In case of torture

What are you going to do Sup Forums? How long can you withstand getting hit by a metal lever before you give them the encryption keys?

Shhiiit son, if they bring me in room like that I would start sperging out everything not just encryption keys.

Just because it's protocol encrypted doesn't mean you can't have it. Just download the .torrent.

Well first, this is why you want plausible deniability and hidden volumes and such.

Second, if you do things right, the goal is that government mooks never identify you in the first place. They can't bring you to a room and beat you with a rubber hose for doing something if they have no way of tying data in cyberspace to people in meatspace.

Hidden volumes cannot be trusted by their nature because, well, you can discover their existence (see the veracrypts' changelog, some russian guy found a way to identify the hidden header in a container)

Steganography :)

Again, they are torturing you and would they let you get away with an hdd full of cat pictures when the fucking three letter agency took notice of your existence.

nigger before i even reach the room they'll have my full life story

If I had something so serious on my disk that would make them want to torture me, I wouldn't let myself be in that position. What's your point anyway? Are you saying that cryptography and steganography are pointless?

This has been fixed months ago

And you can't discover a hidden volume if you don't even know an encrypted volume exists in the first place

Full disk encryption is for chumps who want the entire world to know they're hiding something

>he thinks a mere suspicion isn't enough to get tortured

Yes encryption is pointless the moment they reach to your physical body. Its not rainbows and unicorns, no one is going to spring into the torture room with a semi automatic weapon to save your ass.

>Not having a contingency plan and a volume with files you can give them in this exact situation

Then don't encrypt anything, nobody will force you to.

And they'll get you to say anything, no matter if true. Good example of why such methods don't work.

Not requiring a 2nd party (real life not digital) relay in order to use the keys
It's like you enjoy being a snitch

Testing a key for validity is a piece of cake, user

If I had files like that I would have myself fitted with a cyanide tooth for instant suicide anywhere.

They cant torture you over anything they want to use in court, can they?

So they just torture you for fun or to get a scapegoat of sorts. What the fuck do you have that would warrant torturing and disposing of you, after all...?

That's not what I mean: they could make you say things on record that incriminate you beyond the scope of their evidence, even if what you say is not true. E.g. "Just say you did it, and we'll stop". What if the person didn't do it? Same goes for incriminating others, where person under duress can be forced to say "Yes, he's a commie", etc, which can be used as evidence in whatever agenda.

As long as it's nothing personal, I just teleport out of the room

What if you forget your katana?

If they're torturing you, you're already outside whichever country you live in or in a black site inside it and you're not getting out for a court case after the play session.

>Saddam has nuclear warheads.
>i'm gay
>Trump is a living pisstank