Why dont we just make a browser

Why dont we just make a browser

its a bitch and takes a long time to reach standard security standards. Just let Google keep optimizing Chrome. In 10-15 years your browser will replace your OS, and will be able to run games big league.

Because a web broswer is a ridiculously complicated piece of software, and nobody needs "webkit with a shitty GUI tacked on #1256".

I can work on the logo.

Current browsers aren't the problem, it's the world wide web that's become shitty. But just for fun OP, what would you like to see in your ideal browser?

>standard security standards


Yeah because of course you need to run every piece of software by Standardizing Agencies (read: scams) in order to share it.

Enjoy being one with the botnet, Fletcher. How's Java 101 treating you? Planning out your next Chrome script yet?

>run games
Kill yourself.

I'll make a second one so we can choose.

I'll make a fork of the browser, based on my preference for the losing logo and market that browser as being an optimized, and more cutting-edge version of the other browser.

Rate my logo

The name is better than the logo.

Then let us use the same logo twice, but for the forked browser we'll have a flat version that only has 2 colors.

always means "not me"

just let the actual art students design it

>big league

I like the idea, but I don't like that you're taking my fork away. I think we need to switch our plans to creating 4 browsers, two of which fork and feed off one another, and two which represent the cutting-edge versions of those browsers.

Sounds like a plan. How will we distinguish the original two browsers?

The logo is done

What's wrong, you don't want a built in physics engine?

That hurt to read


There was a guy who tried, years ago. It was so bad and they patched it so much it became a web server. So Apache was born.

>you will never find this poster and break his arms and legs and smear shit on his face

I'll make the logo

The problem lies in how you define "browser". If Chrome skins are not browsers to you then you'll simply waste time making a worse thing. Otherwise redesigns are perfectly viable and way more convenient as proven by Opera for example.

make a basic frontend for the engine of your choice

Sup Forums can barely write fizzbuzz. Maybe one post in every 5 fizzbuzz threads would be acceptable is submitted in an assessment for a real coding job.
There's no way in hell this shithole is making a usable, lite browser.

Just contribute to breach.js

Everything Sup Forums makes is shit.


I think we're getting somewhere

How? The browser is slowly but surely becoming an OS/VM of its own.

Deal, or feel.