Is the Switch the tablet Sup Forums always wanted?

Is the Switch the tablet Sup Forums always wanted?

Actual vidya with actual controllers.

>no basic video apps on launch

>got a Wii-U
>shit games besides Smash Brothers
Fool me once, Nintendon't.

It's called the switch because you should switch to something decent

Wow it's a better size than I thought. Nice.
>launching with new version of SF2
>no dpad


the only requirements i have for my tablet are that it has physical buttons (not a bar taking up the screen you may need to swipe for access to), and that i can cum on it without ruining it, evidently.

I'd ruined my PSP like goddamn a decade ago by now by cumming on it, portables with buttons cum can seep in between is not what i'm looking for anymore.

What the fuck

Get a Rift or other headset. Oh wait, you'd cum on that too.

What are you, a fucking chimp?

... really make me think...

>Nintendo Switch to 3rd party
It'll be abandonware within a year. Also, it's barely a tablet anyway, with a dinky 6.2" screen and hardly any actual apps, just piles of Nintendoware. And last gen Turdra X1 processor.

Where are you normalfags coming from? Plebbit?

>actual vidya
>that beyond shitty opening line up

its just another mario machine, fuck off with your toys

>they don't cum on a tablet
>must be normies

>dinky 720p panel
>bezels straight outta 2010
>shit tier battery life
>budget bin hardware

Legitimately should be a $150-$200 device tops. The bill of materials on this is going to be dirt cheap. Top end flagship smartphones only cost $200~ to build, and have significantly higher end hardware going into them. This is a low quality Foxconn made Chink tablet demanding a premium for what it is.

b-but muh high quality joycons ..

it's not, imo—actually, presence or absence of integrated video game controls, does not significantly influence my tablet buying decisions. cheers

It's either a Smach Z or Switch for me. i can wait for both.

I'd really love a tablet you can clamp some controllers onto the side... and it not be shit. A lot of the controller options are pretty shit.

But smash 4 is shit

Payed online kills any hype for me.

I have an Xperia Z4 tablet, it is great. Fully waterproof so I can even take it in the shower with me.

I've preordered one from France for €299.

If it gets a gamecube virtual console I'll get it

The Smach Z looks pretty cool, but I'm worried about the screen. I hope they don't skimp here and ruin what could otherwise be an all around awesome UMPC.
Its basically a 15w passively cooled ultrabook in a handheld. Has HDMI out, and you can hook a mouse and keyboard up to it. The thing is kind of goofy looking though.

maybe its bad if you dont like playing with actual people

everyone has like three devices with those by now

> Sup Forums wanted a gaming tablet

Maybe its bad because the gameplay is so boring and slow for it only having 2 stocks

>2 stocks
You can put up to 99 stocks retard lmao

The problem is you're shocked that someone would cum on their tablet.

The metagame is 2 stocks retard you can set the stock number up to 99 in any smash game but brawl has used 3 stocks and melee has used 4 its like every new iteration has been slower and more painful to play

Lmao fucking fatass

Why would I want to set it to 99 anyway when 2 stocks drags on for longer than it should?

720p is fine for gaming, but i guess if you want to satisfy your UMPC boner anything under 4k is disappointing right?

I'm am chubby and they're still way too fucking big.

Put the damage multiplier up then retards. You don't need to do no items 2 stock final destination fox only.

I don't mean resolution, I mean viewing angles/brightness/color quality/etc.
A cheap display can run a device.

Never said thats how I play but items are shit they can be fun every ince in awhile but overall I don't like playing with them and I'll be honest I've never messed with the damage multiplayer but honestly the game just doesn't really do it for me if you like it more power to you play what you like don't let some autist tell you what to like but I much prefer melees movement and options that game really spoils you honestly

>video gaymes

>DNC thought it was a good idea to pretend she had a 99+% chance of winning
Clinton campaign was too smart to win.

Take your manchild shit to Sup Forums. There is no future in playing or having video games and I hope you retards know this.

>Top end flagship smartphones only cost $200~ to build, and have significantly higher end hardware going into them.
That's why they cost $700-800.

They have pricetags that high because they're flagship devices. They pay for the R&D. Apple and Samsung have the most expensive smartphones on the market and each company also develops their own SoC. They still only cost $200~ to make. One of the recent Samsung phones was the most expensive to manufacture ever, and its BOM was only $250.
Midrange devices are significantly cheaper to make, and some entry level phones are less than $50, right where the Switch would be.

>requires dollarydoos to go online

i got a nvidia swith k1. should i install any custom roms on it?

Why are you talking about a spaceheater in a tablet thread?

>doesn't dualboot Windows

