
New speccy thread. just got this new laptop, it's not the best but it's good enough for me.

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These threads are gay


club soda


My XG2401 144Hz monitor should be here Monday.

Does your CPU bottleneck your Graphics card?

and proud

ASUS zenbook. I really like it far more than I thought I would.

forgot le pic


>1366x768 on a desktop
the horror


Upgraded from a phenom ii 965 after 8 years feels good nigga

Finally upgrading this PC I built in 2010. Only thing I changed in it around 2013 was the GPU, as the old one died.

Pretty damn excited.


I only have the GPU, CPU, and monitors left to buy. I was going to wait for Ryzen, but I'm glad to get an i7 for now, as I might build a second computer later in the year with Ryzen/VEGA.

posting while waiting for a dang call of duty lobby to fill up

Ryzen/VEGA sounds good right now. Hope it turns out well.


single channel ram, gg

temps while watching 720p60 vid on youtube

FFS user.

You got a i7 975 EE??? Thos were sooo fucking expensive, and just a quadcore with open multiplier. Why didn't you get a i7 970 hexa core? Or even better a xeon x5650?

And after cleaning heatsink and new thermal paste.

Yeah I'ma buy 4x16 GiB soon enough but I've been spending too much money lately so maybe in a few weeks

4tb hdd was the most recent purchase, outside of that it's mostly 2 years old now.

Who else >shitcpu here?

>not waiting for zen
step up your waiting game nigga

what is your 955 clock? that temp is nice

Ayy lemão

Define shit
i was quite pleased with my Athlon x4 860k until it shortcircuited
undust your computer, you scrub

Not even a computer you pleb.

using a 12core 1.6ghz haswell-ep xeon atm, so i am shitcpu at the moment. sold my e5-2683v3 last week and getting a e5-2699v4 in two weeks.


Holy hell user, you really should do some computer cleaning.. Atleast once a decade.

On a sidenote, if you get your temps under control you could do some really cheap upgrades for your computer..

Core2 duo T9400 goes on ebay for like $10-15, and a 4gb stick of ddr3 so-dimm ram is also dirt cheap. And a SSD will boost your performance immensely..

Do you crossfire your APU with your GPU?
Does it improve or worsen performance? Just curious. Haven't seen an APU/GPU combo on a while.

The hell do you need 22 cores for? Aren't those really fucking expensive? and you cant even overclock them..

not him, but overclocking defeats the point of running server hardware and ECC memory. stability > speed


It's a shitty laptop, it's not even worth wasting a dime on it yet. Once I get something better it will go straight to the trash bin.

You dont need to use ecc memory for those cpus, they run on x99 chipsets.. Also you don't need to overclock past stability.

I hear you.

Not really now.

I leave it disabled most of the time, it is possible though, but they cant work together. They only can run independent of each other.

>all these Windows 10
Explain your logic, anons. What reasons have made you give up the nearly decade-old masterpiece that is Windows 7?

built this pc in May 2011

ignore the mobo temp, it's measuring AUX for some reason instead

So half your budget went to the RAM?


>sandy bridge
>radeon r9
>classic theme
But why?

Actually I think I still have all the receipts in my email for each part if you wanna know the total price for this pc



Don't you know that dialog was held over from Windows XP? With Vista and 7's Aero theme, graphics rendering is offloaded to the GPU. The classic theme is done entirely in software by the CPU, meaning that Aero will actually improve performance. And with that ancient CPU you'd need it.



mobo 69.99
memcard reader 9.99
4g ddr2 ram 49.99
500g HDD 39.99
600w PSU 49.99
heatsink 49.99
wifi card 14.99
cd-drive 29.99
cpu (used) 70.00
GPU (refurb) 80.00
tower free
keyboard and mouse free
monitor 32" LCD tv not included

$415 for the whole thing

pretty cheap actually


Why? That's like pairing a 1080 with a Celeron 420 Blaze-It.
>4g ddr2 ram 49.99
Nigga that ain't cheap. See what I meant about DDR2 being ridiculously expensive in 2011? Just a foreshadowing of the hard drive shortage of 2012.


I paid $75 shipped for that 975, and then I sold my original 920 for $80 shipped with the stock heatsink, so I broke even.

The 970 is a whole different generation, and is around $150 used. I originally wanted the 990X but at the time it was well above $400

I didnt know Xeon had any decent chips for the 1366 socket when I bought the EE.
I would probably get one as a final upgrade down the line.

I got through some BSODs a month ago, but now I can't seem to open programs via the windows search. Figured the HDD was fucking up.

What SSD can you recommend, Sup Forums?

If you need something to just boot and run programs off of, a 120GB Adata shit oughtta do fine.

stock lmao

also see

Me too. The i7 is expensive, but it's nowhere near as bad as paying $1000 for a 1080 that can't even into 4K that well on it's own.

>muh low temps

I couldnt wait because motherboard gave up so fuck waiting for 2 months

Waiting for zen forever

Forgot the rest

>ITT: eDick-measuring contest

Contemplating what to upgrade next

Yeah i use chrome and Win 7, Quite comfy.

That GPU.

>All the memes that trigger Sup Forums

Main machine

Secondary pc.


Old desktop

Dell Optiplex dual booting XP and Xunbuntu.

Daily driver.

Donate me one of those.

>give me free stuff

R8 my shitty build

My apartment charges me a flat rate for my electricity so I said fuck it and keep the ac ice cold at all times

CPU is a 7700k at 5.0GHZ and ram is DDR-4 3200mhz

>Donate me one of those.

if only speccy showed actual cpu speed of 4ghz and ram speed at 1600

i think i already posted in here fuck it

Just completed my build the other day.

Just got a new tablet-like thing, how are these temps?
Ive seen the CPU go up to 3.5GHz before

I wish I knew what these scores meant
Why does cinebench show me as windows 8?

This build is about 5 years old. Any recommendations for a performance upgrade? Upgrading my cpu means upgrading my mobo and memory, are the new cpu's enough of an upgrade for that to be worth it?

Plebs. All of you.

Faulty motherboard and cpu temp sensors?

You deserve this

>tfw my CPU isn't faster than light

Your OS is running a little warm

Ok never seen speccy show a temp next to the os.

Why the fuck didn't you buy a used thinkpad with a 900p display minimum?


newly built

Not speccy but my parts are coming in and I want to contribute

>tfw my OS isn't hot

Did you get an overpriced b250 board just for the ram?
You could've gotten z170 and overclocked your cpu
And no SSD?

Nah I got it cause it had some internet improvement thing cause I have shit australian internet and I was being lazy and just rushed through the motherboards catalogs and saw it had DDR4 support also don't really want an SSD I can wait for stuff to load.


I get it you're one of "those" australians
Now it all makes sense

kek, shitposting till the day I die