Believes everything should be free and envisions a post-scarcity luxury socialists society

>believes everything should be free and envisions a post-scarcity luxury socialists society

When are you going to decuck from this leftist nerd?

You have to go back

Free as in freedom, not free as in beer.

If you live in a free country, are you allowed to be taken for free?

He obviously thinks all software should be free and devoid of cost

So you're saying he wants fully automated luxury gay space communism?

The best summary of Stallman is while he doesn't believe Software needs to be given out for free (as in zero dollars) any mechanism that actually *makes* you pay for software is bad and shouldn't be allowed.

Yes, that is exactly as stupid is as it sounds.

Addendum TL;DR

Stallman basically thinks all software should more-or-less be winrarware with a few other bits of particular licensing autism- it's not bad to pay for things, but now one should actually *make* you pay, which is hopelessly delusional.

The important part is the forcing. To force, you need DRM- payment for things needs to be voluntary, like it currently is with ALL MEDIA.
Paying for music is optional and people still do it.

is this even possible?

Can we go over all the forms of the word cuck?


be quiet.

When the day of the helicopter comes the freetards will be first in line

Post-scarcity utopian society isn't a commie concept. It'll happen regardless.

No, because that implies there is a way to evenly distribute resources which there isn't.

>Post-scarcity utopian society isn't a commie concept. It'll happen regardless.
How else should we manage our resources?

>well guys we have unlimited everything basically fixing any issues socialism had in the 20th century
>let's keep living in liberal democracy anyway lol :)

It's only really optional because there's very little you can do to control a media file because they're non-interactive; at the end of the day nothing can stop you hooking the media player to a tape recorder or a DVR machine and recording a new copy. This is trivial compared to producing functional duplicates of software.

Believe me, if Music companies could properly have music DRM, they absolutely would.

>Ohh I remember the precuck era, when feminists wasn't in power and shitposting online wasn't punished by death or forced feminization.

>believes we should live prior to 1980s reverse engineering of the IBM PC architecture and insteam just use IBM provided mainframes that are too expensive and will only be present in public utility zones or at work environments

>this will furthur increase price and knowledge required because less people are in the field who can afford to train with the hardware

>all software is licensed by IBM, no alternitives.

>anything else is illegal

>no information is open so any competition in hardware/software was either produced with IBM supplied intellectual property or it will be like a wrist watch vs a smart phone in comparison

>there will be no market for that device and it would never progress

who are you quoting?

reminder: apple was made on illegal reverse engineered IBM hardware!

reminder: when microsoft stopped making software and started making a OS somehow they maintained compatibility with IBM software despite being competition

im responding to OP

clearly he doesnt understand that modern computing, the PC itself is the result of people who believed information should be shared are that standards should be open to let knowledge spread

>he's Sup Forums because he dosent like socialism

What does that have to do with open source software?

>GNU Emacs manual: Read Online or Purchase
>An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp: Read Online or Purchase
Free my ass
What a f'ing fraud


>thinking I wanted to start some debate
Cute little Drumpftards, I know you're too dumb to understand basic economic concepts. :)

Stallman is a socialist (commie). Read the OP