Chromium-based browsers

So, now that Firefox by SJWzilla is dead, which of these browsers should I switch to?

Which one does Sup Forums recommend or use?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is the font rendering on Iridium Browser so shitty. Everything looks blurry

Learn how to configure Firefox and you can easily make it great again.

use cent



set one of the config flags (go to ://flags and just search for font).

it's literally being maintained by one guy who can't even apply security patches in a timely manner.

>thread about chrome-based browsers
>firefox is dead
even a dead browser, that is dead because its converting to chrome-based garbage is still chrome based, update your picture op

>botnet-based browsers

Iridium and Ungoogled don't have any botnets.

Fireshit still has Pocket.

Vivaldi is still shit

why? it's comfy af

I loved using it for the theming but it pretty unstable and crashed often

doesn't now.

Question for those using Chrome/Chromium. Is there a point in enabling GPU-based rasterization? Pic related.


t. Vivaldi user

ungoogled chromium
best of both worlds

For some reason this causes me kernel lockup when using amdgpu/radeonsi drivers. I don't want to roll back to catalyst, so I leave it off.

My only beef with Ungoogled is that it's hard to install extensions. Sure, it's not impossible but it's just PITA.

I'm on nvidya + linux. not sure if it makes any difference.

Safari. too bad you cant use it :^)

Nah, you're probably fine.

On that point, if anyone knows any tips on how to not go fucking insane whilst trying to diagnose gpu/kernel hangs, I'd love to hear it.

>hard to install extensions
how so? go to extensions and add the package

And how do you download them in the first place?

chromium is the only sane choice

most extension creators host their stuff on github
i understand you're talking about chrome store not working

right. I use a few like lastpass and some others that are not on github... so downloading (and UPDATING!) is hard af. I don't even know how to monitor for updates and then upgrade.

Can anyone to explain to be the relationship between Mozilla and SJWs? Also, why is everyone saying that Firefox is dead? I'm obviously out of the loop.

I can

When Servo is done FF will blow Chromecucks out of the water

servo ain't gonna do shit


I used vivaldi for over a year and it's mostly great. It's just kinda bad in the sense of some bugs never getting fixed. For example html video playback just randomly corrupts half the time.

fuck brave

chromium is meh, you might as well use chrome and enjoy the sync features

fuck whatever the others are, they're so obscure they cant be worth it

literally WHAT is wrong with firefox, i actually switched back from chrome 3 years ago and none of this shit that people complain about happens to me
>muhzilla r sjw!!!!1!1!1
ah yes Sup Forums tourism smothers another board

just wait for quantum. firefox has good days ahead of it because mozilla is the only vendor truly innovating right now (rust, webrender).

>literally WHAT is wrong with firefox,
It's slow, it crashes a lot and it's laughably INSECURE.

it basically fails at most basic qualities that browsers strive for.

and once they kill off XUL extensions, it will be dead.

Is Opera botnet?


this is all down to perception. firefox doesn't feel slow to me whatsoever even on my phone and yet chromium doesn't feel right at all. maybe i'm just used to it.
>crashes a lot
has not crashed on me in the last year. give it a try maybe?
>laughably insecure
has more scrutiny due to the tor browser, but i'll admit that the architecture is dated and doesn't help the situation. however most browser bugs turn out to be memory corruption bugs which is a perfect target for rust.
>fails at most basic qualities that browsers strive for
erm mate i am using it right now, so it can't really be that much of a failure
>once they kill off xul extensions
xul is a real anachronism and increases memory usage, while xul addons add massive attack surface. xul addons are a dying breed, i can't actually name one worth using. umatrix replaces noscript and requestpolicy, ublock replaces adblock plus.

Mine works fine.

I really like Vivaldi, but it crashes sometimes when I drag and drop files. Also, moving tabs is not as fast as in FF or Chrome

you wasted all this time defending indefensible. you need a new hobby.

i can't see an argument here. gonna continue using firefox and supporting muhzilla, internet freedom fighters

Which of these browsers is FOSS

continue wasting your life away as well.

>Used nightly for 2 years straight.
>not one crash

>Which of these browsers is FOSS
all of them?

chrome - extension - downloader com

Opera Neon is literally the only choice left.

nope, chromium and brave are the only free and open source browsers on that list.

I prefer Yandex because it has DNS spoofing and DNS encryption. No need to fuck around with various other programs that might fail.

Iridium isn't open source?

sorry, didn't recognise iridiums new logo

q u t e b r o w s e r

>Russian botnet
not any better than MS EDGE

How is Iridium browser compared to other browsers? How does it differ?

No problem. I was just worried it wasn't getting the open source love it deserved.

I prefer russian botnet to every other one. Google/MS/etc botnet can put me in jail. Russians can't do shit to me.

Just ask John Carmack what he thinks of Google botnet that stored his internet searches and now he has to pay $150 million of his money for destroying the evidence. KEK

Only RETARDS use services from US companies.

I've literally just started playing around with it. It doesn't seem any different than Chromium. Less of the Google botnet I guess.

>tfw they will never actually make neon the base model because its just a concept meme

>Install Iridium.
>Wants my keyring.

make a new one you retard. it's using a keyring to securely store your passwords. you're tech-illiterate and don't belong on Sup Forums

>it's using a keyring to securely store your passwords
sounds shady

Like it is ever un-googled.

Thank god. There is so much space wasted.
The only useful feature is the multi-tab.

That's exactly the problem I have

opera until vivaldi proves its not shit

No. Also, disable canvas hardware accel. Not doing so makes you very, very browser-fingerpintable

>Thank god
feel free to kys you regressive cunt

Will you?

>Learn how to configure Firefox and you can easily make it great again.
Oh yeah, tell me how you'll make it secure.

It's not dead yet.