my retarded idea


The next desktop innovation is in active development. VR desktop experiences are the future. Imagine no physical screens each window a screen in your actual space.

>you could have easy access to any app in your computer and it is easier to type in them
>he doesn't have autohotkey
kek pleb

The following is just ONE reason why a touch screen keyboard is a bad idea

>Playing vidya
>unable to rest your fingers on WASD
>instant carpal tunnel syndrome

Typing on a touchscreen is absolutely no improvement over physical keyboards. Quite the opposite actually. But muh big screen

>Playing vidya

Touch screen keyboards would be for adults, not children

t. weeb

Because it would hurt like hell after typing for a hile

I prefer death


I feel sad for you because you can't enjoy vidya.
It can be pretty relaxing after a long workday.

Because touch interfaces suck

Check out the Microsoft Arc Touch.

The future is now.

Except for the retarded emoji bar and the retarded low travel that keyboard has pretty good switches.

>Seems like keyboards and mouses haven't progressed in 15 years
Despite what Sup Forums says decent wireless mouse/keyboards are now just as good as wired.

this triggers me almost as badly as pic related

>not having superior buckling spring keyboard


This has been tried at least 6 times in the past and has failed for the same reasons too

you can't work quickly on these
you can't type competently on these without looking while you type
one small crack on the screen and the whole things useless
no business or company will buy 1 of these $100+ non productive gimmicks when they can buy 20 fully functional keyboards
and most importantly, these require 3rd party drivers and will always be ever so slightly less responsive then a $5 keyboard, the one thing they'd expect from a wired keyboard

>no Super modifier.
I'd post the le garbage man but I deleted by meme folder.

Fuck touch typing on something like that.

The problem with display keyboards is that they are fucking uncomfortable since you can't leave your fingers on them and they have 0 feedback (no I don't use a mechanical keyboard mine is a cheap rubber dome one from Walmart) ,they slide so you will often mistype and they also get cold.

it would be great to learn languages though, but there is a better, productive (and expensive) way to achieve changing buttons and you don't need touch keyboards for that.

The mouse is a horrible device though.

Bring back slide out keyboards!





well played

muh clickey keys

Trackballs 4 lyfe yo!

Easy with the memes Jeremy

>he speaks only one language
jejeje ooh la la 笑

Touchscreen mouse? So you mean like touchpad?

No I mean a screen touchpad

Lots of people don't like it but I'm a fan of butterfly switches in the new MacBook Pros. Nice and clicky.

A touchscreen keyboard is a fucking awful idea. The idea of being able to change the layout is not, however.

Once technology advances enough to make this economical, or is capable of forming physical keys with feedback on a grid-like screen, that would be wonderful.

>item A is bad
>item B is better than item A
Those are different statements, user.

so a tablet?

I feel like I would have to look at the keyboard every time I brought my hands to it
at least with physical keys, I can jus place my hands down and know what keys I'm touching

Are you saying RGB isn't enough?

because what we have now is fine and there is no need to change it

You need a license to go outdoor now?

Okay guys
What if we made one
With haptic feedback
Like HD rumble
Would that make it better?

no go fuck yourself its perfect the way it is

I got the one without the touch bar because I thought it was stupid.

What if we made the touchscreen bendable and raised sections of it with switches underneath?

no no changes go away

Swype input nigga

how would you improve it? I don't think there's a better option and I don't see what's wrong with it

what world are you living in, OP

Kill yourself fascist

>buckling spring keyboard
>purple ones at that
>MAGA hat
all that's left is the anime

kill yourself

The Wiemar Republic called, they want their violent communist mobs back.

>having to extend your arm over your desk to touch the screen.

this is litterally what you're asking for, lot of AiO pc had those touch screen and they were dead useless.

Came here to post this. It's been tried several times, the yoga book is only the latest attempt. I've tried it in store, it's definitely way better than an on screen keyboard but it's nowhere near a proper keyboard. I'll stick with the old fashioned way, thank you very much.

>be based bro
>get tired of wearing glasses due to how uncomfortable they are on your ears and nose
>want to look cool with a cap
>this somehow triggers autistic fags deeply

The product you all crave already exists.

Wearing your hat backwards protects your neck from the sun. Be sure to remember that when you finally venture out of your cave.

If it aint broke, dont fix it. Why would you want a keyboard on which you cannot rest your hand?

>not ortholinear
>can't change the key layout
>expensive as all fuck

It would be awesome if it had tactile feedback your regular keyboard has. Also
>watching porn on a keyboard

No tactile feedback
No key shape