He doesn't use a firewall to block his pirated software from phoning home

>He doesn't use a firewall to block his pirated software from phoning home

But i do.

Atually that's one of the first things i do on all my devices along with encryption, even on my phones.

>having to pirate software

how do i do this? kinda nervous here

>he is too poor to pay for software

>he didn't build his own router
>spyware always bothering me for the wifi password

>He doesn't verify the checksum.

>he still pirates software
Get a job.

Yeah. I use hosts.

>he is dumb enough to pay for numbers

so how do you know which addresses to block?

spoiler: you don't.

I do. Otherwise the software wouldn't work at all.

How do you know which addresses to add to your firewall?

firewall is capable of blocking on a per-program basis, so I don't have to add individual addresses.

obviously, the host file is not capable of this

>using a software firewall
I guess this is where I start laughing.

make a rule that drops all outbound traffic and place exceptions as needed.

this sounds more like application control rather than a firewall.

> having to use free software to avoid pirating
I didn't know this place was full of poorfags

I have zero need for pirated software as an adult. A decade ago there were far less free alternatives. Now it's fine. Everything else is covered by my job.

What do you even pirate?

Newfag detected.

>uses windows with pirated software and not arch w/ FOSS software

Newfag detected.

>Free software = poor
>Pirating = not poor
Hmm... Maybe one day I will understand the deeper meaning hidden within this post.

They're saying those are both options for the poor. Which is completely true.